Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process Steps, SGT / SA/ LP/ PET Counselling Guidelines 2023 in Telugu
Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process. Step by step Process for Submitting Web Options for AP Teachers transfers 2023 Online web counselling @ teacherinfo.ap.gov.in. Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process Steps, SGT / SA/ LP/ PET Counselling Guidelines 2023 in Telugu : AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Schedule Online Application Form teacherinfo.ap.gov.in web Counselling SGT/ SA/ Gr-II HM/ TPT/ HPT school wise Vacancies details, district wise Seniority List Schools Rationalization and Web Counselling details, Dates released by cseap.
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 SGT Spouse HM LP PET SA Manual Counseling Guidelines, Teachers Transfers Online Counselling step by step process Instructions Procedure released by teacherinfo.ap.gov.in.
AP Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process Steps, SGT / SA/ LP/ PET Counselling Guidelines 2023 in Telugu
Transfers SGT Online Web Counseling New Schedule, AP Teachers Transfers SGT/ SA/ LP/ PET/ HM web Option Schedule, Online Apply Dates, GO 54 AP Teachers Transfers GO 54 AP Teachers Transfers 2023 guidelines released by CSE AP. School Education issued Teachers transfers and Rationalization dates. AP Transfers Entitlement Points guidelines and Rationalization Schedule, Teachers transfers online apply Rules, Rationalization new guidelines, AP GO Teachers Transfer 2023 Rules download.
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Guidelines and Online Application Submission
AP Teachers Transfers Tentative Schedule Seniority Entitlement Points Web Counselling Dates, Display of Vacancies, Subject wise/ Cadre wise Seniority List Download. AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Web Options at teacherinfo.ap.gov.in. AP Teachers Transfers Dates. AP Teachers Transfers Guidelines in Telugu Download. ÀP Teachers Transfers Schedule. Transfers counselling process. How to Apply Online Application. Transfers Online Application Submission Instructions. Teachers District wise Tentative Seniority List at cse.ap.gov.in.
➤AP Teachers Transfers Entitlement Points Calculation Software Download
Step by Step Process for Manual Counselling for Teachers & HMs Transfers
AP Teachers Transfers Schedule Revised September, 2023. AP Teachers Transfers Counselling through Manual Counselling Guidelines, Manual Teachers Transfers Schedule. CSE has released the AP Teachers Transfers Schedule for 2023.
1. After confirmation by the District Educational Officers, the Seniority lists shall be frozen. All the modifications required, should be made before confirmation of the seniority lists by the DEOs. No further modifications will be allowed. For example, if a teacher applied with spouse points, during the counselling time he/she shall not be allowed to come under general (without spouse points) category.
2. The vacancies uploaded by the DEOs shall be Final. No further change shall be allowed like type of vacancy, category of the school etc.
3. For the Manual Counselling Process 8 to 12 slots per day will be provided basing on the number of HM/Teachers applications received per district. Each slot contains maximum of 50 teachers
4. The slot wise list of teachers will be informed / displayed in the website and an SMS will be sent informing the same. Accordingly they will be allowed into the counselling room by the DEOs. Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process
5. Each slot will have one hour time. i.e., 4 to 6 slots pre-lunch session and other 4 to 6 slots post lunch session. By this process maximum of 400 to 600 teachers counselling can be completed per day.
6. A display screen will be set up outside the counselling room which will display the available vacancies along with resultant vacancies.
7. Before entering into counselling room the teacher should bring his list of options among the available vacancies school and Mandal wise for easy selection on the system. Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process
8. The teacher will be allowed into counselling hall along with any one of the following personnel.
If female teacher, spouse
ii. Any one of the parents
iii. Brother/Sister/Guardian
9. No public representative, teacher union or union office bearers will be allowed into the counselling area.
10. At the counselling centre Bio metric Attendance of the teacher will be taken before generating the posting order.
11. After exercising his/her option through online, the vacancy opted will be removed from the list. The proceedings will be generated immediately and can be downloaded from the website. Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process
12. The resultant vacancy can be opted by next junior of the teacher, who vacated the place.
13. The entire Web assisted Manual counselling process will be supported by the Technical services provided by Centre for Good Governance (CGG) and through a centralized system to maintain the uniformity in all the districts.
AP Teachers Transfers Schedule Guidlines Instructions
General steps you can follow to find the schedule, guidelines, and instructions for AP Teachers Transfers:
- Visit the official website of the Department of School Education, Andhra Pradesh. The official website is typically http://www.ap.gov.in/ or http://cse.ap.gov.in.
- Look for the “Transfers” or “Teachers Transfers” section on the homepage or in the menu.
- In that section, you should find relevant information such as transfer schedules, guidelines, instructions, and any notifications or circulars related to teachers’ transfers.
- Click on the links provided to access the detailed information about the schedule, guidelines, and instructions for AP Teachers Transfers.
