GO 108 NTR Jala Siri Phase-II Guidelines for Bore wells project for small and marginal farmers

AP NTR Jala Siri Phase-II – Bore wells project for small and marginal farmers where additional groundwater recharge available in the State of Andhra Pradesh – Certain Guidelines issued.

Andhra Pradesh Pachayat Raj & Rural development  (RD.II) Department G.O.MS.No. 108 Dated: 11-12-2015

 LetterNo.3392/NTRJS-Phase-II/2015, Dt.12.10.2015 from the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, A.P., Hyderabad.

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 In the letter read above, the Commissionner, PR&RD, AP, Hyderabad has submitted proposal of NTR Jala Siri Phase-II bore well project for small and marginal farmers for the backward 7 Districts ie., Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Vishakapatnam, Chittoor, Kurnool, YSR Kadapa and Anantapuramu in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
2. Accordingly, Government after careful examination of the proposal hereby approve the NTR Jala Siri Phase-II Project and issue the following guidelines duly adhering to the frame work of the Andhra Pradesh Water, Land and Trees Act, 2002.

Guidelines : 

I The Mission:-
(a) Government have decided to go in for bore wells initially in the seven districts of the state i.e., (4 Rayalaseema and 3 North Costal districts) by optimally utilizing the available ground water resources and recharge levels.
(b) Energising the existing 10,000 borewells of the individuals already drilled in the command area of seven backward districts.
(c) Identified about 29,941 additional bore wells in command areas and 20,668 bore wells in non-command areas. In the non-command areas bore wells basically selected in high rain fall in three north costal districts keeping in view the fact that availability of water is relatively high for possible recharge.

II. Objectives of the bore wells project
 Conjunctive use of surface and ground water:

The programme essentially focus on utilization of available water resources and to promote conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater. This ensures recharge of groundwater extracted from new bore wells from surface water in the vicinity and also recharge from applied irrigation in command areas.
III. Optimal use of available Groundwater resources – improving the Primary sector GSDP:
 (a) Optimal use of available groundwater resources by adopting additional recharge and high water use efficiency system like micro irrigation etc., helps improving the livelihoods of the farmers and there by considerably scale up the primary sector GSDP. Based on the annual replenish ground water resource and present utilization levels, certain additional bore wells have been found feasible in the state, especially in command areas. However, the basic norm of limiting the total utilization not exceeding 70% of the available groundwater resource in the area (Safe Areas) is kept in mind.

(f) Eligibility Criteria : 

(i) The small and marginal farmers (up to 5 acres land) those who are having the lands in Command areas and high rainfall areas of north coastal districts in Non command area with the Groundwater potential and without any existing bore well irrigation are eligible.
(ii) Only one source (Bore well/ Tube well/ Filter point well) is permitted in 5 acres area and the land shall be contiguous block.
(iii) The area shall be in safe category Groundwater basin with the utilization less than 70% of the annual replenishable groundwater in the basin.
(iv) Tail end areas/ areas irrigated once in command areas shall be prioritized
(v) After drilling, the borewell should yield 4500 Litres per hour which is a successful borewell for both command and non-command areas.
(vi) SC and ST farmers are to be given priority in the programme.
(vii) Eligible beneficiaries list is to be approved in the gramasabhas in the respective villages

(g) Drilling Bore well:

(i) After receiving the sanction, the beneficiary will construct the Bore Well/ Tube Well/ Filter Point well at the recommended location duly informing to the concerned authority for inspection and yield test.
(ii) After drilling of the Bore well, the beneficiary has to submit the Bore well completion report to the PO/MPDO of respective Mandals with photograph.

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