APSWREIS Recruitment Notification 2019 TGT Care Takers Principals Online Apply @ jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in
APSWREIS TGT Care Takers Principals Direct Recruitment Notification 2019 APSWREIS TGT Care Takers Principals Vacancies Eligibility Educational Qualifications Download. APSWREIS Direct Recruitment Notification 2019 Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society Released Notification to fill up Trained Graduate Teachers TGT Care Takers Principal Posts Vacancies all over the State Societies. APSWREIS TGT Care Takers Principals Vacancies Eligibility Educational Qualifications Online Application Exam Pattern Selection Procedure How to Apply Online at www.jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in. APSWREIS Recruitment Notification 2019 TGT Care Takers Principals Online Apply @ jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in.
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APSWREIS Recruitment Notification 2019 TGT Care Takers Principals Online Apply @ jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in
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APSWREIS Recruitment Notification 2019 |
APSWREIS TGT Recruitment 2019 | TGT PGT Principal 750 Vacancies
Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society Released Notification to fill up Trained Graduate Teachers TGT Care Takers Principal Posts Vacancies all over the State Societies. Applications are invited for appointment of DCO / Principal Grade-II / Trained Graduate Teacher / Caretaker(Warden) through direct recruitment in the Institutions run by APSWREI society in the State. APSWREIS TGT Care Takers Principals Vacancies Eligibility Educational Qualifications Online Application Exam Pattern Selection Procedure How to Apply Online at www.jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in Get complete details here.
APSWREIS Direct Recruitment Vacancies
Name & No: of Posts:
1. District Co-ordinator: 04
2. Principal: 27
3. TGT: 552
4. Caretaker (Warden): 167
Total Posts: 750
APSWREIS TGT Principals Care Takers SCALE OF PAY
District coordinator : 46,060 – 98,440
Principal Grade-II : 40,270 – 93,780
Trained Graduate Teacher: 28,940 – 78,910
Care Taker (Warden): 21,230 – 63,010
Academic Qualifications
District Coordinator : A Post Graduate Degree from any university recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC)
Administrative experience of 3 years in State/Central Govt.Organizations
Principal Grade-II:
A Post Graduate Degree with 1st class (with minimum 60% marks) from any university recognized by University Grants Commission(UGC)
A B.Ed Degree from UGC / NCTE recognized University with minimum of 50 % marks.
A total teaching experience of not less than 10 years including 3 years of experience as PGT or JL in any Govt/Govt.Aided school/Jr.College
3 years of administrative experience as Head Master/Principal of a High School or Jr.College funded by State/Central/Union Territory Government
Trained Graduate Teacher:
A 1st class Post Graduate degree in the subjects shown at Annexure- C from any University recognized by UGC with not less than 60% marks in the relevant subject. (In case of SC, ST, BC candidates not less than 55% marks in Post Graduation)
A B.Ed., degree or equivalent qualification from UGC/NCTE recognized University with relevant Subject as one of the methods of teaching.
Must have passed TET Paper II conducted by State Government.
Caretaker (Warden)
Graduation degree from any University recognized by University Grants Commission(UGC)
B.Ed.,degree from UGC/NCTE recognized University..
Additional Qualifications:
Weightage will be given for additional qualifications and experiences in respect of DCO, Principal Grade-II, TGT and Care taker (Warden). Details can be seen at Annexure -D
How to Apply APSWREIS Recruitment 2019
Candidates have to apply online through www.jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in
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1. Log on to the website www.jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in
2. Click on the apply button for the respective post
3. Fill all the details in the online application form by uploading a recent passport size photograph
4. Check all the details properly before submission
5. Submit the application form and take the printout of the form for future reference.
- Eligible candidates can apply on-line from 14.02.2019 to 28.02.2019 through website jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in
- Only on payment of fee on-line, an applicant can continue with filling up the application form.
- Single application will be filled up by candidate, even if he /she is applying for more than one post
- However the candidate has to pay fee @ Rs.500/- per each post.
- No need to enclose any Certificates at the time of submitting on-line application.
- The candidates must be fully qualified for the post applied for and in possession of all Certificates as on last date prescribed in the notification for submission of applications
- Candidates who submit false/fake information in online application form shall be liable for criminal prosecution besides rejection of the application or cancellation of selection, as the case may be.
APSWREIS Post Graduate Teacher Jobs Selection process
The selection methodology includes the below rounds.
Written test
APSWREIS Recruitment 2019 Hall Tickets
Applicants need not select any Examination Centres at the stage of application. Allocation of Examination Centres will be initiated after last date of receipt of applications. Candidates will be informed through our website/Social Media/SMS for allotment of examination Centres and downloading Hall Tickets. The Candidates will have to down load the same as per the instructions
APSWREIS TGT Care Takers Selection Procedure
Selection will be purely based on marks scored by the candidates in online exam. Weightage marks as indicated in this notification will also be counted for this purpose.
English Language Proficiency Test (Part-I) is for 50 marks and 30 marks is the qualifying marks. Part-II of the Candidates who failed to secure qualifying marks in Part-I will not be considered. It is further clarified that, marks secured in Part-I (i.e., English Language Proficiency Test) will not be considered for final merit list.
80% weightage for the selection will be given for the marks obtained in Part II of the Written Test, in case of TGTs. 20% weightage will be given to the APTET Paper-II Score. If the Candidates appeared for TET more than once, the highest valid score will be taken into consideration.
No Demo/ Interview will be conducted for selection.
Important Dates :
Starting Date for Submission of Online application: 15-02-2019
Last Date for Submission of Online application: 28-02-2019
Contact Address:
AP Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APSWREIS),
Amravati, Andhra Pradesh.
Click here for APSWREIS Notification Download
APSWREIS Recruitment Apply Online link here