TS Panchayat Secretaries Posts Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Fee Particulars

TS Panchayat Secretaries Posts Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Fee Particulars, Online Apply Schedule : TS Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department Recruitment 2018 Apply Online Application form  | 9355 Junior Panchayat Secretary Posts @ telangana.gov.in. Important dates, vacancy, salary, eligibility, selection process, and other important details for TS Panchayat Secretary recruitment 2018.TS Panchayat Raj Recruitment 2018 – 9355 Junior Panchayat Secretary Posts Apply @ telangana.gov.in. Telangana Panchayat Secretary Selection Roster, Qualifications GO NO 77 Dt. 27-08-2018.TS PR&RD Dept. – Panchayat Secretaries – Direct Recruitment through the Department Selection Committee to the posts of Junior Panchayat Secretaries under Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment – Constitution of Departmental Selection Committee – Orders – Issued. Telangana PANCHAYAT RAJ & RURAL DEVELOPMENT (PTS.VI) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 77 Dated: 27-08-2018.
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TS Panchayat Secretaries Posts Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Fee Particulars

TS Panchayat Secretaries Posts Exam Pattern, Selection Process, Fee Particulars
TS Panchayat Secretaries Posts Exam Pattern, Selection
Process, Fee Particulars 

Telangana PSC Panchayat Raj Vacancy 2018

Organization: Telangana Public Service Commission
Name of the Post: Panchayat Secretary
Total Posts: 9355
Online Application Process Date: Update Soon
Category: Recruitment Notification
Status: Available Soon
Official Website: tspsc.gov.in

Read the following:

1. G.O.Ms.No. 81, PR&RD (Mdl.II) Dept. dt: 20.2.2010.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 84, PR&RD (Mdl.II) Dept. 24.2.2010.
3. Govt. Memo No. 20028/Mdl.II/A2/2011, dt: 3.8.2011.
4. G.O.Ms.No. 773, PR&RD (Pts.VI) Dept., dt: 14.12.2017.
5. TelanganaPanchayat Raj Act, 2018.
6. From the CPR &RE, Hyd. Lr. No. 2560/CPR&RE/B2/2017, dated: 27.7.2018.
7. G.O.Ms.No. 117, Fin. (HRM-I) Dept., dated: 10.8.2018.
8. G.O.Ms.No. 126, Fin. (HRM-VII) Dept. dated: 23.8.2018.


1. In the reference 6th read above, the Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment has stated that in accordance with the provisions of Telangana Panchayat Raj Act, 2018, existing 8684 Gram Panchayats had been reorganized by bringing the number of total Gram Panchayats to 12,751 in the state and requested the Government to create (6603) posts of Panchayat Secretary so as to provide one Panchayat Secretary to every Gram Panchayat and fill up (9355) vacancies immediately.

2. In the reference 7th read above, Government have accorded sanction for creation of (6603) posts in the category of Junior Panchayat Secretary for providing one Panchayat Secretary to each Gram Panchayat to empower and strengthen the Gram Panchayat administration under the control of Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, Hyderabad.

3. In the reference 8th read above, Govt. have accorded permission to fill (9355) vacant posts of Junior Panchayat Secretaries under the control of Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment, through Departmental Selection Committee in view of the actual requirement of manpower with reference to the nature of work and activities of the Department and also the overall financial implications.

4. After careful consideration of the matter, Government ordered to take necessary action for filling the vacancies permitted above, duly following the Rule of Reservation, the provisions of the Presidential Order and the provisions of the Service Rules applicable to the relevant posts. The Selection Committee, shall finalize the selection process and other issues related to the recruitment process as per the statutory provisions applicable in general and the following guidelines, in specific.

5. Conduct a recruitment test in all the 30 districts in one go for recruiting the Jr. Panchayat Secretaries as per the vacancies. For every district a new roster will be started.

పంచాయతీ కార్యదర్శులకు డిగ్రీ అర్హత, విధివిధానాలు ప్రకటన

రాష్ట్రంలో ఖాళీగా ఉన్న 9,355 జూనియర్ పంచాయతీ కార్యదర్శుల నియామకానికి ప్రభుత్వం కమిటీని నియమించింది. ఈ నియామకాలను tspsc ద్వారా కాకుండా శాఖాపరమైన కమిటీ ద్వారా భర్తీ చేస్తామని గతంలోనే ప్రభుత్వం ప్రకటించింది. అందుకనుగుణంగా పంచాయతీ రాజ్ అండ్ రూరల్ ఎంప్లాయ్ మెంట్ కమిషనర్ ఛైర్ పర్సన్ గా మొత్తం 8 మంది సభ్యులతో కమిటీని నియమిస్తూ ప్రిన్సిపల్ సెక్రటరీ వికాస్ రాజ్ ఉత్తర్వులు జారీ చేశారు.

