Rc 375 Unit Cost for AP Primary Teachers Training 2015

AP Rc 375   Primary Teachers training  Unit cost for 5 -day orientation to teachers at Mandal level is released vide Rc.375. Unit Cost for Participants and DRGs in the Teachers training in AP for 2015 as mentioned in Rc 375

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Unit Cost for Primary Teachers Training 2015

Sl. No. Particulars unit cost Physical No. of days Total amount

  1. Conveyance to Participants 30 50 5 7500
  2. Honorarium to Course Director 200 1 5 1000
  3. Stationery to Participants and DRGs (Note Book, Pen etc.) 20 53 1 1060
  4. Training module (to be utilized by DIETs) 25 50 1 1250
  5. TLM preparation 100 1 5 500
  6. Lunch Charges 30 53 5 7950
  7. Drinking water 3 53 5 795
  8. Tea and Snacks (two times) 12 53 5 3180
  9. Contingent Charges 75 1 5 375
  10. Cleaning Charges 50 1 5 250
  11. Electricity charges 75 1 5 375
  12. Documentation 265 1 1 265

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  14. Clerical charges 250 1 1 250
  15. Administrative Charges to DIETs 50 1 5 250

Total 25000

Unit Cost for DRGs

S. No. Particulars unit cost Physical No.of days Total amount

  1. TA to DRGs (Actuals) 150 2 5 1500
  2. DA to DRGs (As per APTA Rules) 150 2 5 1500
  3. Honorarium to DRGs 200 2 3 1200

                     TOTAL   4200

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