AP Rc 3320 SMC Elections Notifications 2016 Schedule Guidelines
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AP SMC Elections Guidelines 2016 Notification Dates |
1. Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009.
2. AP.Right of Childfren to Free and Compulsory Education Rules 2010 issued G.O.Ms No 20 School Education (PE-Progs.l), Dapartment Dated: 03-03-2011
3. G.O.Ms No 130 School Education (PE-Progs.l) Department Dated: 09-09-2011.
4. G.0.Ms No 41 School Education (PE-SSA) Department Dated: 19-06- 2013.
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AP SMC Elections Guidelines as per RC 3320
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of Section 38 of the RTE Act 2009. the Government of Andhra Pradesh made the rules, called as The Andhra Pradesh Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Rules, 2010 or ‘APRTE Rules, 2010 and subsequently amended from time to time.
They shall be deemed to have into force with effect from 1st April, 2010
2. Definitions: In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
1) ‘Act’ means The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009.
2) ‘Anganwadi’ means an Anganwadi Centre established under the Integrated Child development Scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Government of India.
3) ‘Child’ means any child male or female in the age group of 6 to 14 years and includes a child who has completed five years of age as on I st September of the year of admission.
4) ‘Child belonging to socially disadvantaged group’ means and includes a child belonging to the schedule caste, schedule tribe, orphans, Migrant and Street children. Children With Special Needs and HIV affected/infected children.
5) A ‘child belonging to Weaker Sections’ means a child belonging to BC, Minorities and includes OCs whose parents’ income does not exceed Rs.60,000/- Per annum.
6) ‘Collector’ means the head of civil and revenue administration in the district
7) ‘Corporator” means elected member of a ward of a Municipal Corporation within the limits of Andhra Pradesh
8) ‘Councilor’ means elected member of a ward of an urban local body
9) ‘District” means a revenue district of the State.
l0)’District Educational Officer (DEO)’ means the officer responsible for implementing the programmes for elementary education at district level.
11) “ECE” means Early Childhood Care Centres established by Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
in the premises of primary schools or elsewhere to provide pre-school education to the children in the age group of 3- 5 years.
12) “Elementary School’ means a school that imparts education between first and eighth class either exclusively or in addition to education in other classes, and includes a High School or any other school by whatever name, in so far as the elementary education imparted by it.”
13)’Free Education’ means and includes pro iding elementary education to all children with no direct or indirect costs like fees I capitation fees, etc.”
l4)’Gram Panchayat ‘means Gram Panchayat constituted under the Andhra Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act 1994.
15)’Local Authority’ means as defined in the Act, and includes Manda! Praja Parishads and Gram Panchayats, as the case may be in their respective jurisdictions.”
l 6)”Mandal Educational Officer (MEO)’ means the officer responsible for implementing the programmes for elementary education at the mandal level.
17)’Mandal Resource Person (MRP)’ means a resource teacher who coordinates academic activities in a cluster of schools
l 8) ‘Neighbourhood area of a school’ means the habitations in a safe walking distance
of 1 km for a Primary School, 3 kms for an Upper Primary I High School having classes VI to VIII.
19)·Out of School Child’ means a child in the age group of 6-14 who has not completed elementary education (who is either never enrolled in the school or dropped out without completing elementary education). A pupil of an elementary school absent for more than one month shall also be considered to be an out of school child.
20)’Primary school’ means a school or part of a school that imparts education between class I and V and ‘Upper primary school’ means a school or part of a school that imparts education between class VI and VlII.
2l) ‘Sarpanch· means elected head of the Gram Panchayat.
22) ‘School mapping” means planning school location to overcome social barriers and geographical distance and includes assessing availability of schooling facilities for elementary education based on certain fixed norms and standards in terms of location, infrastructure, teachers, by using the method of distance matrix between one habitation and other habitations. It includes The Geographical Information System (GlS) mapping of all the schools in Andhra Pradesh prepared by the SSA, Andhra Pradesh.
23)·State· means the state of Andhra Pradesh
24) State Government’ means the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
25) ‘Specificd Category’ in relation to a school means the residential schools including Kasturba Gandhi Baalika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) and Minority residential schools run by Andhra Pradesh, Residential Educational Institutions Society (APRETS), Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APSWREIS). Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APTWRElS), Ashram Schools run by Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs), Sports schools run by Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP) in addition to Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas, Sainik Schools for the purposes of sub- clause (Ill) of clause (n) of section (2) of the Act.
