Up-gradation of 292 Government High Schools into High School Plus for Girls from the Academic Year 2022-23
Sub:- School Education – APESS – Up-gradation of 292 High Schools into High Schools Plus for Girls from the Academic Year 2022-23 – Providing required teaching staff to the Upgraded High School Plus – Instructions – Issued.
2022-23 విద్యా సంవత్సరం నుండి 292 హైస్కూల్లను హైస్కూల్ ప్లస్గా అప్గ్రేడ్ చేయడం మరియు ఇటీవల అప్గ్రేడ్ చేసిన 292 హైస్కూళ్లలో PGTలను ఉంచడం, 2022-23 విద్యా సంవత్సరం నుండి, స్కూల్ ఎడ్యుకేషన్ కమిషనర్ పాఠశాలలను బాలికల కోసం హైస్కూల్ ప్లస్గా మార్చడానికి విధానాలను జారీ చేశారు. AP ఉపాధ్యాయుల పదోన్నతులకు మార్గదర్శకాలు ఈ విషయంలో, CSE అప్గ్రేడ్ చేసిన హైస్కూల్ ప్లస్కు అవసరమైన బోధనా సిబ్బందిని అందించడానికి చర్యలు తీసుకుంది. Rc No.ESE02-14/18/2022-E-VI Dt:16/09/2022 ప్రకారం, CSE ఈ విషయంలో నిర్దిష్ట ఉత్తర్వులు జారీ చేసింది.
1. G.O.Ms.No.124, School Education (Prog-I) Dept., Dated: 07-07-2022.
2. Govt. Memo No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/770/2022-Prog-I, Dated: 07-07-2022.
3. This office Procs.Rc.No.31/A&I/2022, Dated.07-07-2022
4. U.O. Note No.31/A&I/2022, Dated: 14-08-2022 from the Commissioner issued to the Joint Director (Services).
Providing PGT Posts in High School Plus, PGT Qualifications
Upgrading 292 high schools to High School Plus, providing PGT positions in 292 recently upgraded high schools The Commissioner of School Education has issued procedures for the conversion of schools into High School Plus for Girls beginning in the Academic year 2022-23. AP Teachers Promotion Guidelines In this regard, CSE has taken steps to provide the necessary teaching personnel to the upgraded High School Plus. The CSE has issued Specific orders in this regard, as per Rc No.ESE02-14/18/2022-E-VI Dt:16/09/2022.
1.The Commissioner of School Education attention is drawn to the first cited reference, in which he has requested the Government I to issue necessary orders for the up-gradation of 292 High Schools into High School Plus, where there is no Government Junior College / KGBVs, and (ii) to sanction the two posts of non-teaching staff on an outsourcing basis [i.e., 1 watchman and 1 Jr. Assistant-cum-Data Entry Operator] in each school where there is no sanction
2. As a result, the Government, via G.O.2nd cited, has granted him permission to upgrade 292 Government High Schools into High School Plus for Girls beginning in the Academic Year 2022-23.
3. In the case of Data Entry Operator and Watchman, he is asked to look into the four items listed below.
Wherever the high school already has a watchman and DEO on the job, he or she can be used.
ii. Finish the cadre rationalisation exercise, identifying all redundant and service outsourcing cadres. Personnel working against these can be re-deployed for these two tasks.
iii. The CSE may consider deploying non-teaching staff from other parts of the Department to meet this requirement.
iv. The CSE may also conduct an exercise to identify all non-teaching staff working in Zilla Parishad schools who are not teaching, cancel their deputations, and redeploy them to meet this requirement.
4. This memo is issued with the approval of the Finance Department, per U.O.No.1756356/HR.II/FINOl-HROPDPP(RRD)/86/2022, dated June 29, 2022.
District Wise High School Plus College List
The RJDs of school Education and DEOs in the state have been Notified, and the following Abstract of upgraded schools, district by district, is shown below.
