AP School Complex Monitoring Committee 2024 Guidelines, Schedule

AP School Complex Monitoring Committee

AP School Complex Monitoring Committee 2024 Re-Constitution of State Level Committee For Monitoring

AP School Complex Monitoring Committee 2024 Reconstitution of State Level Committee For Monitoring and Strengthening of School Complex Component – Orders – Issued AP School Complex Monitoring Committee 2024 Guidelines, Schedule 2025.

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AP – Quality initiatives – Reconstitution of State Level Committee for Monitoring and Strengthening of School Complex Meetings – Orders – Issued Rc.No.SS-15024/4/2023-SAMO- SSA Dt: 25/04/2024
Ref: Meeting held on 16.04.2024

AP School Complex Monitoring Committee 2024

The District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state are informed that as per NEP, the objective behind School Complex intervention would be to ensure that every school has: (a) Adequate number of counsellors/trained social workers and teachers (shared or otherwise) for Teaching All Subjects including art, music Science, sports, languages, vocational subjects, etc; (b) Adequate Resources (Shared or otherwise)_ Such as a library _science labs_ Computer labs_ skill labs_ playgrounds, sports equipment and facilities, etc.; (c) A sense of community is built to overcome the isolation of teachers_ students_ and schools, through joint professional development programmers_ sharing of teaching-learning content_ joint content development_ holding joint Activities Such as art and Science Exhibitions_Sports meets_ quizzes and Debates and fairs.

The State Project Director of Samagra Shiksha, AP, gave the following directive during the meeting on April 16, 2024: to reassemble the state-level committee with members from SAMO, SCERT, WDC, CSE, Tribal Welfare Department, PMU, and ground level staff; these individuals will cover the following tasks:

The themes for the academic year will be defined; the monthly agenda will be finalised; creative solutions to the objectives will be brainstormed; and the School Complex and SALT-related activities will be coordinated. gathering monthly attendance at meetings. SALT partners are invited to attend the quality coordinator’s sessions where she will be leading talks about school complicated issues. Their aim would be to specify the SALT-compliant operations concerning their individual TSAs.

♦  Defining the Themes For the Academic year.
♦ Agenda Finalization on a Monthly Basis.
♦ Brain storming on introducing the innovative ways of Fulfilling The objectives, and
♦ Aligning the School Complex and SALT related activities.
♦ Attending meetings on a monthly basis.
♦ SALT partners will participate in the meetings conducted by quality coordinator on school complex related discussions. Their purpose would be to define the activities in alignment with SALT with respect to their respective TSAs

The Committee reconstituted will have to monitor the following.

♦ In order to re-activate the School Complex Functionaries, State Academic Monitoring Officer (SAMO) will be anchoring, Coordinating, Monitoring and organizing of trainings.
♦ Academically SCERT will be supporting under the guidance of the Director, SCERT. District level officers will be responsible for monitoring the activities under school complexes.
♦ The App which is used by CRPs to record activities happening in School Complexes earlier, it will be revived Again so the Real Time Records can be Maintained
♦ Committee also needs to focus on the mapping of school complexes with support of CSE, IT. it will help fill the gap in the Resources within the Cluster. For instance: As soon as the teacher marks leave, the app will assign a resource to that school within the complex. So, CSE IT team to support in mapping of complexes and suggesting a platform for the assigning\ resources.
♦ review the existing school complexes.
♦    get The Regular feedback from the ground level participants on the school complexes level.
♦ To identify the Gaps present Between  in school complex meetings.
♦ Based on the ground level inputs  , to suggest insights into better implementation of the school complexes.
The above Committee Shall Monitor the Above works and Submit Detailed Report To The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha on FortNight Basis.

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