Earned Leaves Summer Training 2017 Rc 49 ELs for AP SSA TOT Summer Training

Earned Leaves Sanction for Trainings in Summer 2017- Earn Leave proceedings / Preservation of ELs for RVM trainings 2017, AP SSA TOT Summer Vocation Training Attending Teachers Preserved 5days ELs as per Rc.No.49, SPD/ SSA AP Preservation of ELs for RVM trainings 2017 Rc.No.49, ELs Summer Trainings 2017 Rc 49 Earned Leaves for Summer Trainings. File No. Rc. No.49/A3/APSSA/2017 RC.No. 49/APSSA/A3/2017 Dated: -01-2018. AP SSA has issued orders for preservation of Earned Leaves ELs for the Teachers who attended the Summer Trainings in 2017-18 at Primary and Upper Primary Level. AP SSA, Amaravati – PAB recommendations 2017-18 TOT in service training (5) days to Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers in Andhra Pradesh State conducted in Summer Vacation — Preservation of the Earned Leave to the Teachers who attended the said Training programme – Orders Issued.

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Preservation of ELs for RVM trainings 2017 AP Rc.No.49

1. G.O.Ms.No.114, Finance (FR.I) Department, dt. 28.04.2005.
2. PAB recommendations in AWP & B 2017-18.
3. This office Procs. Rc.No. 49/A3/AP SSA/SIEMAT/2016- I , dt. 21.04.2017.
4. This office Procs.Rc.No. 49/A3/AP S SA/SIEMAT/2016- 1, dt. 30.04.2017.
5. This office Procs. Rc.No. 49/A3/AP SSA/SIEMAT/2016-1, dt. 04.05.2017.
6. This office Procs. Rc.No. 49/A3/AP S SA/SIEMAT/2016- 1, dt. 05.05.2017.
7. Lr. dt. 30.11.2017 of Dr.Gade Srinivasulu Naidu, MLC of PRTU Front Floor Leader, AP.

ELs Summer Trainings 2017 Rc 49 Earned Leaves for Summer Trainings

The attention of the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the references read above and they are informed that, the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati has conducted in service training (5) days to Primary and Upper Primary School Teachers in Andhra Pradesh State conducted in Summer Vocation as per the PAB recommendations in AWP & B 2017-18.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to take action for Preservation of Earned Leave to the teachers who participated in the training programme conducted in summer vacation by the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Andhra Pradesh during the year 2017 as per as per sub-rule (15) and (20) of F.R.82 duly verifying the attendance of participates and make necessary entries in the SR of the teachers.

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