AP LTC PRC G.O.Rt.No.1669 Dt. 15-05-2015. Employs can Avail LTC any where in AP
- Anra Pradesh Government has requested to grant casual leave for a period of
three (3) days from 08.06.2015 to 10.06.2015 and also permission to leave the
head quarters, to avail LTC to go to “Tirumala” along with family members
consists of wife (age: 42 yrs), daughter (age: 20 yrs) and daughter (age: 16
yrs) and back to headquarters, during the block period of 2015-16 (anywhere in
A.P.). The individual further stated that the to and fro charges from Hyderabad
to Tirumala would be around Rs. 12,000/- and requested to sanction Rs. 9,000/-
(80% of 12,000) as advance - Government after careful
examination hereby grant casual leave for a period of three (3) days from
08.06.2015 to 10.06.2015 and also permission to leave the head quarters, to
avail LTC to go to “Tirumala” along with family members consists of wife (age:
42 yrs), daughter (age: 20 yrs) and daughter (age: 16 yrs) and back to
headquarters, during the block period of 2015-16 (anywhere in A.P.) and also
grant L.T.C. advance of Rs. 9,000/- under L.T.C. Rule 13(a) to Sri S. Sreepathi
Acharyulu, P.S. to Secretary to Government - Necessary entries of the availment
of Leave Travel Concession by Sri S. Sreepathi Acharyulu, P.S. to Secretary to
Government, have been recorded in the Service Register of the individual and
the fact shall be certified in the bill in which the detailed T.A. is claimed - Sri S. Sreepathi Acharyulu, P.S. to
Secretary to Government, is requested to submit the detailed Travelling Allowance
Bill along with original journey tickets within the prescribed time as per
Government instructions in the reference second cited - Certified that the individual has
not availed Leave travel concession previously during this block period
2015-2016 (anywhere in Andhra Pradesh). - Finance (claims) Department are
requested to draw & credit the amount to the Officer’s Bank A/c through