AP Panchayat Raj (PR) Employees Transfers Guidelines, Schedule GO 313

AP Panchayat Raj Employees Transfers Guidelines GO and AP Panchayat Secretaries Transfers Application form, AP PR Department Employees Transfers Guidelines G.O Rt.No.313 Dated 10.05.2017 was released for Panchayat Secretaries transfers, PR Department Employees, Mandal Parishad Employees, Zilla Parishad Employees, P.R Engineering Dept Employees by Pachayat Raj Department. Government of Andhra Pradesh Abstract Public Services- PR&RD Department- Transfers and postings of employees in Panchayat Raj & RWS Department- Lifting of ban on transfers- Specific Guidelines on transfers for the year 2017 – Orders – Issued. AP Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (E.V) Department G.O.RT.No. 313 Dated: 10-05-2017.

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AP Panchayat Secretaries Transfers Guidelines Application form, Service years

Read the following:

1. G.O.Rt.No. 709 PR &RD (E.VII) Dept dated 29.4.2013
2. G.O. Ms. No.64, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Dept, dt. 21.4.2017.
3. From the CPR&RD, A.P., Hyd, Lr No. 934/CPR&RD/G2/2017, dt. 18.4.2017.
4. From the CPR&RD, A.P., Hyd, Lr No. 2790/CPR&RD/E1/2017, dt. 26.4.2017.
5. From the ENC (PR), A.P., Vij, Lr. No. G/64/2017, dt. 2.5.2017.
6. From the AP Panchayat Raj Class IV Employees Central Union, Representation, dt. 01.05.2017.
7. G.O. Ms. No.72, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Dept, dt. 04.05.2017.
8. G.O. Ms. No.75, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Dept, dt. 09.05.2017.

O R D E R:
1. In the G.O. 2nd read above, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Department, have issued orders, relaxing ban on transfers for the period from 25th April, 2017 to 24th May, 2017 by issuing certain guidelines to be followed while considering the transfers. In the references 3rd to 5th read above, the Heads of the Department under the control of PR&RD Department have submitted proposals for additional guidelines to suit the requirements of their Departments.

2. Government after careful consideration of the proposals in the references 3rd to 5th read above, hereby permit the competent authorities i.e., the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development/Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj Engineering Department/ Engineer-in-Chief, Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Department/the District Collectors/the Chief Executive Officers/District Panchayat Officers to effect the transfer of employees in all districts, with immediate effect, up to 24.05.2017, duly following the specific guidelines as mentioned below in addition to the guidelines issued in the G.O 2nd read above, while making transfers.

AP PR Employees Specific Transfers guidelines : 

1. Employee who has completed more than five years of service continuously at a duty station duly counting the total service rendered in all cadres shall be transferred without exception.
2. All transfers shall be done in transparent manner on the basis of Performance by way of conducting counseling.
3. Wherever required, self appraisal may be obtained quickly from the employees. 4. The time lines as indicated in the G.O. Ms. No.64, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Dept, dt. 21.4.2017 should be followed scrupulously.

Panchayat Secretaries Transfers Guidelines :

i) All Gram Panchayats were formed as GP Clusters based on population and financial criteria into Grade-I, II, III and IV clusters for posting Panchayat Secretaries. Hence, the Panchayat Secretaries shall be posted in the respective Gram Panchayat Cluster to which they belong only according to their grade as ordered in Circular Memo No. 11740/Mandal.I/2014, PR, dt.1-8-2014. In the event of shortage in a Grade, the next lower grade Panchayat Secretary shall be considered for posting. But in no case, Grade –IV Panchayat Secretaries be posted in Grade-I & II Panchayat clusters and Grade-III Panchayat Secretaries to Grade-I Panchayat Clusters.

ii) The post of Panchayat Secretaries shall be filled up in all the mandals duly rationalising the vacancies. Proportionate distribution shall be ensured in all Mandals. iii) The Panchayat Secretaries shall not be posted in their native Mandals.

Mandal Parishad Development Officers & Ministerial and other subordinate staff Transfers Guidelines :

i) Mandal Parishad Development Officers (MPDOs), Ministerial and other staff of ZPP and MPP be transferred within the district by the Chief Executive Officer of ZPP in consultation with the Chairperson of ZPP. ii) MPDOs shall not be posted in their native Revenue Division.

iii) As far as possible, they shall not be posted in the Mandal Praja Parishads where they worked earlier in their entire service in the cadre of Mandal Parishad Development Officer.

iv) While conducting counselling for Ministerial and other subordinate staff in respect of ZP and Mandal Parishads, the guidelines relating to counselling issued in the G.O.Rt.No. 709 PR &RD (E.VII) Dept, dated 29.4.2013 shall be followed.