26) “The Academic Authority under the Act” means The State Council for Educational Research and Training, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
27) “The Implementing Authority of the Act” means the State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and it includes the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh.
28) ‘Walking Distance’ means the distance covered by a child from habitation to the school.
29) ‘Ward Member’ means elected member of a ward of Gram Panchayat.
30) All other words and expressions used herein and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the same meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Guidelines for Conduct of SMC Elections (under sub rule (1) of Rule 19)
(a) The School Management
3. Guidelines for Conduct of SMC Elections (under sub rule (1) of Rule 19)
(a) The School Management Committee (SMC) shall be constituted in every school, other than an unaided school, within its jurisdiction.
(b) The school having both primary and upper primary classes shall have one SMC for the entire school;
(c) In case of schools having classes for both elementary and secondary education, separate School Management Committee shall be constituted for the elementary section, which may be styled as ‘upper primary School Management Committee· of the corresponding school;
(d) The School Management Committee once constituted shall exist perpetually until its abolition or merger, to be authorized by the Manda I Education Officer in case of Primary Schools and the DEO in case of other schools. However members will retire as per their terms. The resultant cyclical and casual vacancies shall be filled within reasonable time as prescribed by the Implementation Authority.”
4. Composition of the School Management Committee
(a) Elected members: (Clause (a) in Sub-rule (2) of Rule.19)
(1) Three parents/guardians elected by parents/guardians of children in each class, of whom at least one person is parent/guardian of a child from the disadvantaged group and another person is a parent/guardian of a child belonging to weaker sections. and two are women.
Provided that, in case, the number of children in a class is less than 6, the same shall be combined with the next lower or higher class. such that the number of electors in the combined class is 6 or more.
(2) The term of an elected mernber v ill be for two years, or the date of leaving-from the-school of the member’s child/ward. whichever is earlier.
(3) New parent/guardian members from entry class will be inducted into the SMC to replace those parent member who will move out of the SMC when their children leave school.”
(b). Ex-officio member : (Clause (b) in Sub-rule (2) of Rule.19)
- (1) The Head Teacher or the in charge Head Teacher of the school shall be the Member Convenor;
- (2) Additional Teacher Member nominated by the MEO preferably from the gender opposite to that of the Head Teacher;
- (3) The concerned Corporator I Councillor I Ward Member, as the case may be;
- (4) The Anganwadi Worker(s) serving the neighbourhood area of the school;
- (5) The Multipurpose Health Worker – Female (ANM) serving the neighbourhood area of the school;
- (6) The President of Mahi la Samakhya of the concerned village/ward.
(c) Coopted members: (Clause (c) in Sub-rule(2) of Rule.19)
(l)Two school supporters from among persons who is an eminent educationist, a philanthropist, office bearer of a voluntary organization, an alumni or such other supporter of the school; coopted by the elected members of the SMC.
(2) The term of coopeted members shall be two years from the date of first meeting following the date of cooption.”
(d) Local Authority – Clause (d) in Sub-rule (2) of Rule 19
“Local-Authority-Chairperson: The concerned Sarpanch I Municipal Chairperson / Mayor may attend any meeting of SMC in their respective areas, at his/ her discretion.”
(5) Election for Chairperson & Vice Chairperson (Sub-rule (3) of Rule 19)
The School Management Committee shall elect the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson from among its elected members. Provided that at least one of them should be a parent/guardian of a child from the disadvantaged group or the weaker sections. Provided further that at least one of them should be a woman.”
6. (Clauses f,g,h,i & j in Sub-rule(4) of Rule.19)
1. Both parents of a child may participate in the deliberations of the annual general body. However, only one of the parents shall be eligible to vote for election of parent/guardian representative to the SMC.
2. Parents/guardians having children in different classes shall be eligible to participate in the election process of each class.
3. The Head Teacher shall conduct the election.
4. At least 50% of the parents/guardians should be present
5. Elections shall ordinarily be by show of hands or voice vote. In extraordinary situations of unresolved contention, secret ballot procedure may be adopted.”
7. A meeting with all the members of SMC (i.e elected members, ex-officio members and co-opted members) shall be conducted on the day of oath taken by the members. The tenure of the new SMCs will come into force from the day of the oath taken by the members.
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* AP SMC Elections Guidelines Copy Download
* AP Rc.3320 SMC Elections Schedule Copy Download
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