ISRO Young Scientist (9th Class Students) Online Apply last Date 2020 | Guidelines
ISRO Young Scientist (9th Class Students) Online Apply last Date 2020 | Guidelines Download. Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika) for AP 9th Class Students in ISRO and Register before feb 24th, 2020. AP and Telangana 10th Class (SSC) Students Apply for Young Scientist Programme, Selection Process, How to Apply, Selection list Download. Indian Space Research Organisation has launched a special programme for School Children called “Young Scientist Programme” i.e., “YUva VIgyani KAryakram” from this year, in tune with the Government’s vision “Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”.
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ISRO Young Scientist (9th Class Students) Online Apply last Date 2020 | Guidelines
Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika ) – Online Registration
Indian Space Research Organisation has launched a special programme for School Children called “Young Scientist Programme” “YUva VIgyani KAryakram” from this year, in tune with the Government’s vision “Jai Vigyan, Jai Anusandhan”.
The Program is primarily aimed at imparting basic knowledge on Space Technology, Space Science and Space Applications to the younger ones with the intent of arousing their interest in the emerging areas of Space activities. The program is thus aimed at creating awareness amongst the youngsters who are the future building blocks of our Nation. ISRO has chalked out this programme to “Catch them young”.
Young Scientist Selection Process
- It is proposed to select 3 students each from each State/ Union Territory to participate in this programme covering CBSE, ICSE and State syllabus.
- who have just completed 8th standard (in the academic year 2019-20) and waiting to join 9th Class will be eligible for the online registration.
The selection is based on the 8th Standard academic performance and extracurricular activities. The selection criteria is given below.
Performance in the 8th Std Examination | 50% |
Membership of Science Club/Space Club | 5% |
Prize in any school based individual extracurricular activity (Elocution/Debate/Essay Writing, science quiz, computer modeling, scientific prototype model making, etc.,) at District/State/National/ International Level (The higher level will be considered for weightage) | 2/4/6/10% |
Winners of District/State/National/International Level sports activities (The higher level will be considered for weightage) | 2/4/6/10% |
Scout and Guides/NCC/NSS Member | 5% |
Studying in Village/Rural School (Certificate of proof to this effect to be produced from the head of the school . Criteria: The school, where the candidate is studying should be located in Panchayath Area) | 20% |
100% |
Students belonging to the rural area have been given special weightage in the selection criteria. In case there is tie between the selected candidates, the younger candidates will be given priority.
YUVIKA Registration Form
Enter the details for registration
Name of the Student :
Email ID : (eg.
Enter the text shown in image :
Clicking on Generate OTP button below will send you one time password (OTP) to the Email ID entered by you.
The received OTP should be entered in the next screen to validate your Email ID.
You can see your OTP in the Inbox of your email, which can be opened either in your mobile or another window in the same PC (without closing this window).
YUVIKA Login Form
Email-ID :
YUVIKA Password :
Enter the text shown in image :
forgot Password ? Click here
How to register for ISRO Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika ):
Visit the official website:
Search for the Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika ) – Online Registration Link in Updates section
Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika ) – Online Registration page will be opened and read the notification carefully.
In this click on the “Click here to register for YUVIKA” link
YUVIKA Registration Form will be opened
Fill the YUVIKA Registration Form withe required information and click on submit button
Print your registration form for future reference
Important Dates:
Online Registration: From Feb 3rd to Feb 24th, 2020.
Announcement of provisionally selected candidates from each state: Mar 6, 2020.
Final selection list: March 13, 2020.
Program begins: Second half of May 2020.
YUVIKA Registration Form:
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ISRO Young Scientist Programme (Yuvika ) Online Registrations Link
Registered Students click here to Login