GO 36 Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees Key Points, Application Form Download in Pdf

GO 36 Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP women employees: Key Points Download in Pdf

Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees

GO 36 Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees Key Points, AP Women Employees Child Care Leave 180 Days Application Form Download in Pdf: Child care leave has been a crucial aspect of workplace policies, especially for women employees, ensuring they can balance their professional and familial responsibilities effectively.Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees Key Points.

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Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees Key Points  In Andhra Pradesh, the government has taken significant steps towards enhancing these benefits further, as highlighted in Government Order 36. Let’s delve into the key points of this order and understand its implications for women employees in AP. AP Women Employees Key Points, Application Form Download in Pdf. GO 36 Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees Key Points.

చైల్డ్ కేర్ పిల్లలకి గరిష్ట వయోపరిమితిని వదిలివేయండి

ఏపీ ప్రభుత్వం మహిళా ఉద్యోగులకు సంబంధించి మొత్తం సర్వీసులో 60 రోజుల నుంచి 180 రోజులకు చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ సౌకర్యాన్ని పెంచింది. అదే సదుపాయం “సింగిల్” పురుష ఉద్యోగులకు (వితంతువు/విడాకులు తీసుకున్న వ్యక్తి)”కి కూడా విస్తరించబడింది.

ప్రభుత్వంలో పనిచేసే మహిళలందరూ తమ పిల్లలను చూసుకోవాల్సిన అవసరం వచ్చినప్పుడు సెలవు తీసుకోవాలని ఏపీ నిర్ణయించింది. వారు తమ పిల్లలను చూసుకోవడానికి, పాఠశాల పరీక్షల కోసం, వారు అనారోగ్యంతో ఉన్నప్పుడు లేదా వారితో సమయం గడపడానికి ఈ సమయాన్ని ఉపయోగించుకోవచ్చు. మరియు ఇకపై ఈ ప్రయోజనం కోసం వయోపరిమితి లేదు.

  • మహిళా ఉద్యోగులు Retirement లోపు “Minor” child(Below 18yrs) సంరక్షణకు 180 రోజుల child care leave వాడుకొనవచ్చును.
  •  ఈ.G.O పేరా 5 ప్రకారము పిల్లల వయస్సు గరిష్టంగా 18 యేళ్ళ నిబంధన లో ఎలాంటి మార్పు లేదు.
    ఇది గమనించాలి
  • తల్లుల వయస్సు గరిష్టంగా 62 యేళ్ళు, గరిష్ట వయస్సు నిబంధన ఎత్తి వేసినది తల్లులకే కాని పిల్లలకు కాదు.
    ఇది ముఖ్యమైనది

క్లుప్తంగా జీవోలో ఉన్నది

గతంలో ఏ జీవోల ప్రకారం చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ ఇచ్చారో వివరిస్తూ…  మన సంఘ ప్రాతినిధ్యం చేసింది తెలుపుతూ …… ఇప్పుడు కొత్తగా ఏమి చేర్చింది తెలుపుతూ ఇచ్చిన జీవో ఈ చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ జీవో.

మొత్తంగా జీవోను పరిశీలిస్తే

 1. మొదటి పేరాలో గతంలో ఇచ్చిన 132 జీవో ప్రకారం మహిళా ఉద్యోగులకు 60 రోజులు చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ ఇస్తూ పిల్లలకు 18 సంవత్సరాలు వరకు ఎప్పుడైనా త్రీ స్పెల్స్ గా పెట్టుకోవచ్చు.
2. రెండవ పేరాలో జీవో 33 ప్రకారం 60 రోజుల నుంచి 180 రోజుల వరకు పెంచుతూ మహిళా ఉద్యోగుల తో పాటు సింగిల్ మగ ఉద్యోగ కూడా వర్తిస్తుంది. రూల్స్ అన్ని 132 ప్రకారమే.
3. మూడవ పేరాలో జీవో 199 ప్రకారం 3 స్పెల్స్ నుండి 10 స్పెల్స్ కు పెంచారు.
4. నాలుగో పేరాలో సంఘ బాధ్యులు చైల్డ్ కేర్ లీవ్ సర్వీస్ లో ఎప్పుడైనా వాడుకునే విధంగా ఇవ్వాలి అని ప్రాతినిధ్యం చేశారు .(అర్థంపర్థం లేని ప్రాతినిధ్యం) ఆ ప్రాతినిధ్యం మేరకు5. పేరా 5 వ ప్రకారము.పిల్లల వయస్సు గరిష్టంగా 18 యేళ్ళ నిబంధన లో ఎలాంటి మార్పు లేదు.

తల్లుల వయస్సు గరిష్టంగా 62 యేళ్ళు
 గరిష్ట వయస్సు నిబంధన ఎత్తి వేసినది తల్లులకే కాని పిల్లలకు కాదు. అని ఉత్తర్వు లలో ఇవ్వడమైంది.

స్థూలంగా జీవో బాగా చదివితే మన పిల్లల వయస్సు 18 సంవత్సరాలు లోపు ఉండాలి. తల్లుల వయస్సు 62 సంవత్సరాల వరకు ఉండవచ్చు.

అంతేకానీ సర్వీసులో మన పిల్లల వయస్సు 18 సంవత్సరాలు పైనున్న, పెళ్లిల్లు ఐనా , మనవరాలు/మనవడు పుట్టినపుడు వాడుకోవచ్చు అనుకోవడం పొరపాటు.
అలా పొరపొడి ఎవరైనా సెలవు పెట్టుకుంటే దాన్ని మెడికల్ గా లీవ్ గా ఎంట్రీ చేస్తారు.

