AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms 2025 Released | Re Apportionment of Teaching Staff, Primary, UP, High Schools Revised Staff Pattern 2025

AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms

AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms Establishment of Model Primary Schools

Guidelines for the Rationalisation of AP Teachers, 2025 G.O.Ms. No.117 Withdrawal, Model Primary School Creation, Teaching Staff Distribution, Primary, UP, and High Schools Revised Staff Pattern 2025. AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms | AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms 2025 Released | Reapportionment of Teaching Staff, Primary, UP, High Schools Revised Staff Pattern 2025. AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms 2025.  Employees Rationalization Norms 2025

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Education in Schools – strengthening School Education – Removing G.O.Ms. No.117 – Creating Model Primary Schools in Every Grama Panchayat while ReAllocating Teaching Staff to Different Managements, such as Government, Zilla Parishad/Mandal Parishad Schools, and Municipal Schools – Preparatory Guidelines – Issued Memo. No. ESE02-13021/4/2024-E-VII dated 09.01.2025 AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms.

Following Guidelines have Been issued: AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms

AP Teachers Rationalisation Norms, Guidelines 2025, Withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.117, Re Appointment of Teaching Staff, Primary, UP, High Schools Revised Staff Pattern 2025, Establishment of Model Primary Schools, School Education – Strengthening of School Education – Withdrawal of G.O.Ms.No.117 – Establishment of Model Primary Schools in each Gramme Panchayat and Reapportionment of Teaching Staff across various Managements, such as Government, Zilla Parishad/Mandal Parishad Schools, and Municipal Schools.


1.G.O.Ms.No.84 SE Dept Dt.24.12.2021.

2. G.O.Ms.No.117 SE (SER.II) Dept, Dt.10.06.2022.

3. G.O.Ms.No.128 SE (SER.II) Dept, Dt.13.07.2022

4. G.O.Ms.No.60 SE (SER.II) Dept, Dt.23.06.2023.

5. G.O.Ms.No.84 MA & UD(D1) Dept Dt.24.06.2022.

6. Govt. Memo.No.2671542/Ser.II/A.2/2025-1 SE Dept Dated.08.01.2025

With reference to the instructions issued by the Government vide reference 6th cited, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers are aware that Government, vide
Reference 1st cited, has restructured and relocated the existing Anganwadi Centres and existing non-residential schools run by the State Govt., Mandal Parishad, Zilla Parishad, Municipal and Tribal Welfare Departments schools from the academic year 2021-22 for optimum utilization of infrastructure and human resources, as outlined below:

(i) Satellite Foundational School (PP1 & PP2)
(ii) Foundational School (PP1, PP2, Class 1st & 2nd)
(iii) Foundational School Plus (PP1, PP2, Classes 1st to 5th)
(iv) Pre-High School (Classes 3rd to 7th or 8th)
(v) High School (Classes 3rd to 10th)
(vi) High School Plus (Classes 3rd to 12th)
2. Consequent on restructuring of schools, the 3 rd, 4th, and 5th classes of 4731 Primary schools were mapped to 3,348 Upper Primary & High Schools within a 1 K.M radius by providing subject teachers, subject to
the availability of classrooms and infrastructure. Accordingly, 2,43,540 students from classes 3 rd, 4th, and 5th were mapped to the 3,348 Upper Primary and High Schools.

3. Accordingly, the Government, vide G.O.2nd to 4th cited, issued norms for the reapportionment of teaching staff under various managements viz., Government, Zilla Parishad/ Mandal Parishad Schools. As a result:
→ Many students have enrolled in private schools
→ The dropout rate in Government schools has increased
→ The mapping process has increased the workload of teachers in Pre-High Schools and High Schools.

4. Meanwhile, the Government, vide reference 5th cited, entrusted the supervision and administrative responsibilities of the Municipal schools to the School Education Department, in line with the system followed for
Government & Panchayat Raj Schools.
5. The Government of Andhra Pradesh, with a concept of long-term planning and recognizing the difficulties in implementing G.O.117, decided to bring the 3rd, 4th and 5th classes back from High Schools to Primary Schools with the following aims

  •  To increase enrollment
  •  To reduce dropout rates
  •  To improve the quality of education
  •  To prepare students to become global citizens with bright future

To achieve these objectives, the Government is focusing on strengthening the infrastructure of all Government schools under the Mana Badi: Mana Bhavishyathu program and streamlining various schemes such as the Dokka Seethamma Mid-Day Meal Program, Talliki Vandanam, and Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Vidyarthi Mitra.

