Telangana / TS GO 249 Outsourcing Employees Continue Non-Teaching Staff services in Government Degree CollegesColleges

Telangana / TS GO 249 Outsourcing Employees Continue Non-Teaching Staff in Government Degree Colleges

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Telangana G.O.RT.No. 249 , Dated : 16/09/2015 , Higher Education-Collegiate Education – Outsourcing of certain Non-Teaching Staff services in Government Degree Colleges in the State and in O/o. Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad for the year 2015-16 – Permission – Accorded – Orders

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  1. 1. G.O.Ms.No. 13,Finance (HRM-I) Department, dt.01.07.2014.
  2. 2. Letter from the CCE, Telangana State, Hyd., Rc No.85/OP.I-1/2014. dt:11.05.2015 & 17.08.2015.

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1.The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad in the letter 2nd read above has requested the Government to accord permission for continuing the (319) Non-Teaching Posts on Outsourcing basis in Govt. Degree Colleges in the State and (4) Non-Teaching posts (3 Junior Assistants and 1 LD Steno) on outsourcing basis in O/o Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad for the academic year 2015-16, for smooth running of the  administration.
2. After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby accord permission to the Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad for engaging the (319) Non-Teaching Posts on Outsourcing basis in Govt. Degree Colleges in the State and (4) Non-Teaching posts (3 Junior Assistants and 1 LD Steno) on outsourcing basis in O/o CCE., Telangana State, Hyderabad for the academic year 2015-16, strictly in terms of the G.O. 1st   read above.
3. The Commissioner of Collegiate Education, Telangana State, Hyderabad shall take necessary further action accordingly.
Out Soursing Employees salaries enhanced G.O..released today
w.e.f. 01-01-2016.

  • Cat:I:-6700 – 12000 
  • Cat:II:-7960 – 15000 
  • Cat:III:-10900 – 17500

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TS GO 249 Outsourcing Employees Continue Non-Teaching Staff  Download

* Telangana Outsourcing and Contact Employees Salaries Enhanced GO  19-02-2016

2 thoughts on “Telangana / TS GO 249 Outsourcing Employees Continue Non-Teaching Staff services in Government Degree CollegesColleges”

  1. i telling to govt of telangana first govt create the outsourcing not create people.govt want give job outsourcing emplyees in working govt offices last 20 years.outsourcing worker different different post working but not salary govt emplyees salary minimum 15 thousand and above but outsourcing emplyees salary 6700.very difficult life outsourcing emplyees worker.govt want give govt job.


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