AP Panchayat Raj Dept Transfers Guidelines for ZP, Mandal Parishad Employees Transfers GO

AP GO 594 Panchayat Raj Dept Transfers Guidelines 2016 for Panchayat Raj & RWS Department. AP Panchayat Secretaries Transfers and postings of employees in Panchayat Raj & RWS Department. MPDO ZP and Mandal Parishad Development Officers & Ministerial and other subordinate staff in the office of Zill Praja Parishads and Mandal Praja Parishads. Transfer Guidelines relating to PR Engineering and RWS&S Departments.

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AP GO 594 Panchayat Raj, RWS, MPDOs, Ministerial staff, PR Eng. and RWS & S Departments

AP Panchayat Raj Dept Transfers 2016

AP G.O.RT.No. 594 Dated: 14-06-2016. Transfer Guidelines of Panchayat Secretaries, MPDOs, Ministerial staff of DPOs. Public Services – Transfers and postings of employees in Panchayat Raj & RWS Department – Lifting of ban on transfers – Specific guidelines on transfers for the year 2016 for PR &RD Department – Orders – Issued.

Read the following:-

1. G.O.Rt.No. 519 PR&RD (E.V) Deptt. Dated 26.5.2015
2. G.O.Ms.No. 140 Finance (HR.I) Deptt. Dated 16.11.2015
3. G.O.Ms.No.102,Finance [HR.I]Deptt., Dt.,10.06.2016.

O R D E R:

1. In the G.O. 3rd read above, orders were issued relaxing ban on transfer of employees for the period from 10th June to 20th June 2016 which was imposed in G.O.2nd read above and permitted the Authority Competent to effect transfer of employees under the existing Rules in a fair and transparent manner with due consideration for the productivity and efficiency of the employees.

2. Government after careful examination, hereby permit the competent authorities i.e., the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development/ENC, PR/CE(Admn), RWS&S Departments/the District Collectors/the Chief Executive Officers/District Panchayat Officers to effect the transfer of employees in all the districts with immediate effect upto 20.6.2016. While making the transfers the following specific guidelines shall be followed besides the guidelines issued in the G.O. 3rd read above. 

Panchayat Raj Dept TransfersSpecific guidelines:

1. Employee who has completed more than five years of Service continuously at a duty station duly counting the total service rendered in all cadres shall be transferred without exception;
2. All transfers shall be done on the basis of Performance based counseling in a transparent manner. Criteria for various categories of employees will be communicated by the respective Heads of the Departments;
3. Self Appraisal shall be obtained quickly from the employees;

Panchayat Secretaries:

  • i. All Gram Panchayats were formed as GP Clusters for postings for Panchayat Secretaries. Hence, the Panchayat Secretaries shall be posted to the respective Gram Panchayat Clusters only according to their grade as ordered in Circular Memo No. 11740/Mandal.I/2014 PR Dated 1.8.2014. In the event of shortage in a Grade, the next lower Grade Panchayat Secretaries shall be considered for posting. But in no case, Grade-IV Panchayat Secretaries be posted to Grade-I & II Panchayat clusters and Grade-III Panchayat Secretaries to Grade-I
  • ii. The post of Panchayat Secretaries shall be filled up in all the Mandals duly rationalising the vacancies. Proportionate distribution shall be ensured in all Mandals. Panchayat clusters.
  • iii. The Panchayat Secretaries should not be posted in their native Mandals.

MPDOs & Ministerial and other subordinate staff in the office of Zill Praja Parishads and Mandal Praja Parishads

  • i) Mandal Parishad Development Officers (MPDOs) and Ministerial and other staff of ZPP and MPP be transferred within the District by the Chief Executive Officer of ZPP in consultation with the Chairperson of ZPP.
  • ii) MPDOs should not be posted in their native Revenue Division;
  • iii) As far as possible, they should not be posted in their Mandal Praja Parishad where they worked earlier in their entire service in the cadre of Mandal Parishad Development Officer.

DLPOs/AOs/EO (PR&RD) and other Ministerial staff of DPO/DLPO

  1. i) Extension Officers (PR&RD) within the District shall be transferred by the District Collector (PW);
  2. ii) The DLPOs and EOs (PR&RD) shall not be posted in their native Revenue Division;
  3. iii) The Ministerial staff who have completed five years of service in the offices of DPO and DLPO shall be transferred by the District Collector (PW). Any violation will be viewed seriously in this matter;
  4. iv) The CPR&RD shall make transfer of Divisional Panchayat Officers and inter-District transfers of second level Gazetted and below cadre and allot to the district as per the rules in force;
  5. v) Performance criteria as communicated by the Commissioner of Panchayat Raj shall be followed scrupulously;
  6. vi) The time lines as indicated in the G.O. 3rd read above should be followed scrupulously.

Transfer Guidelines relating to PR Engineering and RWS&S Dept.:

  1. i. All O.D. Orders should be cancelled in all cadres done by the ENC/SEs and the candidates have to be relieved from their present OD places, duly handing over the charge and to report in their original places;
  2. ii. Transfers relating to AE/AEEs and DEEs should be done at Unit Officer level of that zone through performance counseling based on performance criteria communicated by the Engineer-in-Chief, Panchayat Raj and CE (Admn) RWS&S Department, and send it to ENC, PR/CE(Admn) RWS&S Department for necessary approval;
  3. iii. Deputy Executive Engineers (DEEs) who are eligible for transfer shall be posted out of the Revenue Division in which they are working and shall not be posted in their native Revenue Division;
  4. iv. AEE/AEs who are eligible for transfer shall be posted out of the SubDivision in which they are working (either PRI sub-division or PIU sub-division) and shall not be posted in their native Sub-division;
  5. v. The post of AEE/AE shall be filled up in all Sub-divisions/Mandals duly rationalizing the vacancies. Proportionate distribution shall be ensured in all sub-divisions/Mandals.
  6. vi. The process of counseling should be completed between 15th to 17th June 2016;


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