Sammative Assignment II Primary Classes ( 1st to 5th Class ) Gradings Calculation Method
SA II Grading Calculation New Method for VI the Class to VIII Class
All the Mandal Educational Officers are informed that Children’s performance in Summative -II (Grades) for Primary Classes (i.e., Class I to V ) are to be calculate as per previous method i.e, (Summative-I), for Classes VI to VIII it is changed you have to calculate as per the following guidelines ( 8 points scale evaluation) and submit the Summative- II data on or before 30-12-2015 without fail.
Guidelines (8 Points scale evaluation) to Calculate the Children’s performance (Grades) in Summative- II from Class VI to VIII :
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A1 = 73 – 80
A2 = 65 – 72
B1 = 57 – 64
B2 = 49 – 56
C1 = 41 – 48
C2 = 33 – 40
D1 = 28 – 32
D2 = 0 – 27.5
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Project Officer, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
* CCE Method Gradings Calculation Class wise Download
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