DLPOs/ AOs/EO(PR&RD) and other Ministerial staff of DPO/DLPO Offices Transfers Guidelines

i) Extension Officers (PR&RD) within the District shall be transferred by the District Collector (PW).

ii) The CPR&RD shall make transfer of Divisional Panchayat Officers and inter- District transfers of second level Gazetted and below cadre and allot to the district as per the rules in force.

iii) The DLPOs shall not be posted in their native Revenue Division. The Extension Officer (PR & RD) shall not be posted in their native Mandal.

iv) The Ministerial staff who have completed five years of service in the O/o DPO/ DLPO shall be transferred by the District Collector (PW). Any violation will be viewed seriously in this matter.

v) Performance criteria as communicated by the Commissioner of Panchayat Raj shall be followed scrupulously;

Transfer Guidelines relating to PR Engineering Department:

i) The ENC, PR, Vijayawada shall make transfers to AEE/AE/DEE cadres as per the orders issued vide G.O. Ms. No.64, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Dept, dt. 21.4.2017 through counseling at Zonal level. Counseling should be done by Unit Officer (i.e., Superintending Engineer) of that zone along with other Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineer, Vig & QC of that Zone. One State Officer will be deputed to concerned Zone to observe the process of counseling. The procedure/ process of transfers shall be followed as per the guidelines issued by the Govt., vide G.O. 2nd read above. The AE/AEE below cadre employees and non-technical employees transfers will be taken up by the concerned Unit Officer in their zone.

ii) The Deputy Executive Engineers (DEEs) who are eligible for transfer shall be posted out of the Revenue Division in which they are working and shall not be posted in their native Revenue Division;

iii) The AEE/AEs who are eligible for transfer shall be posted out of the Sub-Division in which they are now working (either PRI sub-division or PIU sub-division) and shall not be posted in their native Sub-division;

iv) The post of AEE/AE shall be filled up in all Sub-divisions/Mandals duly rationalizing the vacancies. Proportionate distribution shall be ensured in all sub- divisions/Mandals.

v) The DEEs, AEEs and AEs who are having a total service of (10) years in a district, and who come under the purview of transfers as per the orders issued vide G.O. 2nd read above should be transferred outside the district.

Transfer Guidelines relating to RWS&S Engineering Department:

i) The ENC, RWS&S, Vijayawada shall make transfers to AEE/AE/DEE cadres as per the orders issued vide G.O. Ms. No.64, Finance (HR.I.PLG.&POLICY) Dept, dt. 21.4.2017 through counseling at Zonal level. Counseling should be done by Unit Officer (i.e., Superintending Engineer) of that zone along with other Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineer, Vig& QC of that Zone. One State Officer will be deputed to concerned Zone to observe the process of counseling. The procedure/ process of transfers shall be followed as per the guidelines issued by the Govt., vide G.O. 2nd read above. The AE/AEE below cadre employees and non-technical employees transfers will be taken up by the concerned Unit Officer in their zone.

ii) Deputy Executive Engineers (DEEs) who are eligible for transfer shall be posted out of the Revenue Division in which they are working and shall not be posted in their native Revenue Division;

iii) AEE/AEs who are eligible for transfer shall be posted out of the Sub-Division in which they are working and shall not be posted in their native Sub-division;

iv) The post of AEE/AE shall be filled up in all Sub-divisions/Mandals duly rationalizing the vacancies. Proportionate distribution shall be ensured in all sub- divisions/Mandals.

v) The DEEs, AEEs and AEs who are having a total service of (10) years in a district, and who come under the purview of transfers as per the orders issued vide G.O. 2nd read above, should be transferred outside the district.

vi) The total service in all modes like OD/ deputation basis in a particular station shall be counted for total service in a particular place/ Mandal/ Sub- division/ Division/ Circle/ District/ Office.



To, The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, AP., Vijayawada. , The Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj Engineering Department, AP., Vijayawada. , The Engineer-in-Chief (Admn), RWS&S Department, AP., Vijayawada., All District Collectors in the state, All Superintending Engineers, PRED Department, All Superintending Engineers, RWS&S Department, All Chief Executive Officers of ZPP in the state and All the District Panchayat Officers Transfers guidelines in the state.

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