NTR Rural Housing Programme unit cost of 1.45 lakh per house 2017 -18 Sanction list

AP Housing Department Distinct wise Sanction list Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, Viskhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, SPSR Nellore, Chittoor, Kadapa, Anantapur and Kurnool Sanction of 1,45,000 (One Lakh Forty Five Thousand) Houses in Rural areas under NTR Rural Housing Programme for the Year 2016-17 – Orders – Issued. AP HOUSING (R&UH.A1) DEPARTMENT G.O.RT.No.103 Dt:22.08.2016. GoAP Subsidy, MGNREGS Funds, Eligibility Criteria of NTR Rural Housing Programme District wise and Caste wise allocation of Houses for the year 2016-17.

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AP NTR Housing Programme District wise Sanction Houses list

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Read the following:-

1. G.O. Rt. No 90, Housing (R & UH.A1) Dept., dt. 20.07.2016.
2. Minutes of Hon’ble CM review meeting held on 10.08.16
3. From the MD., APSHCL, Lr.No.3222/APSHCL/E&P/NTR Housing/2015-16, dt. 11.08.2016.


1. In the G.O. 1st read above, Government accorded permission to sanction of 2,00,000 (Two lakh) houses under NTR Rural Housing Programme dovetailing with PMAY-G and MGNREGS during 2016-17 with the unit cost of Rs.2,25,000/- per house.

2. During the CM’s review meeting on 10.08.2016 the Hon’ble CM directed to take necessary actions immediately for implementation of a separate State sponsored NTR Rural Housing programme duly dovetailing with MGNREGS to take up 1.45 lakh houses for the year 2016-17 with a unit cost of Rs. 1.50 lakhs with a plinth area of house as 200 sft plus a toilet.

3. In the letter 3rd read above, the Managing Director, A.P. State Housing Corporation Limited has furnished the revised proposals for sanction of 1.45 lakh houses for implementation of NTR Rural Housing Programme during 2016-17 with the unit cost of Rs.1,50,000/- per house, along with Mode of construction, Plinth area, Financing pattern, Mobilisation of loan, Flexibility in Type design. The Managing Director, A.P. State Housing Corporation Limited also proposed to tie up MGNREGS funds to the maximum possible extent. An amount of Rs. 100 crores for 50,000 houses @ Rs.20,000/- per house was proposed, so as to arrange necessary infrastructure to the houses constructed in layouts (cluster of 25 and above houses).

4. Government after careful consideration of the circumstances reported by the Managing Director, A.P. State Housing Corporation Ltd., and in supersession of orders issued vide G.O. Rt No. 90, Housing (R&UH.A1) Department, dt.20.07.2016, hereby accord permission to sanction of 1,45,000 (One Lakh Forty Five Thousand) houses under NTR Rural Housing Programme dovetailing with MGNREGS during 2016-17 with the unit cost of Rs.1,50,000/- per house. 

Mode of construction, Plinth Area, Financing pattern are as detailed below:

(a) No of houses: 1.45 lakh houses.
(b) Mode of construction: Beneficiary mode of construction.
(c) Plinth area: Minimum Plinth area of the house is 200 sft plus toilet
(d) Unit cost: The unit cost of a house is Rs.1,50,000/- with financing pattern as listed below:

1. GoAP Subsidy : 95,000
2. MGNREGS Funds : 55,000

MGNREGS Funds Break up

a. 90 Days Wage component @ Rs 194/ Day : Rs. 17,460 /-
b. Bricks making : Rs. 25,540 /-
c. Toilet under MGNREGS : Rs. 12,000 /-
                    Total : Rs. 55,000 /-

Project cost of 1.45 Lakh houses:

I. GoAP Subsidy : 1377.50
II. MGNREGS Funds : 797.50
Total Project cost 2175.00

(f) Flexibility in Type design: 

Suggestive type designs shall be made available to the beneficiaries with flexibility to have appropriate Type Design based on the site conditions with total plinth area of the house is 200 sft. The toilet is additional.

(g) District wise distribution of houses: 

900 houses per each pure rural Assembly Constituency and for each Assembly Constituency having more than 50% and above rural population. 350 houses for each Assembly Constituency having more than 50% urban population.

District-wise allocation is appended in Annexure

(h) Eligibility Criteria :

(i) Houseless BPL families and those BPL families living in dilapidated and kutcha houses.
(ii) Only one house for one family shall be followed. Twin houses shall not be allowed.
(iii) The house shall be sanctioned in the name of woman beneficiary other than in exceptional cases.
(iv) The beneficiary shall have white ration card in her name or spouse name
(v) The beneficiary shall have Aadhar card in her name.
(vi) The beneficiary or spouse should not have been covered under any other Government Housing schemes.

(i) Caste composition:

(i). 17.1% of the houses allocated to the District is earmarked for SCs and 5.33% of the houses allocated to the District is earmarked for STs as per the orders of the Government on SCSP and TSP.
(ii). 5.98% of the houses allocated to the District are earmarked for Minorities.
(iii). Remaining houses are allotted to general category.
(iv). 3% of the houses shall be sanctioned to the beneficiaries with disabilities (at least 40% disability) within the caste composition.

(j) Selection of beneficiaries and Sanction of houses:

(i). Selection of beneficiaries shall be done at Gram Panchayat level by Janmaboomi Committee duly conducting Gram Sabhas and reading out the names of eligible beneficiaries. The available applications under various programs may be examined and verified during the Gram Sabha including collecting any additional applications, if need be.
(ii). The final list shall be prepared by District Collectors in consultation with District in -charge Minister.
(iii). Administrative sanction: The District Collector shall accord Administrative sanction only for eligible beneficiaries duly cross verifying from available data of earlier Housing Beneficiaries and after due validations.
(iv). The details of sanctioned beneficiaries shall be displayed in the APSHCL website for vider dissemination and to ensure transparency.

(k) Infrastructure: 

MGNREGS funds shall be tied up for taking up of infrastructure facilities to the maximum possible extent. An amount up to Rs.20, 000/- per house is proposed for the houses constructed in layouts in case of cluster of 25 and above houses for taking up the infrastructure related works which cannot be taken up using MGNREGS funds. An amount of Rs.100 crores can be earmarked for this purpose.

(l) Mobilisation of loan: 

Government shall issue necessary guarantee for mobilization of loan of Rs. 1334 Crores (1,45,000 X Rs. 92,000) from financial institutions like HUDCO / NHB etc. required to extend it as GoAP subsidy for the programme.

5. The Managing Director, A.P. State Housing Corporation Ltd., informed that the Additional operational guidelines of the above programme will be issued separately.
6. The Managing Director, A.P. State Housing Corporation Ltd., shall take necessary further action in the matter accordingly.

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AP Housing Official website and Selection list Details

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