- Read and follow the instructions provided carefully. Make note of any important dates, eligibility criteria, documents required, and the process to be followed for transferring teachers.
- If necessary, download the official documents, notifications, or circulars for reference.
Remember that the process and schedule for AP Teachers Transfers may change each year based on the government’s policies and decisions. It is always advisable to refer to the official website or contact the relevant authorities, such as the Commissionerate of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Tentative Schedule for Trasnfer Counselling Headmasters (Gr.II) / School .Asst / SGTs
S.no | Activity | HM/ SA/ SGT | No.of.Days |
01 | Applying for transfer by HM/Teacher in Online With Self Arrested Details | 24-05-2023 To 25-05-2023 | 3 |
02 | Certificate Verification | 25-05-2023 To 27-05-2023 | 1 |
03 | Dispaly Of Provisional Seniority List | 28-05-2023 To 29-05-2023 | 2 |
3 | Objections | 30-06-2023 | 1 |
4 | Redressal Of Objections | 31-05-2023 To 3-06-2023 | 2 |
5 | Display Of Final Seniority List With Entitlement points in the Website | 02-06-2023 to 03-06-2023 | 2 |
6 | Dispaly Of Vacancies :- | 04-06-2023 | 1 |
7 | Submission of Online Web Options By the Head Masters / teachers |
1 1 |
8 | Generation Of List |
0 2 |
Total | 19 |
> >< > Download Ap Teachers Transfers Schedule – Click Here > >< >
Transfers Official Website Teacherinfo.ap.gov.in AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Online Application Schedule
Many teacher unions are advocating for teacher transfers in 2023 because many teachers have Completed long-Term Contacts (8yrs for teachers and 5 years for HMs). Many teachers are suffering from long-standing issues as a result of working in the same school for several days. All of these factors are being considered by the AP government.
CSE AP directed DEOs to compile a list of district-specific vacancies, and CSE AP finally announced the official schedule for Rationalization and Transfers via web counselling in all 13 old districts of AP on December 10, 2023. Based on web options, the AP government decided to conduct teacher transfers through web counselling online. DEO Master Data Application for Teacher Transfers 2023 Update Preferential Category, Vacancies, and Teacher Details Edit Process.
DEO Master Data Application Model Form, Vacancies by District 1st-paratta-para-para-para-para-para-para-para-para-para-para-para-para-para para AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Submit Teacher Transfer Application, Revised Schedule Teachers Transfers Online Counselling Process, Web Counseling Dates. AP Teachers Transfers via Web Counselling Schedule, Teachers Transfers Online Application Form, Apply online, Web Options, allotment orders, Long Standing for SGTs,SAs,LPTs,PETs, and HMs are detailed on this page.
Step by step Process for Submitting Web Options for Teachers Transfers Counseling
1. HM/Teacher need to log on to https://teacherinfo.ap.gov.in
2. Click Submission of web options
3. Enter their Reference ID, OTP the verification code received through their registered mobile. (it is advised to give the working conditioned mobiles only)
4. After this web option, the screen will be displayed with the following auto populated values.
- a. Name of the Teacher
- b. Treasury ID
- c. Category of the post d. Subject
- e. Medium
- f. Whether 8 years completed or not?
- g. Whether affected by Rationalisation
- h. Present working Place, Mandal, etc.
5. The HM/Teacher who comes under compulsory transfer, they have to choose all the available vacancies except for their present working place. Others may select at least one vacancy.
AP Teachers New Manual Transfer Schedule
- Transfers Tentative Seniority list ..2023
- Objections from ..2023 to .2023
- Final Seniority list .2023
- H.Ms and PDs PETs : ..2023
- SA languages and Pandits : .2023 to ..2023
- SA-Non languages Counselling from .2023 to ..2023
- SGTs Counselling from .2023 to ..2023
- Joining in new schools 2023
➢ Teachers Transfers 2023 Online Counseling Procedure Download in Telugu
Download AP Teachers Transfers Manual Counselling Revised Schedule New
AP Teachers Transfers Guidelines Details
GO 43 AP Teachers Transfers 2020 Manual Counseling Guidelines Download New
➤ AP Teachers Transfers #District wise SGT/ SA/ LP/ HM Vacancies Download
➤ AP Rationalisation Guidelines GO Download for High/ UP/ Primary Schools
AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Complete Information
1 | AP Teachers Transfers 2023 Guidelines GO 54 | Download Details |
2 | AP Teachers Transfers Points Calculation Software | Download Details |
3 | AP Teachers Transfers Revised Schedule | Download Details |
4 | AP Teachers Transfers web Options Guidelines | Download Details |
5 | AP Teachers Transfers Online Application Form | Download Details |
6 | AP Teachers Transfers Required Certificates, Forms | Download Details |
7 | AP Teachers Transfers District wise Vacancies list | Download Details |
8 | How to Web Options for AP Teachers Transfers ( with Video ) | Download Details |
Good Information …. Good Work On Updates