Telangana PRC 2015 Arrears Payment Monthly Instalment Instruction to HMs, MEO’s, DDOs. TS Employees, Teachers RPS Part II Arrears Payment Major Head of Account and Proforma, Check list Issued by TS Finance Department. General Principles for Drawal of Arrear Claims, TS PRC Arrears head of account, Responsibilities of Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO), Responsibilities of Treasury Officer/ PAO, Proforma of TS PRC 2015 Arrears and TS PRC 2015 Arrears Check List Download. Government of Telangana Finance (HRM.IV) Department Circular Memo No.647, dated 13.06.2017 TS Public Services – Revision of Pay Scales, 2015 – Payment of Arrears for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 – Procedural Instructions-Issued.
TS PRC Arrears Payments instructions to DDOs – Instalment Arrears Proforma
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TS PRC Arrears Payments instructions to DDOs |
1. G.O.Ms.No.25, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated 18.03.2015
2. Circular Memo No.68/1/HRM.IV/2014, Finance (HRM.IV) Dept., dt.04.04.2015.
3. G.O.Ms.No.91, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated 23.05.2017.
4. G.O.Ms.No.92, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated 25.05.2017.
1. In the Government order 1st cited, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 w.e.f. 01.07.2013, allowing monetary benefit w.e.f. 02.06.2014 and cash payment from the month of March, 2015. Regarding the arrears of salary from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015, it was ordered that the orders would be issued separately.
2. In the circular Memo 2nd cited, it was directed that the pay fixation claims shall be prepared in three parts, out of which, Part-II shall contain the quantum of arrears to be paid for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015.
3. In the Government order 3rd cited, orders were issued for payment of arrears of RPS, 2015 for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and ordered that 50% of the arrears shall be paid in the financial year 2017-18 and the balance amount in 2018-19, in eighteen equal monthly instalments commencing from 1st July, 2017 along with monthly salary payable on 1st July, 2017 for the month of June, 2017.
4. In the Government order 4th cited, orders were issued for payment of pension arrears of RPS, 2015 for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and ordered that 50% of the arrears shall be paid in the financial year 2017-18 and the balance amount in 2018-19, in eighteen equal monthly installments commencing from 1st July, 2017 along with pension payable on 1st July, 2017 for the month of June, 2017.
5. To enable all the DDOs/PPOs for smooth payment process, Government hereby issue the following instructions for the effective implementation of the above orders:
General Principles for Drawal of Arrear Claims:
a) The claim of arrears shall be on HRMS package only. The arrear claim bills shall be processed by the DDO concerned through HRMS package (DDO Request) of Treasuries & Accounts Department only. The bills for arrears shall not be processed manually.
b) The arrear amounts shall be classified under “060-PRC Arrears” under respective functional major head of the department.
c) In respect of the employees who were transferred after 02.06.2014, the DDO at the present station shall claim the arrears duly obtaining the relevant details from the DDOs at earlier places of posting.
d) In respect of employees who are on leave as on the date of drawal, the arrears shall be claimed along with the leave salary whenever the leave is sanctioned.
e) In respect of employees who are under leave/suspension during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and subsequently reported/reinstated into the service, as the case may be, the arrears shall be claimed according to the regularisation of the leave/suspension period, as the case may be.
f) In respect of the employees who were on EOL/HPL etc., during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015, the arrears shall be regulated as per leave rules applicable to the kind of leave sanctioned.
g) In respect of employees who are under suspension as on the date of issue of orders in ref. 3rd cited and if they are on duty during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015, the arrears shall be drawn and paid only on revocation of suspension.
h) The RPS arrears of employees who worked under Foreign Service during the period 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and subsequently repatriated to their parent departments shall be paid by the Foreign Service employer as per G.O.Ms.No. 10, Finance & Planning (FW.FR-II), dated 22.01.1993 and FR 126. The HOD concerned shall ensure that arrears to such employees are paid promptly.
i) The arrears of an employee who worked in the parent department during period 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and subsequently transferred to the Foreign Service shall be paid by the DDO where he last worked before deputation to Foreign Service.
j) In respect of employees who come under NPS/CPS, Govt. have already issued instructions to deduct 10% of Pay + DA towards arrear contribution to NPS/CPS on revised pay under RPS 2015 w.e.f. 02.06.2014 vide Memo No. 509-A/102/A2/HRM.V/2015, dated 03.06.2015 and the same shall be complied while drawing arrears, if not earlier complied. The arrears shall not be paid without such compliance.
k) In respect of employees who are in service during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and subsequently retired from service, the arrears in instalments shall be paid by the Pension Payment authorities duly collecting details from the DDO/DTA/PAO where the employee last worked prior to retirement. While disbursing such arrears, the pension payment authorities shall ensure that there shall be no double payments and over payments.
