TS New Districts Employees Salaries payment on October 2016 –TS GO 126

Telangana GO 126 New Districts Formation Employees Salaries & Pensions for the month of October 2016. Telangana Finance Department – Formation of New Districts Revenue Divisions and Mandals in Telangana State – Payment of Salaries & Pensions for the month of October 2016 at old place of drawl. New Districts Revenue Divisions and Mandals in Telangana State- Payment of Salaries Pensions for the month of October 2016. Government of Telangana, Finance (TFR) Department G.O.MS.No. 126, Dated: 24-09-2016. 

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TS GO 126 formation New Districts re-organization Employees Details

Consequent to the formation new districts re-organisation of Districts, Revenue Division & Mandals in the State of Telangana, and in order to avoid hardship to the employees and pensioner due to dislocation Government after careful consideration of the matter hereby issues the following orders.

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1. For the month of irrespective of actual place of work and location of pensions. 

2. For the employees transferred to new locations, the rate of as a special dispensation, for the month of October 2016 only.

3. From the month of November 2016 onwards the place of drawl of salary shall be at the actual place of discharge of duties for employees, the rate of HRA shall be drawn as per orders in vogue and in respective places.

4. In order to avoid any kind of inconvenience to the Pensioners they can draw the monthly pension through banks at actual place of settlement / living or Opt to new District / Sub Treasuries as per requirement.

5. The DTOs of respective districts shall follow the above instructions scrupulously and shall not give scope of any kind of complaint.

In case of any grievance the DDOs shall consult DTA (T) Hyderabad for redressal.

All the Heads Secretariat Departments and HODs are requested to issue suitable instructions to all the DDOs working and their respective administrative control in this regard.

These instructions are also available in Telangana Government Website http://www. goir.telangana.gov.in/

TS GO 126 New Districts Formation Employees Salaries  

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