AP Schools School Revised Time Table (New) 2023-2024, Subject wise weightage instructions Download Pdf

AP Schools School Revised Time Table (New) 2023-2024, Subject wise weightage instructions

AP Schools School Revised Time Table, Subject wise weightage/ workload and Periods Upper Primary and High Schools instructions  

AP Schools School Revised Time Table All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the existing 8-period pattern of school timetable for Upper Primary Schools and High Schools has been revised into 8 periods pattern of school timetable and workload from the year 2023-24 for effective implementation of overall development of the learner-based teaching-learning process, keeping in view of the RTE recommendations, The details are as follows:

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New Timing of AP Schools for Primary, UP, and High School 2023 – Start from 12th June 2023

AP Schools Timetable (2023-2024): Subject-wise Weightage, Period Allotment Guidelines, Download PDF – scert.ap.gov.in

For AP Schools, the revised timetable for the academic year 2023-2024 is now available. This new timetable includes subject-wise weightage instructions, which can be downloaded in PDF format. It provides guidelines for allotting periods based on both subjects and classes. To access the official model timetable and obtain detailed information, please visit the website scert.ap.gov.in.

AP School timings for Upper Primary Schools/High Schools (VI to X)

AP High School Timetable for 9th and 10th Class
AP High School Timetable for 9th and 10th Class
AP High School Timetable for 8th and 7th Class
AP High School Timetable for 8th and 7th Class
AP High School Timetable for 6th Class
AP High School Timetable for 6th Class

Instructions to Headmasters of Upper Primary and Highs Schools

All the headmasters of High schools and Upper Primary schools in the State of AP follow the guidelines while preparation and implementation of Time table. The Headmasters of Upper Primary and High Schools prepare timetables based on the number of teachers available and a number of sections in the school.

Headmasters should follow the Weightage of Periods as mentioned in the academic calendar. The workload should be distributed equally among the teachers. Value education, Art education, Work education, and library book reading-is consisting of total 28 periods in classes VI and VII and 33 periods in classes VIII to X should be equally distributed to all the teachers in order to maintain an equal workload except Maths, Social and Physical education teachers.

Priority should be given to the teacher’s interest for co-curricular areas allotment. Headmaster may decide on co-curricular areas allotment.

  1. Biological Science teacher – teach VI class Science and 1 Lab period.
  2. Physical Science teacher – teaches VII class Science and 1 Lab period.

Where ever Vocational Education is in force and vocational Instructors are available, the Head Master is instructed to allot 5 Vocational Education periods by using periods allotted to work Education, Value Education, Library period etc.,

  1. If a Physical Science teacher has a Mathematics degree and mathematics methodology in B.Ed. may be allotted class VI mathematics.

Download Copy Revised UP/High Schools Timetable

FAQ For AP Schools School Revised Time Table 2023

Q1: What is the AP Schools School Revised Time Table (New) 2023-2024?

A: The AP Schools School Revised Time Table (New) 2023-2024 refers to the updated schedule of classes and activities for schools in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, for the academic year 2023-2024. It provides the subject-wise timetable for various classes and includes any revisions or changes made to the original timetable.

Q2: Where can I download the PDF of the AP Schools School Revised Time Table?

A: To download the PDF of the AP Schools School Revised Time Table, you can visit the official website of the Andhra Pradesh School Education Department or the respective school’s website. The PDF file is usually made available for download on these platforms.

Q3: What do the Subject wise weightage instructions refer to?

A: The term Subject wise weightage instructions typically relate to the allocation of marks or importance given to different subjects or topics within the curriculum. It provides guidelines for the distribution of marks or emphasis on particular subjects, helping students understand the relative importance of each subject in terms of scoring or academic performance.

Q4: How can I obtain the PDF file for the Subject wise weightage instructions?

A: To obtain the PDF file for the Subject wise weightage instructions, you can check the official website of the Andhra Pradesh School Education Department or the respective school’s website. The document is generally available for download in PDF format, allowing you to access the information and guidelines regarding subject weightage.

Q5: Why is it important to refer to the AP Schools School Revised Time Table (New)?

A: Referring to the AP Schools School Revised Time Table (New) 2023-2024 is crucial for students, teachers, and parents as it provides the updated schedule for classes and activities throughout the academic year. It helps students plan their study routines, manage their time effectively, and ensure they don’t miss any classes or important events. Teachers can structure their lesson plans accordingly, and parents can support their children in adhering to the timetable.

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