IIIT CET RGUKT Exam Guidelines To Invigilators And Students On Exam Day
AP IIIT RGUKT CET Guidelines. INSTRUCTIONS TO INVIGILATORS AND STUDENTS. IIIT RGUKT CET Exam Instructions to Invigilators Guidelines | Guidelines in Telugu to IIIT RGUKT CET Exam Invigilators. Who are working to IIIT RGUKT CET Public Exams, AP School Education Instructions to Invigilators. IIIT CET RGUKT Exam Guidelines To Teachers And Students On Exam Day. పరీక్షా కేంద్రములోని ఇన్విజిలేటర్లకు కొన్ని ముఖ్యమైన సూచనలు. Before going into the iiit exam room, the bar code should be taken to the OMR SHEETS, the precautions to be taken for examination and after the end of Exam.

IIIT CET RGUKT Exam Guidelines To Teachers And Students On Exam Day: RGUKT IIIT CET exam guidelines to invigilators and students on exam day is being provided in this article, everyone need to check the guidelines and instructions to conduct iiit cet smoothly there are different guidelines to the students and invigilators so , please check all the instructions before going to attend the exam.
IIIT CET RGUKT Exam Guidelines To Invigilators And Students
SUB: Conduct of RGUKT CET for admission into IIT and other diplomas horticulture and Veterinary Universities Appointment of invigilators- Orders Issued
REF 1) Procdes Rc. No : 13/DCGE – 1/RGUKT CET 2020, dated: 28.10.2020 G 19.11.2020 of the Director of Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh, Vijayawada 2) Act. No.25/1997.
In pursuance of the instructions issued in the reference 1 and 2 cited, the teachers who are mentioned in the annexure are hereby appointed to act as Invigilator for the RGUKT CET – 2020 for admission into IIIT and other diplomas of Agriculture, Horticulture and Veterinary Universities examination to be held on 28.11.2020 from 11:00 AM to 01-00 PM.
The invigilators are requested to strictly follow the following instructions
1. Invigilator shall report to the Chief Superintendent two hours before the commencement of the examination.
2. Shall ensure that the students will be seated at the appropriate place allotted to them with reference to the hall ticket number and shall distribute OMRS to the students duly verifying the particulars on the Hall ticket with reference to the OMR particulars:
3. Shall distribute the question papers on time and before that he/she shall obtain the signatures of the candidates on the Nominal Roll cum photo attendance sheets issued for the purpose. While distributing the question paper it has to be ensured that the question paper booklet code, the OMR booklet code and the booklet code printed on the Nominal Roll cum photo attendance sheet shall be one and the same. For example if the OMR issued to the candidate has got code “A” the booklet issued to such candidate shalt be “A” only. The invigilator shall ensure that the
distribution is proper as is given in the example. 4. He/She is governed by act No. 25/1997 and any negligence in discharging duties will be viewed seriously.
Guidelines to students appearing for Examinations
Identity check
- Students will be allowed into the examination hall only after presenting the Hall – ticket along with the Permanent Photo identity card, issued by the Institute.
Reporting Time
- Students must report in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before the start of the examination.
- No Student will be allowed into the examination hall 15 minutes after the commencement of the examination.
- No student is allowed to leave the hall until the last 30 minutes of the examination.
Items allowable into Examination Hall
- Students should bring their own pencils, pens, erasers, rulers required for the examination.
- Mobile phones, dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, written or electronic media, electronic devices, or any other materials are not permitted/ allowed into the examination hall, with the exception of devices used for assisting students with hearing visual or other physical difficulties.
- Exchange of pens, pencils, calculators, study material, etc. is not permitted.
- Programmable calculators are not permitted into the examination hall unless specified in advance by the examiner. If the invigilator reasonably believes that a student is using a calculator that does not conform to the rules, he/she has the discretion to replace the calculator and a report on the matter will be made on the invigilator’s declaration form.
During Examination
- A student shall fill in Student ID, Course Name, Course Code, Date of Examination and any other details asked in the space provided on the front page of the answer booklet.
- Other than the designated place, the student shall not write/mention his/her Student id, name or any other personal details in the answer booklet. Any violation of this will be treated as a malpractice case and necessary action will be initiated against the student as per the extant rules of the University.
- A student is prohibited from: writing letter or statements addressing the evaluator, using objectionable, abusive or offensive language in the answer paper, requesting the examiner to award pass marks or tries to communicate/convey/threaten the examiner by drawing pictures. Any violation of this will be considered as a malpractice case and will invite disciplinary action.
- An examination written on any other paper other than the Answer booklet provided by the invigilator is considered invalid.
- During an ongoing examination, students are not allowed to take the answer booklet outside the examination hall. After the examination, the student should personally submithis/her examination answer sheet to the invigilator.
- A Student shall strike-off all the blank answer blank pages in the answer booklet, before handing it over to the invigilator.
- Before handing over the answer booklet make sure that it is signed by the invigilator and that all the required details are filled in.
- Even a blank answer sheet shall be handed to the invigilator.
- Answer booklet, once submitted to the invigilator will not be given back to student under any circumstances.
After the Completion of Examination
- After the submission of answer booklet the student shall leave the examination centre immediately.
- Before leaving the exam hall he/she must make sure that he/she has collected all his belongings.
- No student shall re-enter the examination hall after leaving it.
- During the examination period, there must be no communication among students or between a student and an outsider via any mean, such as phones. This rule applies to students in the examination hall and those on supervised breaks for visits to bathroom/s.
- In case of courses like English, Telugu, soft skills or management courses, where the student is asked to write leave letter/application in the question paper, the student shouldn’t write his ID and Name as part of the answer.
- No student shall leave his/her assigned seat without the permission of the invigilator.
- It is the invigilator’s discretion to decide whether, there is enough reason to remove a student from the examination hall owing to disorderly conduct.
- The students must ensure before they leave the examination hall that they have signed the attendance sheet.
- If a student falls ill during the examination and is unable to complete the examination, the concerned student should alert the invigilator. Suitable arrangement will be made for proper medical attention.
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