Overview of Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing to AP Women Employees

Key Points of G.O. 36 Details
Child’s Age Limit Removal Previously, child care leave was restricted to children below 18 years of age. Now, there is no age limit for Parents (62 Years).
Mother’s Age Limit The age limit for mothers to avail child care leave remains at 62 years.
Child Care Leave Duration Revised orders allow for 180 days of child care leave in 10 installments.
Advance Sanction & Salary Child care leave should be sanctioned in advance by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO), who is responsible for paying the full salary for that month.
Increment during Leave No salary increment during the leave period; an increment will be granted upon returning to duty.
Combination with Maternity Leave Child care leave can be combined with casual leave, but not with maternity leave.
Surrogacy and Adoption Women employees with children through surrogacy or adoption are entitled to 90 days of leave.
Bereavement of Wife Child care leave is not granted to male employees whose wives have died.
Submission of Date of Birth Details The date of birth certificate of the child should be submitted only during the first application for child care leave.
Reasons for Granting Child Care Leave Child care leave can be granted for reasons beyond the child’s illness and studies, as per G.O. 209.
Combination with Public Holidays Child care leave may be combined with public holidays as applicable.

Understanding the Amendments in GO 36

1. Introduction to GO 36: Explaining the scope and purpose of Government Order 36, emphasizing its significance for women employees in Andhra Pradesh.

2. Removal of Age Limit for Child Care Leave: Discussing the notable amendment that removes the age limit restriction for child care leave, allowing women employees to avail of this benefit irrespective of their child’s age.

3. Empowering Women Workforce: Highlighting the role of such policies in empowering women in the workforce, and fostering a conducive environment for their professional growth.

4. Alignment with Progressive Practices: Illustrating how the removal of age limits aligns with progressive practices in promoting gender equality and work-life balance.

5. Impact on Employee Productivity: Analyzing the potential impact of GO 36 on employee productivity and job satisfaction, emphasizing the positive outcomes associated with a supportive work environment.

6. Implementation Guidelines: Explaining the guidelines and procedures for availing child care leave under the provisions of GO 36, ensuring clarity for employees and administrative efficiency.

7. Ensuring Compliance: Emphasizing the importance of adherence to the regulations outlined in GO 36 by both employers and employees to ensure effective implementation and fair treatment.

8. Addressing Potential Challenges: Identifying and addressing potential challenges or concerns that may arise during the implementation of the amended policies, such as administrative hurdles or misuse of benefits.

9. Promoting Work-Life Balance: Discussing how initiatives like extended child care leave contribute to promoting a healthy work-life balance, enhancing employee well-being, and organizational culture.

10. Encouraging Diversity and Inclusion: Exploring how inclusive policies like GO 36 contribute to fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace, creating an environment where all employees feel valued and supported.

11. Supporting Working Mothers: Recognizing the significance of child care leave in supporting working mothers in managing their familial responsibilities while pursuing their careers.

12. Enhancing Employee Retention: Highlighting the role of family-friendly policies like extended child care leave in attracting and retaining top talent, thereby benefiting organizations in the long run.

13. Celebrating Gender Diversity: Acknowledging the importance of celebrating gender diversity in the workplace and creating opportunities for women to thrive professionally.

14. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Stressing the need for continuous evaluation and improvement of policies like GO 36 to address evolving needs and ensure maximum effectiveness.

15. Conclusion: Summarizing the key points discussed and reaffirming the significance of Government Order 36 in promoting gender equality, work-life balance, and organizational excellence.

 GO.36 Dt:04/7/2024 Child Care Leave No Upper Age Limit of Children Click Here to Download


In conclusion, Government Order 36 marks a significant milestone in promoting gender equality and supporting working women in Andhra Pradesh. By removing the age limit for child care leave, the government has demonstrated its commitment to creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Employers and employees alike must embrace these progressive policies and work towards building a workplace culture that values diversity, equity, and work-life balance.

Child Care Leave Age Limit Removing G.O.Ms.NO. 36 Click Here
Child Care Leave Details in Telugu Download
Child Care Leave G.O.Copy Download
Child Care Leave Application Download

FAQ for Child Care Leave Age Limit (Child Care Leave Questions-Answers:

1. Question: Maximum number of days child care leave can be taken per spell. Can we put 1 or 2 days?

Answer: Revised orders to avail 180 days of childcare leave in 10 installments

2. Question: Should Child Care Leave be sanctioned in advance? Do you pay full salary during vacation?

Answer: Child care leave should be sanctioned in advance with the DDO and the details entered in the service book through the proceedings. The DDO is responsible for sanctioning the salary for that month as usual.

3. Question: Can child care leave be granted if there is an increment in the number of days given?

Answer: Can’t. There is no salary increment during the holiday period. Therefore, an increment will be granted from the date of joining duty after leave.

4. Question: Can child care leave be taken as a continuation of maternity leave?

Answer: Child care leave in all cases other than casual, spl. Rule 3(i) of JV.209 suggests that it can be combined with casual leave.

5. Question: Are women employees who have children through surrogacy and adoption entitled to child care leave?

Answer: Deserving. 90 days leave can be availed.

6. Question: Can child care leave be granted to a male employee whose wife has died?

Answer: Not allowed. In GO.209 related to this, there is Women Employees.

7. Question: Do you have to submit date of birth details every time you apply for childcare leave?

Answer: No need. The date of birth certificate of the son/daughter should be submitted only while applying for the first time. It is sufficient to apply each time.

8. Question: Is child care leave granted only for child’s illness and studies?

Answer: In GO.209 point.3 it says “Children needs like examinations, sickness, etc”, so child care leave can be granted for other reasons besides the above two reasons.

9. Question: Are prefixes and suffixes applicable to child care leave?

Answer: As applicable, this leave may be combined with public holidays.


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