YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, District Policy Status | Telugu

YSR Bima Scheme 2020 Pathakam Form, Guidelines pdf. Claim Status Online YSR Bima Status By Aadhar. YSR Bima Yojana | YSR Bima Pathakam 2020 | YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, Policy Status, District Helpline Contact Number

YSR Bheema Scheem in Telugu ysr bima status by aadhar YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, Policy Status details. How to Apply YSR Bima Scheme Accident Death and Disability Insurance provide Rs.5.00 Lakhs as per GO 4. YSR Bima Unorganized Workers Social Security Processing of Claim Benefits, Death Claims & General Guidelines, Scholarships, Disability Claims, Monitoring, Distribution of Policy Bonds and Benefits, Transparency and Genuineness of Claims. YSR Bima Policy Number Check How to Apply YSR Bheema Online Application Form, YSR Bima Yojana Application, YSR Bima Policy Status. YSR Bheema Pathakam Online Application form how to apply YSR bheema for Workers Labours Online Status at YSRbima.ap.gov.in. YSR Bheema Pathakam status how to apply YSR bheema for Workers Labors apply Online Application form at YSRbima.ap.gov.in. YSR bima yojana policy number details Report at www.bheema app. YSR Bima Scheme Registration of unorganised workers in Official website bima.ap.gov.in. YSR Bima Scheme benefits, Eligibility New Norms, YSR Bima Pathakam Latest guidelines. Monthly Premium amount, Process of Registration of workers. Insurance cover details.

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YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, District Policy Status

There was a Bima Scheme in Andhra Pradesh state called Chandranna Bima Scheme. Like other schemes name of this is scheme also change now. This scheme is called now YSR Bima scheme 2020. This happens after new schemes announcements by the YSR government of Andhra Pradesh.

YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, Policy Status
YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, Policy Status

YSR Bima Scheme  Benefits are as follows:

(i) Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakh) Accident Death and total permanent disability relief:

Rs. 2,25,000/- (Rupees two lakh twenty five thousand) from State Accident Death and Disability Scheme, Rs.75,000/- (Rupees seventy five thousand) under Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY) and Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees two lakh) from Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY).

(ii) up to Rs.3,62,500/- (Rupees three lakh sixty two thousand five hundred) Partial permanent disability relief:

Up to Rs. 2,25,000/- under State Accident and Disability Scheme – Rs.37,500/- under Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY) and Rs.1,00,000/- from Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY).
(iii) Rs.30,000/- for Natural Death relief under Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY).
(iv) Rs.1200/- p.a. towards scholarship per child upto two children of the beneficiary studying 9th, 10th, Intermediate or ITI.

Unorganised workers in the age group of 18 to 59 years (as per AABY norms):

  • Accident Death and Total Disability relief: Rs. 5 lakh.
  • Partial Disability relief: up to Rs.3,62,500/-
  • Natural Death relief: Rs.30,000/-
  • Scholarship: Rs.1200/- p.a. per child (up to two children).
  • Unorganised workers in the age group of 60 to 70 years:
  • Accident Death and Total Disability relief: Rs. 4.25 lakh.
  • Partial Disability relief: up to Rs.3,25,000/-

Note: Not eligible for Natural death relief and scholarship as per AABY norms.

YSR Beema Premium:

The premium payable for the first year is Rs. 12/- under PMSBY, Rs 100/- under AABY and Rs.22.50/- under the State Accident Death and Disability scheme. There is no premium for scholarship under AABY.

Registration of unorganised workers:

(i) Eligibility for registration: 
All unorganized workers in the age group of 18 to 70 years are eligible for registration.

(ii) Process of Registration of workers:

The unorganised worker may be enumerated during Smart Pulse Survey (SPS) by the State Government, and he has to pay Rs.15/- or such other amount as specified by the Commissioner of Labour to the Enumeration Team of the Village Organisation. He shall furnish other undertakings and certificates, application forms as are required under the Rules of the various component schemes and under the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008 to the Village Organization at the time of enumeration.

Details of Scheme

  • Coverage of 2.50 crore unorganized workers.
  • Convergence of Central Schemes, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyothi Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Aam Admi Bima Yojana .
  • Scheme Benefits: Rs.2 lakh for 18-50 years and Rs.30,000/- for 51-60 years towards natural death, Rs.5 lakh for accident death and total disability and Rs.2.50 lakh for partial disability for 18-70 years.
  • Scholarship Rs.1,200/- for children (up to two children) studying 9th, 10th, Inter and ITI.
  • Total online claim settlement process. Rs.5,000/- paid within (2) days towards funeral expenses and total balance amount paid on 11th day or 13th day death ceremony.

How to Check Status of YSR Bima Online

To check the status please visit the official website http://www.bima.ap.gov.in .
On this website option of the report.
Click on report option.
Now you have all the reports district wise.
Now select your district and click on the YSR Bima claim status and add additional details.
When you click on add details you have all the application status in front of you.


All unorganized workers in the State in the age group of 18 to 70 years, drawing monthly wage of less than Rs.15,000/- per month who enrolled through Praja Sadhikaara Survey are eligible under the Scheme.

Eligibility Criteria

Scheme component Age group Natural Death Accident death Total disability Partial disability Scholarship
Price per month 2.90 5.90 9.90 14.90
PMJJBY 18 – 50 2,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,200
AABY 51 – 60 30,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000 1,200
PMSBY 61 – 70 5,00,000 5,00,000 2,50,000
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YSR Bheema Claim process 1


SL NO Name of the District Toll Free Number Alternative Contact Number 1 Alternative Contact Number 2 Toll Free Unique Short Digit Number
1 Ananthapuram District 1800 425 5032 08554 278275 08554 278285 155214
2 Chittoor District 1800 425 5035 08572 242421 9701501411
3 East Godavari District 1800 425 5041 0884 2353111 9849901694
4 Guntur District 1800 425 5038 0863 2241326 9959223557
5 Kadapa District 1800 425 5033 0856 2255266 9701789687
6 Krishna District 1800 425 5039 0866 2412822 7675917702
7 Prakasam District 1800 425 5037 0859 2280598 0859 2280750
8 Nellore District 1800 425 5036 9704501172 0861 2304119
9 Kurnool District 1800 425 5034 08518 289222 08518 277770
10 Srikakulam District 1800 425 5044 0894 2279748 0894 2242600
11 Visakhapatnam District 1800 425 5042 9989501745 0891 2518276
12 West Godavari District 1800 425 5040 0881 2222583 9701979333
13 Vizianagaram District 1800 425 5043 9701115588 0892 2228790

AP GO 4 YSR Bima Accident Death and Disability Insurance Claim Guidelines 
AP BIma Scheme Complete Guidelines Download   (in Telugu)
YSR Bima Scheme official website bima.ap.gov.in

22 thoughts on “YSR Beema Online Registration, Scheme Benefits, Eligibility Guidelines, District Policy Status | Telugu”

  1. అంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ముఖ్యమంత్రి శ్రీ నారా చంద్రబాబు గారికి ధన్యవాదాలు తెలుపుకుంటూ ఇ పథకం గురించి ప్రతి ఒక్కరికి తెలియజేస్తూ అందరికి ఉపయెగ పడాలని కోరుతూ మీ అబిమాని రామకృష్ణ

  2. Good scheme thanks to honerble chief minister chandra babu naidu.
    keshav rao

  3. my name is kurra sumanth kumar
    i miss my policy number , so pllease help me
    my aadhar number is 729409551092

  4. If you people are solving the problems then wat is the use of publishing such a fake news..To whom we consult ….. For registration

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