Online Apply Free borewells to AP Farmers at – YSR Jalakala Free borewells implementation Guidelines 2021-22

Free borewells to farmers - YSR Rythu Bharosa Free borewells implementation Guidelines

AP YSR Jala Kala Scheme 2021-22 Online Registration / Application Form – Apply for Free Borewell at

Online Apply Free borewells to AP Farmers at – YSR Jalakala Free borewells implementation Guidelines 2021-22 : Free borewells under Bharosa for farmers and AP govt set to drill borewells scheme in andhra pradesh for free. Free borewells to AP Farmers – YSR Rythu Bharosa Free borewells implementation Guidelines Download. How to Apply to YSR Jalakala Free borewells” programme to drill bore-well at free of cost to the needy and eligible farmers. ysr Jalakala free borewells, ysr rythu bharosa free bore wells, rythu bharosa free bore for Rythulu, ysr rythu bharosa bore-well, rythu bharosa free water bore, Ap Free Bore Wells.

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Online Apply Free borewells to AP Farmers at How to Online Apply YSR Jalakala 2021-22. Aim of  Free borewells to AP Farmers Scheme implementation guidelines download. Eligibility of YSR Rythu Bharosa Drilling of bore wells at free of cost to needy and eligible farmers with an aim to irrigate every acre of arable land by engaging drilling contractor (on rate contract basis) for each Parliament constituency under “NAVARATNALU” – Guidelines for implementation of the Scheme – Orders – Issued. PANCHAYAT RAJ & RURAL DEVELOPMENT (RD.II) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 641, Dated: 03-07-2020.

How to Online Apply Free borewells to AP Farmers at – YSR Jalakala Free borewells implementation Guidelines

Read the following:

1. Govt Memo No.1147304/RD.II/A1/2020, Dt.29.05.2020. 2. From the Commissioner, PR&RD e-file No.PRR05-27021(37)/3/ 2020-YSRRB-CORD Dt.16.06.2020.


1.  Government in the reference first read above have issued orders permitting the Commissioner, PR&RD to invite tenders for drilling of Bore-wells on rate contract basis with one rig for every parliament constituency as per the Terms and Reference (TOR) mentioned in the Request for Proposal (RFP). Accordingly, the CPR&RD has invited tenders from the eligible bidders.
2. Now, the Commissioner, PR&RD in the reference second read above has submitted the draft guidelines for implementation of the “YSR Rythu Bharosa – Free borewells” and Free borewells to AP Farmers programme in the State.
3. Government after examination of the matter here by issue the following Guidelines as mentioned below for implementation of the “YSR Rythu Bharosa – Free borewells” programme to drill bore-well at free of cost to the needy and eligible farmers with an aim to irrigate every acre of arable land in the State by engaging a drilling contractor for every Parliament constituency.

Online Apply Free borewells to AP Farmers - YSR Rythu Bharosa Free borewells implementation Guidelines
Online Apply Free borewells to AP Farmers – YSR Rythu Bharosa
  • రాష్ట్రంలోని సన్న, చిన్న కారు రైతులకు ఆదుకునేందుకు ఉచిత బోరు పథకాన్ని ప్రవేశపెట్టింది. ఇప్పటికే అమల్లో ఉన్న ‘వైఎస్సార్‌ రైతు భరోసా’ కింద రైతుల పంటపొలాల్లో ఉచితంగా బోర్లు వేయాలని ప్రభుత్వం సంకల్పించింది.
  • 5 ఎకరాలలోపు భూమి ఉన్న రైతులకు ఉచిత బోర్లు వేయించాలని ప్రభుత్వ నిర్ణయించింది. ఈ మేరకు పంచాయతీరాజ్, గ్రామీణాభివృద్ధి శాఖ శనివారం అధికారిక ఉత్తర్వులు జారీచేసింది.
  • అర్హత గల రైతులు గ్రామ సచివాలయంలో పట్టాదారు పాస్‌బుక్‌, ఆధార్‌ కార్డుల ఆధారంగా దరఖస్తు చేసుకోవాలని ఉత్తర్వుల్లో పేర్కొంది.

