Guidelines of Municipal Teachers Work Adjustment for Surplus Teachers 2019
Rc.No.11021 Roc.No.11021/29/2016/J3 Dt. 06.2019. Guidelines for Work Adjustment of Surplus Teachers in AP Municipal Schools, Guidelines for Engaging Part Time Instructors in Municipal Schools. AP Municipal Teachers Work Adjustment Guidelines For Surplus Teachers 2019-20. Guidelines for engaging Part-Time Instructors in Primary/UP/High Schools. AP Municipal Administration Department – Municipal Schools – Adjustment of found surplus teachers to needy schools purely on work adjustment basis for the year 2019-2020 for Quality Improvement in Schools keeping in view of pupil’s interest – Certain Instructions – Issued – Regarding. Municipal surplus teachers disputation/ Rationalization Norms, మున్సిపల్ ఉపాధ్యాయుల Surplus Teachers తాత్కాలిక వర్క్ అడ్జస్ట్మెంట్, పార్ట్ టైమ్ instructors నియామకం పై సమగ్ర ఉత్తర్వులు సంఖ్య Rc 11021 విడుదల అయ్యింది. ఈ Work Adjustment ప్రక్రియ 7th జూలై లోపల పూర్తి చేయాలి.
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Guidelines of Municipal Teachers Work Adjustment for Surplus Teachers 2019
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Guidelines of Municipal Teachers Work Adjustment for Surplus Teachers 2019 |
1. G.O.Ms.No.210, MA&UD (D1) Dept., dated 23.05.2017.
2. This office Cir.Roc.No.11021/29/2016/J3, dated.22.06.2018.
3. This office Lr.Roc.No.3276/2017-J3, dt.21.05.2019.
Municipal Teachers Disputation/ Rationalization Norms for Surplus Teachers
1. The attention of all the RDMAs and Municipal Commissioners in the 59 ULBs where educational institutions exist are invited to the references cited. In the reference 2nd cited, necessary instruction were issued to all the RDMAs / Commissioners of (59) ULBs to follow the instructions mentioned therein with regard to the work adjustment of surplus teachers in the ULBs keeping in view of pupils interest.
2. In the reference 3rd cited, necessary instructions were issued to follow the instructions with regard to the accommodation of Municipal Teachers found surplus to the found closure schools identified (no teacher schools).
3. Further, the undersigned has noticed that, the enrollment in Municipal Schools has been increased through Rajanna Badi Bata Programme for the academic year 2019-2020, hence there is every need to give quality education to the students in view of pupils interest. Based on the new strength, keeping in view of even distribution of teachers from surplus to deficit schools, hence work adjustment is to be taken up by all the RDMAs and Commissioners of GVMC and VMC for Municipal Schools within ULB purely on need basis.
4. Therefore, all the RDMAs and Commissioners of GVMC and VMC are requested to take immediate necessary action regarding work adjustment to accommodate surplus teachers to deficit schools purely on work adjustment basis keeping in view of earlier instructions issued vide reference 3rd cited and keeping in view pupils interest and to give quality education to pupils for the academic year 2019-2020 duly following the instructions given below scrupulously;
Work distribution to Secondary Grade Teachers:
- a) An analysis is to be made School wise on the enrollment vs Number of Secondary Grade Teachers positioned as per G.O.Ms.No. 210 MA&UD (D1) Dept. dated 23.05.2017.
- b) After ensuring the above, if surplus SGTs found in the ULB, then allot them to Primary & Upper Primary Schools based on the total enrollment of 1 to 5 classes in descending order.
- c) Priority to the Senior Teachers to be given in allocation of surplus teachers to the needy schools.
- d) In the ULBs where excess SG Teachers available, Monograde class system to be adopted i.e. 1 Class – 1 Teacher. This is applicable for the schools where enrollment of 1 to 5 classes exceeds 50.
- e) The surplus LFL HMs are to be adjusted in Primary and Upper Primary Schools based on the enrollment. LFL HMs are to be entrusted with the responsibility of handling one class on par with other teachers. (Action – RDMA)
- f) After completion of work adjustment of surplus teacher, if there is shortage of teachers in Primary and Upper Primary Schools as per Rationalization norms, Part-Time Instructors may be engaged when the strength exceeds 15 beyond a minimum strength i.e. upto 1-19 one teacher, 20-60 two teachers etc. as per G.O.Ms.No.210, dated.23.05.2017, until DSC-2018 candidates joins
- g) The honorarium may be given @ Rs. 5,000/- p m to the Part-Time Instructors engaged to teach I to V classes and Rs. 7,000/- p m to the Part-Time Instructors engaged against the required posts of Gr.II LP & School Assistants, as the case may be in Upper Primary level.
- h) The expenditure for engagement of part time Instructors shall be met from the ULB funds concerned.