TS PRC Arrears head of account :
“2071-Pension and other Retirement Benefits-01 Civil – M.H.800 Other Expenditure – SH (07) Pensioners- PRC Arrears- 060 PRC Arrears.”
l) In respect of employees who exit from the service due to superannuation/ medical invalidation/resignation, before completion of 18 monthly instalments, the remaining instalments shall be drawn and disbursed by the pension payment authorities duly collecting data from the DDO of last station, under the above head of account stated at point (k) above.
m) In respect of employees who worked in A.P. State during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and the pay was fixed in RPS 2015 as per the orders of Government of A.P. and subsequently allocated to Telangana state on final allocation due to state reorganisation, the arrears shall be drawn by the DDO of Telangana duly collecting data from the DDO concerned of Government of A.P. and the amount shall be distinctly classified against interstate suspense for adjustment of the arrears by the Accountant General, Telangana, as per the provisions of Inter State adjustments, under the head of account, “8793-Inter State Suspense Accounts”.
n) In respect of employees who worked in A.P., during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and allocated finally to Telangana and retired from service meanwhile, the arrears in 18 instalments shall be paid by the PPO/Treasury Officer concerned duly obtaining details from the DDO concerned and book the expenditure against interstate suspense for adjustment between the States through the Accountant General.
o) In respect of Pensioners, the pension consolidation arrears under RPS 2015 for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 shall be paid in 18 monthly equal instalments by the PPO or concerned Treasury Officer along with the monthly pension.
p) The arrears in respect of the employees/Pensioners who died before issue of these orders or during the period before realisation of these 18 instalments, the entire balance amount of arrears shall be paid in one lump to the legal heirs, by the PPO/Treasury Officer, provided they are not in receipt of family pension. Persons in receipt of family pension shall be treated as Pensioners and arrears shall be paid in instalments.
q) In respect of employees who worked in Telangana during the period from 02-06-2014 to 28-02-2015 and subsequently allocated to GoAP, the DDO where the employee last worked shall furnish the details of arrears to DDO of GoAP for necessary action as per rules.
Responsibilities of Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO):
a) The DDO shall attach a copy of the Appendix-II issued by the DDO at the time of RPS, 2015 pay fixation which contains the details of amounts payable during 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 to the first monthly instalment bill of arrears.
b) The DDO shall verify the total amount of arrears to be paid to the employee in the HRMS (DDO request) against the employee code w.r.t. Appendix-II. If any variation in arrear amount is noticed when compared with Appendix-II, it shall be brought to the notice of the DTO concerned.
c) The DDO/PPO shall be held responsible for the correctness of arrears.
d) The DDO shall provide the details of amounts payable for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 as per Appendix-II in the HRMS screen, where the details are not available in respect of the following cases:
i) In the case of employees who were worked in AP State during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and the pay was fixed in RPS 2015 as per the orders of AP state and subsequently allocated to Telangana state on final allocation due to state reorganisation.
ii) In the case of employees whose pay details are not available in HRMS/ IMPACT due to submission of pay fixation bills not routed through HRMS (DDO request).
e) The DDO shall maintain a separate watch register, both in soft and hard copies, as per the proforma appended to this Cir. Memo., covering the details of name of the employee, designation, arrears amount eligible basing on Appendix-II of circular memo 2nd cited, quantum of instalment, number of instalment, cumulative total of claimed amount, balance amount to be claimed, token no., and date of drawal. In case of retired/died employees, the date of retirement/death shall be recorded as the case may be in the remarks column.
f) The DDO shall list out the employees who are in service during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 and subsequently retired from service/expired. He shall obtain the Bank Accounts with IFSC codes of retired employees/ eligible legal heirs of deceased employees and shall register in HRMS (DDO Request) portal so as enable to make payment of arrears.
g) The DDO shall send a request to the DTO concerned through the Treasury Officer concerned to activate the Employee ID of the retired/died employees in HRMS (DDO Request) Portal, only for the limited purpose of entering the required data and not for drawal by the DDO.
