AP High Schools New Time Table – Maths, PS, PET Teachers workload Periods Allotment

AP Rc 443 High Schools Modified Timetable and Periods distribution equal to all Teachers. High Schools Mathematics New Periods Allotment of workload and Physical Science Subject Teachers modified Periods Allotment of workload and Physical Education Teachers ( PD ) Periods Allotment of workload as per Prog. Rc.No. 443/BZIC&T/SCERT/20M Dated: 23-07-2016.

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Maths, Physical Science and PET Teachers Modified Periods Allotment Order

Sub: SCERT. A.P., Hyderabad School Academic Calendar 2016-17 Modifications to the High School time table Physical Literacy Period Division Orders Issued Reg.

Refferance :

1. Proc. Re. No. 279/8.’C&T/SCERTI‘2015. dated 9-7-2015.
2. Proc. Re. No. 219/BfI’FJSCERTI‘20lS, dated 28-11-2015.
3. Representations received from various teacher unions and subject teacher forums.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers is invited to the reference 3rd ref above. wherein Teachers’ Associations. Mathematics and Physical Science Subject Teachers forums and Physical Education Teachers Associations have represented for their workload for handling the classes in High Schools in the State.

In this context, this office has examined the issue and taken the following decision to maintain uniformity and equal workload among all teachers in the high schools for effective functioning of Teaching teaming process at School level.

1) Distribution of workload among Maths and Physical Science Teachers: School Assistant Mathematics teacher should teach VI. VIII. IX and X Mathematics. School Assistant Physical Science Teacher should teach Vll class Mathematics. Vlll, IX and X class Physical Science.

2) The Headmasters of High Schools have to be distributed the Co curriculum Periods among all Teachers to maintain equal workload in the High Schools.

3) The Headmasters of High Schools should allot six Periods to Physical Education Teachers to implement physical Literacy @ 6 petiods per Class per week in High Schools and issue necessary instructions to all Physical Education Teachers to attend school during hour’s from 9.00 AM to 12.00 noon and 3.00 pm. to 5.30 Meal Allocation of six Periods is shown at annexure I.

4) The Students, Who opted two Composite Telugu subject need not study the fallowing lessons in the 1st Languages Telugu Textbook but they must Study non-detailed lessons.

There fore all the District Educational Officer’s are informed to issue necessary Limctions to all Headmasters of High Schools in the Site to follow above Instructions scrupulously for handling Classes in high Schools.

High School Subject wise Teachers Periods Allotment Details :

This has got me approval of the Commissioner of School questions A.P. Hyderabad. 

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Subject wise Class wise workload order Copy Download  New

AP High Schools New Time Table and Maths, PS Teachers workload Copy Download  
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