DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher 2023 Post Graduate Teacher Vacancy Apply Online For 1385 Post

DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher

DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher 2023

DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher  | DSE Assam Recruitment 2023  | DSE Assam Recruitment 2023 – 1385 Post Graduate Teacher Vacancy is Now Accepting Applications. Assam  Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE) has issued a job advertisement for 1385 Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) vacancies in various Provincialized Higher Secondary Schools or Senior Secondary Schools run by the Government of Assam  Secondary Education Department.

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Candidates who are interested and Qualified should Apply online Here. Online application submission process will be held from 15th January 2023 to 31st January 2023. official website for Online Application madhyamik.assam.gov.in. TS TET English Material 2023.

DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher 2023

Organization Name  Directorate of Secondary Education Assam (DSE Assam)
Post Details  Post Graduate Teacher
Total No. of Posts   1385
Salary   Rs. 22,000 – 97,000/- Per Month
Job Location Assam
Apply Mode Online
Official Website   madhyamik.assam.gov.in

DSE Assam High School Teacher Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for 387 posts

DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher  Directorate of Secondary Education Assam Has invited Online Applications from Eligible and interested Candidates for filling 387 vacancies to the post of High School Teacher Through Direct Selection. The Online Application cum Registration process Towards the Same Started on 15th January 2023 and Closes on 31st January 2023.

DSE Assam Recruitment 2023 Details:

Name of post: Post Graduate Teacher

No of posts: 1385

Category-wise vacancy:

  • EWS: To be updated
  • OBC/ MOBC: To be updated
  • PWD: To be updated
  • SC: To be updated
  • STH: To be updated
  • STP: To be updated
  • UR: To be updated

Pay Scale: Rs. 22,000 / – to 97,000 /- including Grade Pay of Rs. 11,800 

Eligibility Criteria of DSE Assam Recruitment

Age Limit: A candidate must not be less than 21 years of age and not more than 38 years as on 1st January, 2022. DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher

Age Relaxation: The upper Age Relaxation will be as Follows

  • OBC/MOBC: 3 Years
  • ST/SC: 5 Years
  • Ex-Servicemen: 2 Years
  • PwD: 10 Years

Educational Requirements:

A postgraduate degree with at least 50% marks (or its equivalent) from a recognised university and a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from a National Council for Teacher Education recognised institution are required, but degrees obtained from off-campus or distance education institutions will not be accepted. DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher

TET Qualification:

DSE Assam Recruitment post Graduate Teacher  The candidate must appear and pass the Higher Secondary Teachers Eligibility Test (HS TET) in the concerned cadre, administered by the government, with a minimum of 60% in each paper for unreserved category candidates and a minimum of 55% in each paper for Scheduled Cases / Scheduled Tribes / Other Backward Classes and Persons with Disabilities candidates.

DSE PGT Recruitment Selection Criteria 2023

The Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam PGT Teacher recruitment process is based on the following criteria:

  • 100 Marks for percentage of marks in MA/M.Sc/M.Com Exam.
  • 100 marks based on percentage of marks in BA/B.Sc/B.Com Examination; (In case of Major/Hons, marks obtained in Major/Hons will be considered).
  • 100% on the percentage of marks in HSS The final exam.
  • 100 points for percentage of marks in BT / B.Ed. Exam.
  • 100 points for a percentage of marks in the TET Examination or 60 points for 15 years of experience as a Graduate Teacher in a provincialized High / Higher Secondary School with the necessary academic and professional qualifications, whichever is greater.
  • Any experienced teacher who has already completed 15 years of teaching experience but did not achieve the minimum qualifying 60 marks in the TET will be awarded at least 60 marks for their experience.
  • Any marks obtained by such experienced teacher in Addition to the 60 Qualifying Marks in TET Shall be Counted in Respect of TET for the purpose of Selection for the post of Post Graduate Teacher.
  • 10 Marks for the NCC Certificate (10 marks for “C” certificate and 5 marks for “B” certificate)
    10 Marks for Representing Assam in Recognised sports at the national level.
    10 marks for Achievements in Fine Arts and Cultural Activities that officially represent the State at the National level.

Document to be submitted along with the DSE Online Application Form

When uploading and applying online, the documents listed below should be coloured, scanned, and clear in PDF format, and all documents should be self-attested.

1. Color passport photograph

2. HSLC Grade Report and Admit Card (Age Proof)

3. HSSLC Grade Report and Certificate

4. A mark sheet and a certificate of completion for the Bachelor’s degree.

5. Mark sheet and certificate for postgraduate studies.

6. TET mark sheet and certificate for Higher Secondary.

7. B.Ed. mark sheet (first and second years) and certificate

8. Certificate of Caste (in the case of SC/ST(P)/ST(H)/OBC/MOBC)

9. NCC certificate (only B or C category), sports and cultural activities (if represented state at National Level)

10. Scanned Signature of the applicant.

11. Experience certificate (if any) of 15 years of teaching experience as Graduate Teacher in Provincialized
High / Higher Secondary School.

Application Procedure for DSE Assam Post Graduate Teacher Jobs 2023

  • To begin, go to the official website at madhyamik.assam.gov.in.
  • And look for the DSE Assam Recruitment or Careers that you want to apply for.
  • Check your eligibility by opening the Post Graduate Teacher Jobs notification.
  • Before starting the application form, double-check the deadline.
  • Fill out the application form completely if you are eligible.
  • Pay the application fee (if applicable) and submit the application form by the deadline (30-Jan-2023), and
  • keep the Application form number/acknowledgement number.
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