6. In addition to the above, the authorities conducted several meetings with stakeholders to revamp the existing structure of schools and have considered their suggestions on the following:

A. Categorization of schools
B. Accessibility
C. Workload
I. Primary Schools (1st to 5th Classes)

a) There are 32,596 Foundational and Foundational Plus schools spread across 13,325 Gram Panchayats and wards in Municipalities in the state, resulting in an average of 2 to 3 schools per Gram Panchayat or Municipality.

b) This has led to school-going children in Gram Panchayats and Wards in Municipalities being scattered across more than two schools, resulting in an increased number of schools with low enrollment. According to the latest UDISE data, only 17% of Foundational and Foundational Plus schools have an enrollment of more than 60 students, while the remaining 83% of schools are running with less than 60 enrollment. This imbalance adversely
affects the academic standards of students and increases the dropout rate.

To address the above setbacks:

i. The following structure of Primary Schools in the state is proposed:

a. Satellite Foundational School (PP1 & PP2), run by the Women
& Child Welfare Department.
b. Foundational School (PP1, PP2, Class 1st & 2nd);
c. Model Primary School (PP1, PP2, Classes 1st to 5th);
d. Basic Primary School (PP1, PP2, Classes 1st to 5th);

ii. Establishment of Foundational School by integrating co-located Anganwadi Centers with primary school or by relocating nearby Anganwadi Centers for ensuring seamless Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), in coordination with Women & Child Welfare Department, subject to feasibility.

iii. Establishment of Model Primary School in Gram Panchayats/Wards in Municipalities with student enrollment of 60 and above, having sufficient infrastructure, by providing one teacher per class.

Exception: In areas where natural or artificial barriers exist, only Basic Primary School will function.
Note: 1) In normal cases, Model Primary School shall be established based on student enrollment.
2) In exceptional cases, the School Management Committees (SMCs) may propose the location of Model Primary School based on factors such as the central location, the local community needs, prevailing social conditions and available infrastructure.

Scenario 1: Gram Panchayat 1 (As per G.O 117)

S.No School Name Enrolment Classes Teachers
1 MPPS No 1 25 1st to 5th 2
2 MPPS No 2 15 1st to 5th 1
3 MPPS No 3 13 1st to 5th 1
4 MPPS No 4 15 1st to 5th 1
5 MPPS No 5 21 1st to 5th 2
6 ZPHS 468 3rd to 10th 17

Revised Scenario

1. Upgrade MPPS No.1 to a Model Primary School with an increased enrollment of 146 students. Enrolment includes shifting of 105 students from ZPHS (Classes 3rd to 5th) and 16 students from other 4 MPP Schools (3rd to 5th). The school, equipped with 2 pucca and 1 semi-pucca buildings, 5 teachers will be allocated to ensure
quality education.

2. Upon Shifting of Students studying 3-5 Classes, MPPS No.2 will be converted into a Foundational School, retaining 12 students of Class 1st and 2nd. One teacher shall be provided as per RTE
norms. Similarly, Convert MPPS No:3,4,& 5 as foundation Schools retaining Students Studying 1&2 Classes with one teacher as per RTE norms

3. ZPHS remains as Regular High School with Classes 6th to 10th ,with an enrollment of 463 students on shifting of 3rd to 5th class students to Model Primary School.

Revised School Structure in Gram Panchayat 1

S.No School Name Enrolment Classes Teachers Alternate Model
1 MPPS No.1 146 PP1, PP2, 1st to 5th 5 + 1 (PSHM) Model Primary School
2 MPPS No.2 12 PP1, PP2, 1st and 2nd 1 Foundational School
3 MPPS No.3 10 PP1, PP2, 1st and 2nd 1 Foundational School
4 MPPS No.4 11 PP1, PP2, 1st and 2nd 1 Foundational School
5 MPPS No.5 15 PP1, PP2, 1st and 2nd 1 Foundational School
6 ZPHS 463 6th to 10th 14 High School

Scenario 2: Gram Panchayat 2 (As per G.O 117)

S.No School Name Enrolment Classes Teachers
1 MPPS No.1 84 1st to 5th 3
2 MPPS No.2 40 1st to 5th 2
3 MPPS No.3 21 1st to 5th 2
4 ZPHS 525 6th to 10th 16

Revised Scenario

1. MPPS No.1, with ample infrastructure and an enrollment exceeding 60 students, will be upgraded into a Model Primary School. Upon Upgradation, enrollment increases to 110 students by shifting of 26 students (Classes 3rd to 5th) from MPPS No.2 & 3. Five teachers will be allocated to this Model Primary School to ensure quality education.

2. Upon Shifting of Students studying 3-5 Classes to Model Primary School, MPPS No.2 will be converted into a Foundational School, retaining 14 students of Class 1st and 2nd along with Pre-Primary children studying in mapped Anganwadi Centres (PP1 and PP2). One teacher shall be provided as per RTE norms.

3. MPPS No.3, located in a habitation separated by a highway, will be converted into a Basic Primary School. It retains 21 students in Classes 1st to 5th and will be allocated 2 teachers to meet the RTE norms and ensure accessibility.