అర్హతలు, విధివిధానాలు

  • రైతుకు కనీసం 2.5 ఎకరాల భూమి ఉండాలి. అంత భూమి లేకపోతే పక్కనున్న రైతులతో కలిసి గ్రూపుగా ఏర్పడవచ్చు. ఒక రైతుకు గరిష్టంగా 5 ఎకరాల లోపు భూమి ఉండవచ్చు. ఈ అర్హతలు ఉన్న రైతులు బోరు బావి కోసం దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.
  • అయితే అంతకు ముందు ఆ భూమిలో ఎలాంటి బోరు బావి నిర్మాణం చేపట్టి ఉండకూడదు.
  • అర్హత కలిగిన లబ్ధిదారుడు పట్టాదార్‌ పాస్‌ బుక్, ఆధార్‌ కార్డు కాపీతో గ్రామ సచివాలయంలో లేదా నేరుగా ఆన్‌లైన్‌ ద్వారా దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.
  • పంచాయతీ కార్యదర్శి క్షేత్ర స్థాయి పరిశీలన అనంతరం తదుపరి అనుమతికి ఎంపీడీవోకు ఆ దరఖాస్తు వెళుతుంది. జిల్లా మొత్తంలో ఎంపిక చేసిన రైతుల జాబితాలను డ్వామా పీడీలకు ఎంపీడీవోలు అందజేస్తారు.
  • బోరు బావి మంజూరు అనంతరం ఆ సమాచారాన్ని గ్రామ సచివాలయం ద్వారా రైతుకు తెలియజేస్తారు.

Online Apply Free borewells – YSR Jalakala Free borewells implementation Guidelines

I. The Mission:

NAVARATNALU is a concept coined by the Government to improve the delivery systems and improve the quality of the Governance in the State. It is designed to improve the living standards of the people. Of the 9 welfare schemes proposed by the State Government under Navaratnalu, “YSR Rythu Bharosa – Free Borewells” is aimed at utilizing the available groundwater resources for the improvement of livelihoods of the farmers and thereby improve the GSDP under primary sector.

Overview of YSR Jalakala Scheme

Scheme Name : YSR Jalakala Scheme
Type of Scheme : State-level Scheme
Category of the Post : State government scheme
Launched by : AP CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy Garu
Mode of application : Offline and Online
Scheme Launched on : 28th September 2020
Eligible Beneficiaries : Poor Farmers
Objective : To lay the Free Borewells for the Poor Farmers Land.
Official website :

How to Apply online Application for YSR Jala Kala Scheme 2021-22

In the below we will share you the complete procedure to fill online application for jala kala yojana.

Step 1: Open official website
Step 2: On the home page you have to click on “Launch” option.
Step 3: In the next step you have to click on on “Apply for Borewells” link available on the screen.
Step 4: On the next page you have to enter Aadhaar number and enter one time password in the given space.
Step 5: After that, click on Submit option.
Step 6: Now you are able to get registered under Ysr Jala Kala Scheme and get benefits.

Helpdesk for YSR Jala Kala Scheme

In case any query applicant can contact the helpline number 9121296053 or they can send email to
Toll Free Number : 1902

II. Objective:

Government have decided to drill free bore-wells to small and marginal farmers in all thirteen (13) districts of the State by optimally utilising ground water resources for the purpose of irrigating every acre of arable land. These bore-wells shall be drilled after conducting integrated Hydro-geological and Geophysical surveys in the field for identifying feasible sites before taking up the drilling activity.

YSR Rythu Bharosa Free borewells Apply Procedure:

a. Eligibility Criteria:

1. Any farmer having land up to an extent of 5 acres, without existing bore-well/tube-well/open-well.

2. The farmer should have contiguous land of minimum 2.5 acres.

3. If a farmer is not having at least 2.5 acres of contiguous land, then a group of farmers having a contiguous land of minimum 2.5 acres and up to a maximum of 5 acres together shall be considered eligible and the facility shall be shared between the group.

4. There are 1094 over exploited revenue villages notified as per G.O.MS.No.548 dated 27-02-2020 of PR&RD department. The list of over exploited revenue villages shall be notified by Government from time to time. The farmers land should not be in these notified over exploited villages.

b. Application process:

1. The eligible beneficiary shall submit filled in application at the village secretariat / through online along with the copy of Pattadar passbook and Aadhar card.

2. The applications shall be scrutinized at village secretariat by VRO after field verification by Panchayat Secretary and list of eligible beneficiaries shall be sent to concerned MPDO.

3. The consolidated list of applications of eligible beneficiaries from all gram panchayats shall be submitted to PD, DWMA by MPDO of the concerned Mandal for further process.

c. Feasibility of Bore-well:

1. All the applications received by the PD, DWMA from different Mandals shall be sent to drilling contractor of concerned parliament constituency for conducting integrated hydrogeological and geophysical survey.

