AP GO 227 Computer job work of processing the results of SSC Exams

 Andra Pradesh SSC Public Examinations MARCH & MAY/JUNE, 2016  Selection of computer organization – Entrustment of job work of processing of SSC results to M/s.Magnetic Infotech (Private) Limited, Hyderabad.

AP School Education (Exams) Department G.O.RT.No. 227 Dated 21-11-2015 

Read the following :

Income Tax Software FY 2024 2025: Download (C Ramanjaneyulu)
  1. 1. G.O.Rt.No.203, School Education (Exams) Dept., Dated 26/10/2015. 
  2. 2. From the Director of Government Examination, A.P., Hyderabad,  Rc.No.21/J-1/2015, Dated 09-11-2015. 

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O R D E R:-
 In the GO 1st read above, Government have constituted a Committee for selection of Computer Firm to entrust the job work of processing the results of the S.S.C. Examinations, March & May / June 2016.
2. In the reference 2nd read above, the Director of Government Examinations, Hyderabad has informed that the Committee has met on 2-11-2015 and recommended M/s.Magnetic Infotech (Pvt) Limited, Hyderabad for entrusting the job work for processing of data for conduct of exams and results preparation of SSC Examinations, March & May / June 2016. He has, therefore, requested the Government to issue necessary orders to entrust the works to the above firm as recommended by the Committee.
3. After careful consideration of the matter, Government hereby permit the Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad to entrust the job work for processing of data for conduct and preparation of results of S.S.C. Public Examinations, March 2016 and S.S.C. Advanced Supplementary Examinations, June 2016 to M/s.Magnetic Infotech (Private) Limited, Hyderabad.
4. The Director of Government Examinations, Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly.

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