CBSE Udaan Scheme : Eligibility,required Documents,Benefits,Process To Apply

CBSE Udaan Scheme

CBSE UDAAN Project Scheme for Girl Students

CBSE Udaan Scheme: The Indian government has launched a number of initiatives to improve girls’ education. It is also taking steps to increase positivity about the birth of a girl child in Indian families, which was previously lacking.

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The Child CBSE Udaan Scheme is one such scheme designed to benefit female students. The government is attempting to increase the number of girls enrolled in engineering colleges in the country through this scheme. We will provide a detailed guide to the Child CBSE Udaan Scheme for girl students in India in this article.

The CBSE Udaan Scheme is the result of a collaboration between the Central Board of Central Education (CBSE) and the Government of India’s Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD). It is intended to provide the necessary study materials to assist qualified female students in Class 11 in preparing for the Engineering Entrance Tests.

Who Can Participate:

The programme is only available to Indian citizens. All female students in classes XI and XII from any Board in India are eligible to apply based on the eligibility criteria listed below. Students will be chosen on the basis of their merit.

  • Girl students currently enrolled in PCM classes in Class XI and XII
  • Minimum of 70% overall in Class X and 80% in Science and Mathematics; for CGPA-based boards, a minimum CGPA of 8 and a GPA of 9 in Science and Mathematics.
  • A minimum of 75% in PCM in Class XI, in addition to the Class X requirements, is required for Class XII students.
  • Selection will be based on merit and other criteria.
  • Preference will be given to female students from low-income families.

Education for Gender Equality:
CBSE Udaan Scheme Gender equality in education not only empowers female students, but also provides equal learning and growth opportunities for male candidates. It also promotes the growth of life skills such as self-management, communication, negotiation, and critical thinking. Furthermore, students learn about themselves and how they can contribute to economic and social development. Gender-equitable education is also beneficial in reducing gender-based violence on school grounds.

About the project:

CBSE Udaan Scheme The goal of Udaan is to increase access to higher education for female students from low-income families by improving teaching quality, particularly in science and mathematics. The CBSE project will provide free online resources to 1000 selected girls. The selected girls will be able to take advantage of free preparation resources and continuous assessment through the scheme, as well as an attractive package that converts the marks obtained into reward points, which they can later redeem as fees at IITs and NITs.
Selected students will have access to an online portal with content in the form of tutorials, videos, and text. The content will also be made available in an offline format on mobile devices. Through a technology orientation organised by the programme, students will be guided on how to use the mobile device. Assessments will be built into the learning processes once a student has successfully logged in to the portal to track and monitor progress.

Dates for the CBSE UDAAN Scheme in 2023

Important Events Dates (Tentative)
Availability of application forms October 2023
Submission of application form November 2023

CBSE Udaan Scholarship for Female Candidates in Class 11th and 12th

CBSE Udaan Scholarship is designed to provide a platform for female students to pursue higher education in the field of Engineering. They make this possible by offering free preparation for engineering entrance exams.

  • Free assistance is provided to female candidates in grades 11 and 12.
  • Organize a motivational speech for the candidates and their parents.
  • Provide video tutorials and online study materials.
  • Set up virtual classes for students at the designated study centres.
  • Students are given free tablets ahead of time.
  • Provide fundamental material online via a website.
  • To educate and empower young women.
  • Girl candidates will receive financial assistance in the form of admission and tuition fees.
  • Furthermore, 75% attendance is required.
  • This scholarship benefits over 1000 students each year.
  • Student helpline services are also available to answer any questions and keep track of the candidates.
  • Students’ progress is monitored, and feedback is sent to parents on a regular basis.

Criteria for Eligibility

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Only Indian citizens are eligible to apply for CBSE’s Udaan programme.
  • Girls must be in class 11 at any Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV)/ Navodaya/ Government school recognised by any Board or CBSE affiliated private school in India.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in a Science programme that includes Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (PCM).
  • Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 70% in class 10. They must have received at least 80% in Science and Mathematics. Students enrolled in CGPA-based schools must have a minimum CGPA score of 8 and a GPA of 9 in Science and Mathematics.
  • Candidates from the SC, ST, OBC, and PWD categories are given 15%, 7.5%, 27%, and 3% of the available seats, respectively.
  • In addition, the applicant’s annual family income cannot exceed INR 6 lakh.

Selection Procedure for CBSE UDAAN 2023

  • Candidates who have applied for the UDAAN and meet the minimum eligibility requirements will be chosen for the scholarship.
  • Every year, approximately 1000 female candidates are chosen to provide free coaching for Engineering entrance exams.
  • Candidates who are chosen will receive free offline/online courses via virtual weekend contact classes.
  • They will also be given free study materials while in classes XI and XII to help them prepare for admission tests to various premier engineering colleges across the country.
  • The candidates will be chosen based on a merit list released by the CBSE.
  • Candidates can learn more about the CBSE UDAAN Selection process by visiting the official website.
  • The selection process also adheres to the Central Government’s and MHRD’s reservation policy.

CBSE chooses 1000 girls

This academic year, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has received a large number of applications for admission to IIT. The UDAAN Project has chosen 1,000 applications from girls. These girls were also given online study materials to help them prepare for the IIT entrance exams.

CBSE launched the UDAAN project in order to increase the number of female students admitted to IITs. Under this project, 1000 girls would be chosen and given free coaching for their engineering entrance exams.

The study material provided to these selected girl students is prepared with the assistance and input of IIT Delhi, CBSE School, and BITS Pilani students and teachers.

1)What is the CBSE Udaan scheme?
UDAAN is a project launched by the CBSE under the auspices of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) to address the low enrollment of female students in prestigious engineering institutions, as well as the teaching gap between school and engineering entrance examinations.

2)Who is eligible for the CBSE Udaan scheme?
The CBSE Udaan Scheme is open to Indian girl students in Class 11 who are studying in the Science Stream at a government school, a CBSE-affiliated school, a Kendriya Vidyalaya, or a Navodaya School. The applicant must have received a minimum of 70% overall in Class 10 and 80% in Science and Mathematics.

3)Is the Udaan scheme only for women?
The programme is only available to Indian citizens who live in India. All female students in class XI from KVs/NVs/Government Schools of any recognised Board/ CBSE affiliated private schools in India are eligible to apply.

4)When did the CBSE Udaan scheme begin?
The CBSE’s Udaan scheme was launched Friday with the goal of promoting educational opportunities for female students and addressing the issue of lower female enrolment rates in engineering colleges.

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