2. Based on the applications received from PD, DWMA, the drilling contractor shall engage Geologist/Geophysicist from Ground Water &Water Audit department/any qualified Geologist/ Geophysicist registered with Ground Water & Water Audit Department for locating the feasible sites in the lands of beneficiaries for drilling borewells successfully.

3. Selection of feasible sites by the contractor shall be done by adhering to Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Act,2002 (APWALTA) norms and Government orders from time to time.

4. The list of feasible sites identified along with respective integrated hydro-geological and geophysical survey reports shall be submitted to PD, DWMA by the drilling contractor.

5. Any technical advice regarding integrated hydrogeological and geophysical survey can be obtained from DD, GWD of concerned districts if necessary.

d. Sanction of Scheme:

1. PD, DWMA shall prepare the list of eligible beneficiaries based on the list of feasible sites identified by contractor for construction of bore-wells.

2. PD, DWMA shall communicate the list of eligible beneficiaries along with respective survey reports to concerned APD, DWMA to generate estimates for construction of bore-well.

3. After generation of estimates, APD, DWMA shall send the estimates to PD, DWMA for Administrative Sanction of the District Collector.

4. The list of eligible beneficiaries along with estimates generated by APD, DWMA shall be submitted to the District Collector by PD, DWMA for according Administrative Sanction respectively. 5. The District Collector shall accord Administrative Sanction of the scheme to the eligible beneficiaries.

e. Communication of approved sanction:

1. The PD, DWMA shall communicate the sanctioned list of beneficiaries to the village secretariats through MPDO under intimation to APD, DWMA.

2. Information regarding sanction of the bore-well shall be communicated to the respective beneficiaries through SMS.

3. The PD, DWMA shall communicate to the drilling contractor of respective parliament constituency to start drilling by sending a copy of the approved sanction.

f. Drilling of bore-wells:

1. After receiving the confirmation of beneficiaries and approved sanction from the PD, DWMA, the contractor shall construct bore-well / tube well at the recommended location duly informing the concerned APD, DWMA to depute staff for inspection and yield test.

2. A drilled bore-well with a minimum yield of 1000 GPH (4500 liters per hour) by 900 ‘V’ notch method shall be considered as successful bore-well.

3. Yield test shall be conducted at the time of drilling in the presence of concerned authorities. Minimum yield should be 1000 GPH by 900 ‘V’ notch method.

4. The digital photograph with geo-tag (date, time, latitude and longitude) shall be taken by the concerned authorities deputed along with beneficiary in the presence of contractor after completion of bore-well drilling and shall be submitted to APD, DWMA.

5. The depth of bore-well drilled and depth of casing shall be measured and recorded in the Measurement Book by deputed concerned authorities in the presence of the contractor and beneficiaries.

6. After drilling of the bore-well, the concerned officer deputed shall submit the bore-well completion report to the concerned APD, DWMA along with the photographs taken, relevant documents and signatures of beneficiaries and concerned authorities.

7. 10% of the drilled bore wells shall be super checked by the concerned APD. DWMA before making the payment.

8. Upon submission of invoices along with verified measurements, payments shall be made on pro-rata basis for every month as per the success criteria set forth. For example, if success rate for a Parliament constituency is 80% and the contractor drilled 100 bore-wells, out of which 70 are successful, contractor will get paid for 90 bore-wells only and not get paid for 10 failed borewells, as the success rate for Parliament constituency is 80%, which means only 20% of total drilled bore-wells can fail and only that 20% will be considered for payment and any additional failed bore-well shall not be considered for payment.

9. The concerned APD. DWMA shall generate FTOs for drilled borewells as per the conditions of the contract signed with respective drilling contractors.

10.All the bore-wells (failed / successful) shall be geo-tagged by the concerned authorities deputed, in the presence of the contractor and beneficiary.

11.In case, the bore-well fails, the contractor shall refill the bore-well with soil and stone pieces before shifting the rig and this shall be monitored and ensured by the concerned APD, DWMA.

g. Post drilling:

1. After drilling of the bore-well, the details are to be documented in the form of bore-well completion reports, list and locations of successful and failed bore-wells and it shall be maintained by concerned APD, DWMA.

2. Construction of recharge pit / water harvesting structure is mandatory at successful bore-well site and this shall be monitored by PD, DWMA.

3. Social Audit shall be conducted for all the bore-wells drilled under this program.

4. The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development shall take necessary further action accordingly.

AP YSR Jalakala Scheme Online Application Apply link here

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