SI. No. |
Erest while District | New District | No. of Schools Management wise | Total | |||
Govt | ZP | Mpl | Tribal Welfare | ||||
1 | Srikakulam | Srikakulam | 5 | 5 | |||
2 | Vizianagaram | Vizianagaram | 1 | 1 | |||
3 | Visakhapatnam | Visakhapatnam | 4 | 2 | 6 | ||
4 | Visakhapatnam | Anakapalli | 4 | 4 | |||
5 | East Godavari | East Godavari | 9 | 9 | |||
6 | East Godavari | ASR | 2 | 1 | 3 | ||
7 | East Godavari | Kakinada | 2 | 13 | 15 | ||
8 | East Godavari | Konaseema | 21 | 21 | |||
9 | West Godavari | West Godavari | 1 | 15 | 16 | ||
10 | West Godavari | East Godavari | 7 | 7 | |||
11 | West Godavari | Eluru | 1 | 17 | 18 | ||
12 | Krishna | Krishna | 1 | 22 | 1 | 24 | |
13 | Krishna | NTR | 14 | 2 | 16 | ||
14 | Krishna | Eluru | 7 | 7 | |||
15 | Guntur | Guntur | 17 | 17 | |||
16 | Guntur | Palnadu | 4 | 4 | |||
17 | Guntur | Bapatla | 9 | 1 | 10 | ||
18 | Prakasam | Bapatla | 9 | 9 | |||
19 | Prakasam | Prakasam | 1 | 8 | 9 | ||
20 | Nellore | SPS Nellore | 5 | 18 | 23 | ||
21 | Nellore | Tirupati | 2 | 9 | 11 | ||
22 | Chittoor | Tirupati | 2 | 12 | 14 | ||
23 | Chittoor | Chittoor | 20 | 20 | |||
24 | Chittoor | Annamaiah | 1 | 1 | |||
25 | Kadapa | Annamaiah | 3 | 3 | |||
26 | Kadapa | YSR Kadapa | 14 | 14 | |||
27 | Kurnool | Nandyal | 1 | 2 | 3 | ||
28 | Ananthapur | Sri Sathya Sai | 2 | 2 | |||
16 | 269 | 6 | 1 | 292 |
Group Wise PGT Post implementation Criteria
Following the implementation of +2 Courses, i.e. Intermediate Education Courses, in the aforementioned 292 High Schools beginning Filling Up of MDM Programme Posts in DEO offices 2022 in the Academic Year 2022-23, the following instructions are hereby issued for running the Courses with the necessary teaching staff.
- Each school Requires the following staff for each course in order to Run Intermediate Education.
Bi.P.C / M.P.C / C.E.C One PGT of the Respective Subject - One language Teacher in English
- One language Teacher in Telugu
- One language Teacher in Hindi
- The Required Qualifications for Subject Teachers and language Teachers in the cadre of PGT are Mentioned Here under.
Up-gradation of 292 High Schools into High School Plus, Providing PGT |
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PGT Educational Qualifications for Postgraduate Teachers in High Schools Plus Schools
A. Academic Qualifications: Must have a two-year integrated Post Graduate Course from an NCERT Regional Institute of Education or a Master Degree from a UGC recognized University with at least 50% aggregate marks in the subjects listed below:
- PGT (English) – M.A. in English M.A. in Hindi, PGT(Hindi).
- PGT(Telugu) – M.A. in Telugu.
- PGT (Civics) – Master of Arts in Political Science, Public Administration, or Politics.
- PGT (Commerce) – M.Com. in Commerce with Accountancy / Cost Accounting / Financial Accountancy
- as a main subject / Master of Financial Analysis provided B.Com in Graduation level.
♦ PGT (Economics) – M.A. in Economics, Applied Economics, Business Economics, Rural Development, Mathematical Economics, and Econometrics
♦ PGT (Maths) – M.A. / M.Sc. in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Statistics / Applied Statistics / M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics / M.Sc. Maths & Computer Science / A.O. Mathematics And they should have studied Mathematics at the graduate level.
