AP Rc 25 Surplus Teachers work Adjustment Guidelines and Norms

LAP Rc 25 Surplus Teachers Rationalization for Work Adjustment Guidelines and Schedule for Work Adjustment of Surplus Teachers Certain Instructions to DEO , Download Rc 25 Dt:17/12/2015 Surplus Teachers Rationalization and New Norms , Rc 25/Estt-III/2015 Surplus Teachers for Work Adjustment Dt:02-12-2015 ,ap rc 25 ,
 ap rc no 25 , ap teachers transfers 2015 , rc 25 date 17-12-2015

AP Rc 25 Date 17-12-2015 Surplus Teachers work Adjustment Transfers Guidelines 

AP Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015 Dated 17.12.2015. 

Andhra Pradesh School Education –  Rationalization Transfers 2015 –  Headmasters and Teachers – Certain information called – Reg. 

G.O.Ms.No.63 Edn., (Ser.II) Department, Dated:31.08.2015
G.O.Ms.No.66 Edn., (Ser.II) Department, Dated:02.09.2015.
CSE Procs.
Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015, Dated:03.09.2015, 09.09.2015
 and 10.09.2015
Video conference held on 11.09.2015 and 12.09.2015.5. CSE Proc.
Rc.No.25/Estt-111/2015, Dated:12.09.2015, 16.09.2015, 22.09.2015
and 26-10-2015
CSE Pro.RC No. 25/Estt-111/2015 dated:02-12-2015.
                   The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference 5th read above wherein instructions were issued with regard to action to be taken after completion of Online Web transfer counseling for adjustment of surplus teachers to the needy schools on work adjustment basis temporarily till the end of the academic year as follows:
 i)Craft teachers I Vocational instructors and Physical Educational Teachers who have participated in the online web counseling and whose transfer orders are issued should be relieved to join in the new places, even if substitutes are not available. Similarly where one subject teacher is available to cover the subject concerned in a school the second teacher is to be relieved.
ii)Due to technical reasons some of the female teachers I Headmasters could not be accommodated in Girls High Schools. Further, Language teachers Urdu/Telugu could not be transferred against the language post concerned. Such teachers who have applied in the grievances link & whose grievance could not be settled for want of vacancies etc. may also participate in the web options during the allocation of surplus teachers on work adjustment basis.
 iii) Assessment of surplus teachers on the basis of working strength is to be arrived at not on G.0.55 and 61, but on the basis of new norms proposed.
iv) Assessment of needy schools and category wise teachers duly taking requirement of posts I teachers in Upper Primary and High Schools duly arriving at need.
       Despite clear instructions issued and schedule given, the District Education Officers have not taken any action on work adjustment of teachers to the needy schools and have not followed the schedule given. The Regional Joint Directors of School Education have also not monitored the District [Education Officers concerned in this regard.
        When called for the reasons for delay in uploading the data the District Education Officers gave unconvincing reasons.
       It is once again reiterated that in t schools where the teachers who have not participated in the transfer counseling but are surplus and all the surplus teachers (working) irrespective of the fact whether they participated in the counseling or not are to be adjusted to the needy schools on work adjustment basis.
      Therefore, all District Educational Officers will include those who participated in web counseling as well as those who are surplus as per the proposed new norms
Process to be followed for Work Adjustment
Guidelines for Surplus Teachers Identification and Work Adjustment

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The following criteria is to be adopted for providing surplus teachers on work adjustment basis duly arriving at need as per priority given below:

As per Teacher Pupil Ratio, as per Right to Education Norms i.e.

  • Primary schools 1 :30,
  • Upper Primary Schools 1 :35 and
  • High Schools 1 :40.

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Upper Primary School requirement in VI and VII Classes and also in upgraded Upper Primary Schools from VI to VIII Classes.
For High Schools where the class / section strength is more than 50.
Deputation of qualified surplus teachers to DIETs / CTEs / 1.A.S.Es as per requirement, etc.,
Providing academic monitoring support to Mandal Educational Officers /Deputy Educational Officers.
Shall identify the surplus teachers category wise , School wise teachers Scheduled:

Rationalization Schedule for Work Adjustment : 

  1. Display needy places: 21-12-15
  2. Display seniority list: 23-12-2015
  3. Web options: 26 to 28 -12 -2015
  4. Allotment places: 30-12-2015

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* AP RC 25 Dt.17-12-2015 Copy Download 

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