AP SMC Elections Schedule for not conduct SMC elections remaining schools AP RC 3320

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AP Rc.No.3320, Dt.19.09.2016 – Schedule for conduct SMC elections for remaining schools not conducted SMC elections, GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRAPRADESH, SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN:: WEST IBRAHIMPATNAM. Lr.Rc.No.3320/APSSA/A6/CM0/15, Dated: 19-09-2016, Sub: AP SSA Hyderabad – Community Mobilization – Scheduled for conduct of SMC elections for remaining schools not conducted SMC Elections – Communicated – Reg.

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SMC Elections Schedule for Not Conduct Schools as per RC 3320

All the District Educational Officers and Project Officers in the State are informed that as per the status report submitted by the District Project Officers vide reference 5th cited, SMC Elections to certain schools (506 Schools) were not conducted due to several reasons.

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I furnish herewith the schedule to be followed as approved by the Government, Andhra Pradesh, School Education Department for the conduct of election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of School Management Committees for the above 506 schools in the State as mentioned in Annexure-II. I request you to issue instructions to the MEOs and HMs concerned to conduct meeting of parents/guardians to constitute SMCs on 26.09.2016 positively.

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AP SMC Elections Schedule for not conduct SMC elections remaining schools

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