TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 – Action Plan From 1st Feb 2021

Telangana High Schools ( 9th & 10th Classes) Re Opening Instructions 2021 – Action Plan From 01-02-2021

TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 – Action Plan From 1st Feb 2021 : Telangana Schools Re-opening Guidelines from 1st Feb after COVID-19. DSE Telangana Guidelines on Reopening of Schools Colleges in Telangana- Get Details in pdf file. How to Conduct Telangana Schools for 9th, 10th Classes after COVID 19. TS Memo. N0.5640/ SE.Prog.II/A1/2020, dt.12. 01.2021 TS Schools to be reopened from 1st Feb after Carona COVID 19. 

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TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines and instructions are issued for reopening of Telangana Schools. Details are about School timings, Exam Dates, Class sanitation ans more given below. TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 – Action Plan From 1st Feb 2021. TS Education Department – Reopening of Schools and Colleges from 1st February, 2021 – Instuctions /guidelines – issued.

ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయులు / ఉపాధ్యాయులు ఈ క్రింది వాటిని నిర్ధారించాలి:

  1. అభ్యాస-స్నేహపూర్వక పాఠశాల మరియు తరగతి గది వాతావరణాన్ని సృష్టించండి.
  2. తరగతి గదిలో బోధనతో పాటు ఆన్‌లైన్ మోడ్ ద్వారా ఇంటి నుండి చదువుతున్న విద్యార్థులను అనుసరించడానికి ఉపాధ్యాయులు సిద్ధంగా ఉండాలి.
  3. అనుకూలీకరించిన సీటింగ్ ప్లాన్ ప్రకారం ఉపాధ్యాయుల లభ్యతను నిర్ధారించడానికి ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయులు అనుకూలీకరించిన టైమ్‌టేబుల్‌ను సిద్ధం చేయాలి.
  4. ఇతర పిల్లలతో పాటు ప్రత్యేక అవసరాలున్న పిల్లల సమస్యలను పరిష్కరించండి.
TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 - Action Plan From 1st Feb 2021
TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 – Action Plan From 1st Feb 2021

TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 – Action Plan From 1st Feb 2021

TS Schools Re-opening Guidelines 2021 : All the officers mentioned in the address entry are invited to the subject cited and they are informed that in the Collectors Conference held on 11.01.20201, the Hon’ble CM has instructed to prepare a action plan for reopening of Schools and Colleges from 1st February, 2021 in the following manner:

  • 1) Schools – 9th and l0th Classes only. Students from other classes shall not attend schools (No physical School for 1 to 8th classes).
  • 2) Intermediate – 1st and 2nd year.
  • 3) Collegiate Education- Degree and Post Graduate Courses.
  • 4) Technical Education- All Technical Educational institutions, duly following standard operating procedures (SoP) of GOI guidelines for Health and safety protocols for reopening of schools /UGC guidelines etc.

2. Keeping in view of hardship caused due to Covid-19 pandemic, and as physical classes could not be started as scheduled, Government as a part of e-learning and distance education have permitted to start online classes on various digital/TV/T-Sat platforms from 1st September, 2020, in all Schools and Junior Colleges and other Colleges in the State vide Govt. Memo.dt.24.08. 2020.

3. Since, it is decided to open Educational Institutions now, as per the instructions of the Hon’ble CM, in the meeting held on 11.01.2021, it is proposed to form a District level Education Monitoring Committee (DLEMC) with the following Members to prepare a action plan for re-opening of Schools and Colleges from 1″ February 2021 in the State, duly following SOP guidelines

Guidelines For Partial Reopening Of Telangana Schools for ( 9th and 10th Class)

  • 1. Schools under all managements shall be physically reopened for students of classes 9, 10 and 11, 12 in KGBVs, TREIs, Model Schools and Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) colleges from 1st February, 2021. No other classes shall reopen physically for the students.
  • 2. The present digital classes being conducted through Doordarshan and TSAT, and other digital platforms shall continue and a blended form of learning through both online and offline platforms, shall be made available to students.
  • 3. The Headmasters shall permit students after obtaining the written consent from parents/ guardians which is mandated by Govt. of India for students to attend physical classes.
  • 4. All teachers handling classes 9, 10, 11 and 12 shall attend school daily. Students willing to study from home with the consent of the parent, may be allowed to do so. Students of other than above mentioned classes shall not attend school.
  • 5. The schools shall function as per regular school timings.
  • 6. The Headmasters shall prepare a customized seating plan as per the classroom size to ensure physical distance of atleast 6 feet between any two students.
  • 7. The Headmasters shall ensure that all the students and staff wear masks.
  • 8. Students suffering from cold, cough, fever shall not be allowed to attend school.
  • 9. Children shall be provided Mid Day Meal while attending the schools.
  • 10. Project-work, assignments upto 30% of the syllabus has already been communicated and it shall be completed at home under the guidance of teachers and parents and the remaining upto 70% syllabus shall be taught in schools by the teachers.
  • 11. The last working day of the school shall be last day of the SSC examination.

Headmasters/ Teachers shall ensure the following:

  • Create learner-friendly school and classroom environment.
  • Teachers shall be prepared for teaching in classroom as well as follow-up of students studying from home through online mode.
  • The Headmasters shall prepare customized timetable to ensure availability of teachers as per the customized seating plan.
  • Address concerns of Children with Special Needs along with other children.
  • Project-work, assignments to be done at home under the guidance of teachers and parents.

13. A District Level Committee is constituted under the Chairmanship of the District Collector by Government. The DEO shall report to the District level Committee as and when called upon to do so, with complete information.