Work distribution of Grade II LPs & School Assistants: (Action – MC)
The services of the Gr. II LPs and School Assistants working in Upper Primary schools, where there is no optimum strength in the classes VI and VII shall be accommodated in High Schools. They shall be drafted on work adjustment to the needy High Schools (as per G.O. 210), if required Part-Time Instructors may be engaged in their places as per guidelines.
Work distribution of Subject Teachers in High Schools : (Action – RDMA/MC)
- In the first instance surplus subject/language teachers working in High Schools/UP schools should be adjusted to the needy High Schools.
- In the second instance utilize the services of surplus SGTs working in the nearby Primary/UP/High Schools if any having requisite qualifications in that particular subject are to be accommodated in the needy High Schools on work adjustment. (Action – RDMA)
- In the third instance Part time Instructors are to be engaged for the subjects as per need and requirement. A “Need Assessment Report” has to be submitted by the High School Head-Master to the Municipal Commissioner for engaging Part-Time Instructors as per norms.
- Requirement of Part-Time Instructors are to be cross checked with number of enrolled students.
- The honorarium for the Part-Time subject Instructors in the High Schools is Rs. 8,000/- p m. The expenditure shall be met from the ULB Funds. (Action – MC)
Guidelines for engaging Part-Time Instructors in Primary/UP/High Schools :
- i. Candidate must possess the required qualification for teaching the subject/language.
- ii. He/ She should have fluency in English communication skills.
- iii. The process of identification, Scrutiny may be done by School management committees with the support of 2 working Teachers handling Mathematics and English in the High School.
- iv. Engaging the services of Part-Time Instructors is to be done by the School Management Committees and to be approved by the Commissioner of ULB.
- v. Transparency shall be maintained without deviating the procedure.
- vi. During the above process, the School Management Committee may give preference to the previous experience, if any and competency in subject knowledge of the candidates in the subject / language.
- vii. The engagement of Part-Time Instructors may be taken up by concerned MCs where ever required after completion of work adjustment of regular Municipal Teachers duly following the above guidelines and shall be completed by 15.07.2019.
- viii. The part time Instructors may be engaged purely on temporary basis, till DSC- 2018 candidates are joined during the academic year 2019-2020 only. ix. The expenditure may be met from the Funds of the concerned ULBs. (Action – MC)
Guidelines for adjustment of Surplus Teachers :
- All the Municipal Commissioners (except GVMC and VMC) are requested to send necessary proposals along with the following information to the RDMAs concerned by 03.07.2019 for the adjustment of surplus teachers to needy schools.
- The working position of the teacher/teachers drafted to needy Municipal Schools previously and continuing on work adjustment, shall be counted in the old stations from where they have been drafted for arriving the total teachers working positions against the cadre strength of the respective school.
- Arriving the no. of surplus / deficit teacher’s cadre & category wise as per G.O.Ms.No.210, dt.23.05.2017.
- Finalizing the list of surplus teacher’s cadre & category wise considering the ULB seniority.
- Finalizing the list of surplus SGTs working in the Primary/UP/HS within the ULB who possessed requisite qualification in that particular subject.
- Finalizing the list of Gr.II.LPs and School Assistants working in UP Schools, where there is no optimum strength in the classes VI and VII.
- Proposal for work adjustment to the needy schools with the finalized list of surplus teachers should be submitted by the MC concerned to the RDMA.
- List of schools where teachers are deficit along with strength as per G.O.210.(Action – MC)
After adjustment of surplus teacher to the needy school within the ULB, the Part- Time Instructor may be engaged when the strength exceeds 15 beyond a minimum strength as per G.O.Ms.No.210, dated.23.05.2017. (Action – MC)
After receipt of proposals from the MCs concerned, the RDMAs concerned shall issue work adjustment orders in respect of surplus teachers to needy schools (except the surplus teachers adjusted to the no.teacher school recently) through counselling on 6th & 8th July, 2019 and issue orders on the same day keeping in view of the following points;
- ULB seniority may be considered during work adjustment.
- The work adjustment is to be done within ULB only.
- Priority to the Senior Teachers to be given in allocation of surplus teachers to the needy schools. (The Junior most surplus teacher in the cadre should be adjusted to the needy school within the ULB only, if the senior is willing to go, he/she has to be given preference).
- If no surplus SGT (urdu) teacher to be accommodated to the needy school, then SGT who well versed in Urdu may be adjusted to the needy urdu school within ULB.
- The Teacher who are adjusted shall join in the needy schools on the same day, no joining time is permitted.
- The work adjustment is purely temporary arrangement and the teacher has no right over the vacancy.
- Salaries to the Teachers who got work adjustment order will claim in their old stations from where they have been drafted.
- The work adjustment exercise shall be completed by 08.07.2019. (Action – RDMA)
3. The Commissioners of GVMC and VMC are requested to follow the above guidelines / instructions in their jurisdiction and report compliance to the RDMA and this office positively.
4. Any deviations noticed in this regard will be viewed seriously.
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