Balika Samridhi Yojana Eligibility, Goal, Financial Details, Benefits, Process To Apply

Balika Samridhi Yojana

Balika Samriddhi Yojana : Objectives, Eligibility & Benefits

Balika Samridhi Yojana Registration 2023 can be done online at the official website. The Balika Samridhi Yojana is a government of India initiative that promotes only girl-child education. A lot of girls have already benefited from this. The central government initiated this scheme to promote the development of girls in the country. A girl child will benefit from financial assistance from the central government through this scheme, which will be directly transferred to their bank accounts. The main goal of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to girls in order to improve the sex ratio of girl children in the country. Girls who want to take advantage of this scheme are encouraged to read this article until the end to gain a better understanding of the program. In this article, we will go over all of the eligibility criteria, how to apply the process, and everything else you need to know about this scheme.

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The Ministry of Women and Child Development has managed the Balika Samridhi Yojana on behalf of the Central Government. The Government of India established this scheme in 1997. Only those girls who were born in this holy land of India prior to the session 1997 can benefit from this scheme after applying. Every month after the birth of a daughter under the scheme, Rs 500 will be transferred to her parents’ bank account. Students can complete additional studies and receive a better education through the scheme. In addition, through this scheme, scholarships will be provided to girls in grades 1 through 10. In addition, scholarships in the form of gifts will be given to female students on various scales and in various categories. Whose complete information is provided at the end of this article. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive information about Balika Samridhi Yojana . Such as – Purpose, Important Benefits and Features, Documents e.t.c.

Most recent news update:

The government provides financial assistance for the daughter’s education beginning with the birth of her daughter under this scheme.
The Central government-backed Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) and Balika Samriddhi Yojana (BSY) allow parents of a girl child to save for future expenses and education.

Balika Samriddhi Yojana’s Goals

The Balika Samriddhi Yojana is a welfare scheme for female children. It works to empower girls and to protect them from social stigma and unfair treatment. Its goals include the following:

  • Raising awareness about the importance of changing people’s attitudes toward a girl child and her mother.
  • Motivating and assisting more families to send their daughters to school, educate them, and improve female student retention rates in schools.
  • Providing positive guidance and upbringing until a girl reaches the legal marriageable age
  • Providing girls with skill-based education and encouraging them to be financially self-sufficient

Some important terms and conditions for participating in the Balika Samridhi Yojana

The benefit amount under this scheme is transferred directly to the girl child’s account via Direct Benefit Transfer.

  • If the girl child dies before reaching the age of 18, the funds in her account are available for withdrawal.
  • If a girl child marries before reaching the age of 18, she must forfeit the scholarship amount as well as any interest earned on it. She can only receive a post-birth grant and interest on it.
  • This scheme is only available to unmarried girl children. To benefit from this scheme, the beneficiary must submit a certificate proving that the girl child is unmarried. The Municipality or the Gram Panchayat will issue this certificate.
  • The girl child can also withdraw the permanent amount after reaching the age of 18 under the Balika Samridhi Yojana 2023.

Balika Samridhi Yojana Highlights

The Balika Samridhi Yojana is a critical initiative established by the Central Government of India to assist in the birth and education of female children among the poorer sections of society. The scheme has a set of well-thought-out long-term goals. The following are some of the main goals of this Yojana.

  • Increasing the enrollment and retention of female students in schools
  • Changing Indian families’ and societies’ negative attitudes toward the birth of a female child
  • Parenting a female child until she reaches the legal marriage age Encourage female children to participate in income-generating activities
  • The sections that follow describe various aspects of the Balika Samridhi Yojana, such as its benefits, eligibility requirements, benefits to mothers and children, and how to apply.

Financial Details

The amount would be distributed to the family’s first and second daughters as follows:

 Class Amount Details
From Class 1st Std. to 3rd Std. INR 300 per annum for each class
Class 4th Std. INR 500 per annum
Class 5th Std. INR 600 per annum
Class 6th Std. to 7th Std. INR 700 per annum for each class
Class 8th Std. INR 800 per annum
From class 9th Std. to 10th Std. INR 1000 per annum for each class

Eligibility Criteria for Balika Samridhi Yojana Beneficiary Guidelines

  • Girl children must be born on or after August 15, 1997, to families living below the poverty line (BPL) as defined by the Government of India, in rural and urban areas.
  • Benefits under BSY will be limited to two girl children born on or after 15.8.97 in each household, regardless of the total number of children in the household.
  • The post-birth grant is given to mothers of new-born female children.
  • The programme is being implemented in both urban and rural areas.
  • The parents of eligible girl children cannot earn more than Rs. 200,000 per year.
  • Another important criterion is that applicants cannot be recipients of any other government welfare scheme along similar lines.

Balika Samridhi Yojana (BSY) – How to Apply

Balika Samridhi Yojana’s implementation partners are Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) in rural areas and Health Department functionaries in urban areas. Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements can apply for the scheme offline by following the steps outlined below.

1)Get an application form from an Anganwadi worker (in rural areas) or a health functionary.


The application form can be downloaded from the official website by candidates. (Please keep in mind that there are separate application forms for urban and rural areas.)

2)Fill out the form with all of the required information.

3) Return the completed application form to the respective functionaries from whom the forms were obtained.

1)Who can apply for Balika Samridhi?
The Balika Samriddhi Yojana will benefit girl children born on or after August 15, 1997, who come from low-income families as defined by the Government of India.

2)How many children can benefit from the Balika Samrudhi Yojana per family?
The Balika Samriddhi Yojana benefits only two female children in each family, regardless of the total number of children in the house. Furthermore, the two female children must be born on or after August 15, 1997.

3)What exactly is the Balika Samriddhi Yojana?
Balika Samridhi Yojana was established in 1997 and provides financial assistance to all girl children born after August 15, 1997. This assistance is given to all girls born into families from the poorer sections of society, both in rural and urban areas.

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