4. ZPHS remains unchanged as a High School, with 525 students in Classes 6th to 10th with 16 teachers.

Revised School Structure in Gram Panchayat 2

S.No School Name Enrolment Classes Teachers Alternate Model
1 MPPS No.1 110 PP1, PP2, 1st to 5th 5 Model Primary School
2 MPPS No.2 14 PP1, PP2, 1st and 2nd 1 Foundational School
3 MPPS No.3 21 PP1, PP2, 1st to 5th 2 Basic Primary School
4 ZPHS 525 6th to 10th 16 High School

II. Upper Primary Schools (1st to 8th Classes)

There are 3,156 Upper Primary Schools in the state. Currently only 20% of these Schools have more than 60 students in 6th, 7th and 8th classes, while remaining 80% of these schools with an enrollment of below 60 students. This adversely affects the academic standards of students and thereby increasing the dropout rate in higher classes. It has become extremely difficult to provide the required subject teachers to the Upper
Primary Schools as the enrollment in 6th, 7th and 8th classes doesn’t meet the RTE norms. To address the above setbacks:
i. Downgrade the Upper Primary Schools into Primary Schools where
the enrollment in 6th, 7th and 8th classes is less than or equal to 30
by shifting the students to nearby High Schools.
ii. Upgrade the Upper Primary Schools as High Schools, where the enrollment in 6th, 7th and 8th classes is greater than or equal to 60.

Note :- For classes 6 th, 7th and 8th with an enrollment between 31 and 59 students, this may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the existing Upper Primary School should be downgraded or upgraded.


1. If there are any natural / artificial barriers, and no High school is available within the radius of 3 KMs, the Upper Primary School may continue to function or transport allowance may be provided to the students.



I (a). Foundational School (PP1, PP2, 1st and 2 nd classes): AP Teachers, Schools Rationalisation Norms

1. 1 to 30: 1 SGT.
2. From 31 -60: 2 SGTs: As per RTE
I (b). Basic Primary School (PP1, PP2, Classes 1st – 5 th ):

1. 1 to 20: 1 SGT.

2. From 21 -60: 2 SGTs: As per RTE
I (c). Model Primary Schools (PP1, PP2, Classes 1st – 5 th ):

1. School enrollment more than or equal to 60, one teacher per class i.e., minimum 5 teachers shall be provided.
2. If enrollment is greater than 120, one Primary School Head Master post will be allotted.
3. If enrollment is greater than 150, for every additional 30 students, one more SGT will be provided.
Exception 1: Where ever natural barriers/ artificial barriers exist, then only Basic Primary School will function in those places.

Exception 2: Model Primary School will be considered even though the enrollment is 45-60 in some exceptional cases.

Note: 1) In normal cases, Model Primary School shall be established based on student enrollment.

2) In Exceptional cases, the School Management Committee (SMC) may propose the establishment of a Model Primary School based on factors such as its central location, the local community’s needs, prevailing social conditions and available infrastructure.

II. Upper Primary Schools (Class 1st -7 th /8 th )

II. (a). Downgrade Upper Primary Schools as Model/ Basic Primary Schools
6th, 7th and 8th classes enrollment is less than or equal to 30 shall be downgraded to Model/ Basic Primary school and 6th ,7th and 8 th classes students shall be shifted to nearby High Schools.
II. (b). Upgrade Upper Primary Schools as High Schools:
 If 6 th, 7th and 8th classes enrollment is greater than or equal to 60, shall be upgraded as High School.

Note:- For classes 6 th, 7th and 8th with an enrollment between 31 and 59 students, this may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the existing Upper Primary School should be downgraded or

Exception: If there are any natural barriers/ artificial barriers and if any High school is not available within the radius of 3 KMs, either the Upper Primary School may function or transport allowance may be provided to the students. Wherever Upper Primary School is to be continued, Secondary Grade teachers will be allocated as per RTE norms.

Teacher Allocation for High Schools (Class 6th to 10th)

Sections HM SA T SA H SA E SA M SA PS SA BS SA SS Total Teachers
5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9
7 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 12
8 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 13
9 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 15
10 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 15
11 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 16
12 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 16
13 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 18
14 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 19
15 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 21
16 1 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 22
17 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 23
18 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 23
19 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 23
20 1 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 26
21 1 4 3 4 5 3 3 4 27
22 1 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 28
23 1 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 29
24 1 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 29
25 1 4 4 4 6 4 4 4 31

The High Schools having enrollment >76 Head Master and\ SA(PE)/PET post will be allotted.

♦ The High Schools having enrollment <75, Senior most School Assistant shall act as Head Master. Only surplus PETs in the district will be allotted to these schools, if available.
♦ If the enrollment is greater than 400, the second SA(PE)/PET post will be allotted and third SA(PE)/PET post will be allotted from 751 enrollment. Afterwards for every 350 students additional SA(PE)/PET will be allotted.
♦ One Music/ Art & Drawing/ Craft post will be allocated to High Schools as per enrollment based on the availability of posts.

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