Students Admission New instructions For AP Schools – Not Important TC RC in Admission Time Rc No. 151

Transfer Certificate TC not Needed at Admission Time – 30 Days Time should be given Memo 151. Memo Rc.No.151

]Students Admission New instructions For AP Schools – Not Important TC / RC in Admission Time AP DSE Guidelines Released. Transfer Certificate TC not Needed at Admission Time for 1st to 10th Class – 30 Days Time should be given Memo Rc.No.151/A&I/2020 Dated: 23/06/2021. AP SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Memo Rc.No.151/A61/2020 Dated:23/06/2021. Sub:- School Education – COVID 19 Pandemic Certain instructions issued with regard to issuance of Transfer Certificate to the students – Regarding.

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Students Admission New instructions For AP Schools – Not Important TC RC in Admission Time Rc No. 151

Ref :
1) D.O.Lr.No.18-19/2020-15-15, Dated:13.07.2020 of the Joint Secretary (SS II), Department of School Education & Literacy, MHRD, Gol, New Delhi.
2) This office Memo Rc.No:155/A&I/2020, Dated: 11.09.2020.
3) This office Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-13029/11/2020-Estt.3-CSE,
4) G.O.Rt.No.111. School Education (Prog.ll) Dept.. GIÁP, Dated:19.04.2021.Dated 27.10.2020.
5) This office Memo.Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated:20.04.2021.
6) This office Memo.Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated:29.04.2021 7) This office Memo.Rc.No.151/A&I/2020, Dated: 30.05.2021

Students Admission New instructions For AP Schools - Not Important TC RC in Admission Time Rc No. 151
Students Admission New instructions For AP Schools – Not Important TC RC in Admission Time Rc No. 151
  • ఎవరైనా విద్యార్థి ఏ పాఠశాలలోనైనా అడ్మిషన్ కొరకు దరఖాస్తు చేయు సందర్భంలో , సదరు విద్యార్థి ని TC/RS కొరకు ఒత్తిడి చేయకుండా వానిని తమ పాఠశాలలో చేర్చుకొనవలెను.
  • 30 రోజులలోగా TC/RS తెచ్చుకోవలసిందిగా వారికి సూచించాలి.
  • విద్యార్థి గతంలో చదివిన పాఠశాల యొక్క HM 30 రోజులలోపు వానికి TC/RS ఇష్యూ చేయని యెడల RTE Act 2009 సెక్షన్ 5(3) ప్రకారం సదరు HM పై క్రమశిక్షణా చర్యలు గైకొనబడును.
  • వేరే రాష్ట్రం నుండి మన రాష్ట్రం వచ్చిన వలస కుటుంబాల విషయంలో 1 నుండి 10 తరగతుల వరకు TC/RS లేకుండానే వారిని
  • పాఠశాలలో చేర్చుకొనవలెనని DSE AP శ్రీ వాడ్రేవు చిన వీరభద్రుడు మెమో జారీ చేసారు.

Transfer Certificate / Record Sheet not Needed at Admission Time in AP Schools (1st to 10th Class)

1. In continuation of the instructions issued in ref 2nd & 3rd cited, all the Regional joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, so far as submission of Transfer Certificate to the students, whenever the parent/child submits application for admission in any school, said school shall admit the child immediately without insisting on the Transfer Certificate (TC) at the time of admission.
2. However, keeping in view of the COVID-19, a time limit of (30) days is permitted to obtain the record sheet/TC from the school where from he/she is seeking transfer to the new school.
3. Further, the concerned school management, from where the child is seeking to transfer to a new school, has to furnish the Transfer Certificate (TC) to the child immediately (30 days permitted due to Covid-19) and if any delay occurred on the part of the headmaster towards issuance of transfer certificate, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action as per the section 5(3) of RTE, Act 2009.
4. However in case of children belonging to migrant families, either migrating into the state or migrating out of the state, no TC/record sheet shall be insisted for giving admission in any educational institution from Class I to Class X in the state.
5. These instructions should be followed scrupulously.
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