ఈ పోస్టులను 1) JNTU 2) పోలీస్ రిక్రూట్ మెంట్ బోర్డు 3) తెలంగాణ రెసిడెన్షియల్ఇ నిస్టిట్యూషన్స్ బోర్డు లేదా వేరే ఏదైనా ఏజెన్సీ ద్వారా భర్తీ చేయొచ్చు.
అభ్యర్థులకు సూచనలు

1) ఆన్ లైన్ ద్వారా అప్లయ్ చేసుకోడానికి 10 రోజులు టైమ్ ఇస్తారు
2) జూనియర్ పంచాయతీ కార్యదర్శి కి అర్హత డిగ్రీ
3) వయస్సు 18-39 యేళ్ళ మధ్య (జనరల్ అభ్యర్తులు ), SC/ST/BC లకు ఐదేళ్ళు, PHC లకు పదేళ్ళు వయో పరిమితి మినహాయింపు
4) హైదరాబాద్ అర్బన్ డిస్ట్రిక్ట్ మినహా 30 జిల్లాల్లో జూనియర్ పంచాయతీ కార్యదర్శుల నియామకం చేపడతారు

అర్హత పరీక్ష (ఆబ్జెక్టివ్ టైప్ లో )

పేపర్ – 1 – 150 మార్కులు – జనరల్ నాలెడ్జ్, జనరల్ మెంటల్ ఎబిలిటీ
పేపర్ -2 – 150 మార్కులు – పంచాయతీ రాజ్ సంస్థలు, స్థానిక సంస్థలు, గ్రామీణాభివృద్ధి, తెలంగాణ చరిత్ర, సంస్కృతి, జాగ్రఫీ, ఎకానమీ, ప్రభుత్వ పథకాలు

( ప్రతి తప్పు ప్రశ్నకు 1/3 నెగిటివ్ మార్కింగ్ విధానం ఉంటుంది )
పరీక్ష ఫీజు : రూ.500 ( ఓసీలకు ) రూ.250 (SC/ST/BCలకు ).

6. As the recruitment is for local bodies, it may be conducted through an agency such as JNTU, Police Recruitment Board, Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Board or any other agency. The following shall be the salient features of the recruitment process.
a) Applications will be invited through online mode by giving 10 days time after issue of notification.
b) Minimum educational qualification of the candidate will be Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
c) The Age limit of the candidate will be 18-39 for General candidates and 5 years relaxation in the upper age limit is applicable to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/BC and 10 years in case of candidates belonging to PHC category.
d) As the state has 30 new districts excluding urban district of Hyderabad, the candidate to be appointed as Jr. Panchayat Secretary have to be local candidates of the new districts. However, in accordance with the Presidential Order, suitable number of posts will be kept un-reserved.
e) The selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of objective type, written examination consisting of 2 papers of 3 hours each.
f) Paper-I for 150 marks on General Knowledge and General Mental Ability. Paper-II for 150 marks on TPR Act 2018, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Local Governance, Rural Development, Telangana History, Culture, Geography and Economy and Government Schemes.
g) The question papers will be jumbled in terms of both questions and multiple choices for each question. 1 Mark will be given for each correct answer and 1/3rd mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
h) The examination fee will be Rs.500/- for General Candidates and Rs.250/- for candidates belonging to SC/ST/BC.
i) The merit list will be prepared district-wise and communicated to Commissioner Panchayat Raj & Rural Development and to be sent to the District Collectors for selection duly following the roster prescribed in the Rule 22 of Telangana State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.

7. Accordingly, Government. hereby constitute the Departmental Selection Committee with the following Officers:

1. Commissioner, PR&RE, Hyderabad : Chairperson
2. Registrar, JNTU, Hyd., : Member
3. Additinal.Secretary, PR&RD Dept. : Member
4. Chief Executive Officer, SERP,Hyd. : Member
5. Representative of GAD (not below the rank of Dy. Secy.) : Member
6. Representative of Finance Dept. : Member (not below the rank of Dy. Secy.)
7. Representative of Law Dept. : Member (not below the rank of Dy. Secy.)
8. Deputy Commissioner, PR &RE, as : Convenor decided by Commissioner, PR&RE.
8. The Commissioner, Panchayat Raj & Rural Employment shall take further necessary action in the matter accordingly.

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How to Apply for TS Panchayat Raj Recruitment 2018-19

First of all, Open Official Website i.e., telangana.gov.in
Look for Apply Online Link on the Website.
Fill All required Details in the form and Upload required Documents and Pay Application Fee if Required.
Check and confirm your details before hitting Submit button.
Once All details confirmed, Submit and Take the printout of your Application

Important Dates for TS Panchayat Raj Recruitment 2018

Starting Date of Application: 03-09-2018
Closing Date of Application: 12-09-2018

* TS Panchayat Secretary Posts 2018 Notification Download 
* TS Panchayat Secretary Posts 2018 Online Application Here 
* TS Panchayat Secretary Posts 2018 District wise vacancies Download
* TS Panchayat Secretary Posts Exam Model Papers Download 
* TS Panchayat Secretary Posts 2018 Syllabus and Exam Pattern Download
TS Panchayat Secretaries Posts Complete details at tsprrecruitment.in/

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