Municipal Election PO Duties 2021 APO OPO Duties and Material Download

Municipal Election PO Duties 2021 APO OPO Duties and Material Download

Municipal Election PO Duties 2021 APO OPO Duties and Material Download : AP Municipal Elections Training Material 2021 and PO APO OPO Duties Download in Telugu. Municipal Election PO Duties 2021 APO OPO Duties Distribution on 10-03-2021. How to Conduct AP Municipal Elections 2021 in Telugu Materail released by AP Election Commision. How to perform APO and Other Polling Officers functions in AP Municipal Election on 10-03-2021.

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AP Municipal Election Material and PO APO OPO Duties Download

  • Polling party consists of One Presiding officer and 4 Polling officers.
  • For PSs more than 1200 voters, one more Polling officer will be taken.
  • Polling personal are eligible for postal ballot/Election Duty Certificate votes.
Municipal Election PO Duties 2021 APO OPO Duties and Material Download
Municipal Election PO Duties 2021 APO OPO Duties and Material Download

Presiding Officer Duties in Municipal Elections 2021

  • Put the distinguishing mark given to you at top right hand side of the Ballot Paper and also on the counter foil.
    Sign on the backside of the Ballot Paper.
  • Do not sign on all the bundles. Sign 100 Ballot Papers. Sign the remaining bundles, depending upon the speed of the election. It takes hardly five minutes to sign the 100 ballot papers
  • At the end of the Poll, remaining Ballot papers are to be divided in to signed and un-signed ballot papers.
  • Signed ballot papers should be given with statutory covers. Unsigned to non statutory covers.

Duties Of Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) and Polling Officers (OPO)

1st Polling Officer (APO): In charge of Identification of electors and marked copy of electoral roll.
2nd Polling Officer : Responsible for application of Indelible Ink.
3rd Polling Officer :  In charge of bundle of Ballot Papers
4th Polling Officer :  Incharge of Arrow Cross Mark Rubber Stamp & folding and unfolding of Ballot Paper.

Polling Timing on 10.03.2021 at 07 AM to 5 PM

Note : Mobile Phones Prohibited – The Polling Agents are not permitted to use mobile phones inside the polling booth.

APSEC Address Tag – to be Kept Inside

  • Name of the Municipal Council :
  • Name of the Ward &Ward No:
  • Ordinary / Casual Election :
  • Ballot Box Sl. No.(engraved):
  • Ballot Box Sl. No. (assigned):
  • Sl. No. & Name of the Polling:_____
  • Station where used: ____
  • Date of Poll :_____
  • Address tags to be tagged outside the ballot box

Sealing Procedure – After Immediate Completion of the Poll

Hand over sealed Ballot Box(es) at the Specified Reception Counter and other Covers in different Counters.
The First Packet [colored GREEN] should contain the seven sealed covers mentioned below and should be super scribed as “STATUTORY COVERS”:

  • Sealed cover containing the marked copy of the electoral roll;
  • The sealed cover containing the signed but unused ballot papers, with counterfoils;
  • Sealed cover containing other unused ballot papers with counterfoils;
  • The sealed cover containing the tendered ballot papers and the list in FormXIX;
  • Sealed cover containing the ballot papers cancelled for violation of voting procedure;
  • The sealed cover(s) containing other cancelled ballot papers ;and
  • Sealed cover containing counterfoils of used ballot papers including of tendered ballot papers

First Packet Sealing Of Election Papers In Packets

The following self-printed BROWN colored covers containing: (Important Covers)

  • Ballot Paper Account
  • Declarations of the Presiding Officer
  • Paper Seal Account,
  • Presiding Officer‘s Diary and
  • Visit Sheet

Municipal Elections PO OPO Remuneration Details Download

Second packet [colored YELLOW “NONSTATUROTYCOVERS”:

  • the cover containing the copy or copies of electoral roll(other than the marked copy);
  • the cover containing the appointment letters of polling agents;
  • cover containing the election duty certificates;
  • sealed cover containing the list of challenged votes;
  • covers containing the list of blind and infirm electors and the declarations of the companions;
  • the cover containing the declarations obtained from electors as to their age and the list of such electors;
  • cover containing the receipt book and cash, if any, in respect of challenged votes;
  • cover containing unused and damaged paper seals; and
  • for any other paper that the Presiding Officer has decided to keep in the sealed cover.

Third packet [colored BLUE] should contain the following 6 nitems:

  • Handbook for Presiding Officers;
  • Indelible ink set ;
  • Self-inking pads;
  • Metal seal of the Presiding Officer;
  • Arrow cross-mark rubberstamp;
  • Distinguishing mark Rubber Stamp.

Fourth Packet- White cover

  • Unused ballot box(es)
  • Materials of voting compartments;
  • Polythene bag, gunny bag to contain polling materials, and
  • The unused canvas bags or cloth, as the case may be

How to Conduct AP Municipal Elections in Telugu
AP Municipalily Election PO Duties Download

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