♦ PGT (Physics) – M.Sc. in Physics / Electronics / Applied Physics / Nuclear Physics / M.Sc (Tech) Engineering Physics with any specialization / M.Sc. (Tech) Instrumentation / Space Physics / M.Sc. Technical Engineering Physics / M.Sc. Technical Engineering Physics / M.Sc. Technical Engineering Physics / M.Sc (Tech) M.Sc. in Applied Electronics (Tech) Engineering Physics / M.Sc (Tech) Electronics / M.Sc. Engineering Physics and Instrumentation / Meteorology & Oceanography / M.Sc (Tech) Co-Physics / M.Sc. (Astro Physics) / Any Physics-based M.Sc. Course from a UGC-recognized University
♦ PGT (Chemistry) – M.Sc. Chemistry with concentrations in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, industrial chemistry, and analytical chemistry M.Sc. in Nuclear Chemistry / Environmental Chemistry / Mineral Chemistry / Fertilizers and Agrochemicals / Photochemistry and Forest Products / Food and Drug Chemistry / Synthetic Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Chemistry Master Degree (Associate ship Exam in Chemistry) M.Sc., Chemistry with a specialization in Petro Chemicals / Natural Products / Polymer Chemistry / Drugs and Pharmaceuticals / Forest Products Chemistry and should have studied Chemistry in high school.
♦ PGT (Botany) – M.Sc. in Botany, Life Sciences, Bio Sciences, Genetics, Micro Biology, Bio Technology, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Biological Sciences, Plant Sciences, Environmental Biology, Modern Biology, Experimental Biology, and Marine Biology. And they should have studied Botany as a graduation subject.
♦ PGT (Zoology) –M.Sc. in Zoology, Life Sciences, Bio Sciences, Genetics, Micro Biology, Bio-Technology, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Animal Biology, Environmental Biology, Modern Biology, Animal Sciences, and Experimental Biology. And they should have studied Zoology at the graduate level..
Professional Qualifications for PGT in High School Plus
Must possess B.Ed. recognized by NCTE (or) Equivalent Degree with Methodology in the concerned subject from UGC Recognized University.
- Separate action is being taken in consultation with the government to convert vacant SGT positions in the districts to PGT. Posts will be assigned based on the requirements after finalization. AP Teachers Promotions Seniority list.
- Before issuing a work order, the School Assistants willingness to work as PGT should be considered.
- Working School Assistants (Subject / Language) in the respective upgraded management schools who are qualified and eligible to work as PGT should be identified and instructed to teach Class XI in addition to their regular classes.
- If no School Assistants (Subject / Language) are available in that school, the respective authority should identify qualified and eligible School Assistants from nearby schools within the Mandal / Division and they should be assigned to that school.
- In schools with two identical Subject / Language School Assistants, including a PGT, the concerned Headmaster of the upgraded High School and the concerned District Educational Officer may make appropriate decisions for class and period allocation to both teachers.
- When orders are received from the government to upgrade SGTs to PGTs, one increment should be given in addition to their current scale of pay.
- Female teachers will be given preference in identifying eligible and qualified School Assistants. If female teachers are not available, male School Assistants may be identified for work order issuance.
- Before further orders, the current Headmaster of the upgraded school will serve as Principal of the school. If the position of Principal already exists in the upgraded school, the current Principal may be retained.
- Under intimation to this office, the RJDSE of the respective school may address a letter to the Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P., and Controller of Intermediate Board, A.P., to obtain permission and recognition to run the courses allotted and conduct the Intermediate examination for each academic year.
- Non-teaching staff must strictly follow the instructions issued by the government in reference 2nd read above.
- The respective District Educational Officers are requested to identify unutilized vacant SGT posts management-wide for the purpose of up-gradation.