14.The following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) shall be strictly adhered to

Sanitation Plan in High School

Ensure proper cleaning and sanitation facilities in the school

  • Arrange for thorough cleaning and disinfecting of all areas, furniture, equipment, stationery, storage places, kitchens, canteen, washrooms, laboratories, libraries, etc. on school campus and ensure air flow in indoor space.
  • The District Panchayat Officers (DPOs) and Municipal Commissioners concerned shall take necessary action for maintenance of sanitation, drinking water, water tanks, and toilet maintenance in government schools on a daily basis.
  • Ensure working hand washing facilities in the school.
  • Ensure availability of key supplies like thermometers, disinfectants, soaps, etc., and arrange for availability of these essentials.
  • Ensure sanitization of school transport before they start plying, at least twice a day.
  • Teachers, students and other stakeholders as found relevant shall form Task Teams such as, Emergency Care Support/ Quick Response Team, General Support Team for all stakeholders, Commodity Support Team, Hygiene Inspection Team, etc. with earmarked responsibilities.
  • The Headmaster shall monitor the same and report to the DEO periodically.

Logistic plan in Telangana School

  • The Headmasters shall prepare customized seating plan as per the classroom size to ensure physical distance of atleast 6 feet among students and not more than 20 students per classroom. It is advisable to mark the seating that students should occupy.
  • If there are single-seater desks, simply providing space between the desks in the classrooms to maintain physical/social distancing of 6 feet will be effective. If benches are used, ‘one child-one bench’ norm shall be followed.
  • Similarly, physical distancing shall also be maintained in the staff rooms, office area, and other places of public interaction.
  • The customized seating plan for every school in the district shall be submitted to the DEO by the concerned Headmasters.
  • DEOs shall submit the consolidated report of the district to the DSE by 18th January, 2021.
  • Ensure Physical distancing at the Entry and Exit Points of the School:
  • The timing of entry and exit for students of different classes may be staggered.
  • Different lanes for entry and exit may be earmarked.

The Headmaster shall prepare their own customized plan for seating, use of playground, library and laboratory, break time, regular cleaning and disinfection of school infrastructure, use of transport, keeping in view the safety and physical/social distancing norms, and ensuring that the notices/ posters/ messages/ communication to parents in this regard are prominently displayed/ disseminated.

Ensuring safe transport:

Since students may be coming from different locations by using public transports such as buses, trains, etc., it is important that they minimize their contact and interaction with others on arrival at hostel, and effectively. Their health status shall be monitored regularly.

  • Sanitization of school transportation on regular basis at least twice a day – once before children board the transport and once after, before the next use.
  • All commuters shall wear face cover/ masks in the bus/ cab.
  • Students commuting through public transport shall be adequately guided by schools to take all precautions such as – physical distancing, covering nose and mouth with face cloth/ masks, sanitizing hands etc.
  • Display of Signages and markings for enforcing physical/ social distancing and safety protocols:
  • Displaying posters/ messages/ stickers and signage at appropriate places in the school reminding students about maintaining physical/social distancing.
  • Ban on spitting shall be strictly enforced.
  • Marking circles on ground at different places like reception, water facility stations, hand washing stations, area outside washrooms, and other areas.

Attendance must not be enforced, and must depend entirely on parental consent.

Medical plan for Covid 19

  • The Headmaster shall prepare a medical plan for every school / hostel.
  • The Headmaster shall keep the phone numbers of the nearest Primary Health Centre / any other reliable medical facility, which shall be contacted for medical aid/ emergency.
  • There shall be isolation rooms for staff / students having symptoms of COVID.
  • The Headmaster shall ensure that transportation is available to take the child to the nearest Primary Health Centre / any other reliable medical facility.
  • In case the child has symptoms of COVID, the parents shall be contacted and shall arrange transport to send the child back to their residence with proper escort.
  • The DEO shall consolidate and furnish the District-wise sanitation, logistic and medical plan to the Director of School Education by 18th January, 2021.

Mid Day Meal in TS Schools 

  • The Headmasters shall ensure that kitchen, the place of serving mid day meals, utensils are cleaned and maintained in hygienic condition and ensure that the rice, provisions etc. are clean and available so that Mid Day Meals can be provided.
  • Physical distancing norms shall be observed in the kitchen as well. No other person shall be allowed in the kitchen except minimum essential staff. Cleanliness of kitchen and its staff shall be ensured.
  • Staggered timings may be put in place for having midday meals, to avoid crowding.
  • Physical distancing at water taps shall be ensured.

Ensure Safe Residential Stay at Hostel

  • Temporary, makeshift partitions may be erected to separate inmates/ boarders. Adequate distance between beds may be ensured.
  • Physical distancing shall be maintained all the times in hostels. Signage and messaging at prominent places is important and shall be consciously followed.
  • Since students may be coming from different locations by using public transport such as buses, trains, etc., it is important that they minimize their contact and interaction with others on arrival at hostel.
  • Arrangement for a regular visit of Counselor teacher or a Counselor shall be ensured to take care of any psychological or emotional health issues of the students.
  • The Headmaster and the concerned staff should inspect as frequently as required the kitchen, mess and lodging areas of hostels, dining area and ensure maintenance of hygiene.
  • Hostel staff to be trained on physical distancing norms, health and hygiene measures, consuming clean and nutritious food, etc., for the hostelers.

Examinations Dates

  • As per RTE Act, there is no Detention Policy upto class 8 which shall be strictly followed. The schedule for class 10 exams will be issued separately.
  • Every child who is willing to write the relevant exam shall be allowed to do so without insisting on minimum attendance.
  • The Headmasters/ Teachers shall scrupulously follow the SOPs issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India which are available in the website of SCERT and any other guidelines issued from time to time.

TS Schools ReOpening Guidelines Downlaod

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