h) The DDO shall append a non-drawal certificate to the bill.
i) The DDO/PPO shall obtain the Aadhaar Number of each employee/ pensioner and shall update the details against each employee in HRMS (DDO Request) Portal and pensioner details in IMPACT/HRMS Pensioners portal.
j) The DDO shall deduct 10% of Pay + DA towards Arrear Contribution to NPS/CPS on revised pay under RPS-2015 w.e.f. 02.06.2014 vide Memo No. 509-A/102/A2/HRM.V/2015, dated 03.06.2015. In the event the DDO deducted 10% of Pay + DA in revised pay scales during the period as per the said Memo, further deduction towards NPS/CPS shall not be made.
k) A check-list is appended to this Memo, shall be furnished by the DDO/PPO to the Treasury Officer.
l) The DDO shall reconcile the expenditure amounts claimed with Treasury as per rules in force.
Responsibilities of Treasury Officer/ PAO
a) The Treasury Officer shall ensure that no double or irregular drawal or overpayment of arrears takes place.
b) The Treasury Officer shall not accept any arrear claim which is submitted manually, i.e., if not routed through HRMS (DDO Request).
c) The Treasury Officer shall debit the expenditure of arrears under 060- PRC Arrears under respective departmental service/functional major head. In respect of arrears pertaining to employees who are allocated to Telangana, the amount of arrears shall be debited to interstate suspense under the head of account, 8793-Inter State Suspense Accounts.
d) The Treasury Officer shall record the total amount of arrears DDO wise, Employee wise, and instalment for each month in fly leaf register.
e) The Treasury Officer shall watch the instalments through the register.
f) The Treasury Officer shall audit the arrear claim of NPS/CPS employees duly verifying the deduction of 10% of Pay + DA of each instalment towards arrear contribution to NPS/CPS.
g) The Treasury Officer shall audit the arrear claim including verification of the Non-Payment Certificate enclosed by the DDO.
h) The Treasury Officer concerned shall confirm the amounts payable to the employees in respect of Para II (d) (i) and (ii) mentioned under Responsibilities of DDOs, after verification of necessary details (Appendix II) in the IMPACT and the DTO concerned shall authorize the details.
i) The Treasury Officer shall activate the Employee ID of the retired/expired persons in HRMS (DDO Request) Portal, for the limited purpose of updating the data.
j) The Treasury Officer shall accept the beneficiaries list in IMPACT duly verifying the Bank Account No. and IFSC Code.
k) The PPO/Treasury Officer shall obtain the list of retired/expired employees who worked during the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 from the DDO. The Treasury Officer shall verify the list with reference to the fly register to ascertain the said employee had worked under the establishment of same DDO and draw the arrears instalments and disburse along with pension.
l) The Treasury Officer shall forward the case to the DTO concerned in the case of any variation in arrear amount is noticed in Appendix II. The DTO shall verify the amounts and if found incorrect, the same may be forwarded to the concerned the HOD, DTA/DWA/ PAO for rectification.
6. The DTA is instructed to update the HRMS/IMPACT package with adequate validations in accordance with the above instructions and the system shall not allow any DDO/individual to claim double or multiple payments for the same installment/month.
7. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Telangana shall send a monthly progress report on expenditure of Arrear Claims to the Government.
8. All the Heads of Departments are requested to issue necessary instructions to the Departmental Officers under their control to follow the above instructions scrupulously and co-operate with the Audit Authorities.
9. This memo can be accessed at the address
1. Name of the Employee:
2. Designation:
3. Department and place of posting:
4. Aadhaar Number:
5. Employee Code:
6. Whether the employee is/was on duty/leave/suspension from 02.06.2014 up to the date of claim of arrears or part of the period:
7. Whether the leave/suspension period was regularised. If so details:
8. Whether the employees is under Foreign service/deputation during the period from 02-06-2014 to 28-02-2015. If so details:
9. If the employee is transferred after 02-06-2014. If so, from which place to which place:
10. Whether the employee is under NPS/CPS. If so, whether the instructions issued in Memo., dt.03-06-2015 are complied with or not:
11. Date of allotment to the Telangana State and date of working:
TS PRC Arrears Payment Proforma Download
TS PRC Arrears Payment Check list Download
TS PRC Arrears Payment Intsructions to DDO/ PAO Copy Download
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