Updating Child Info instructions – Schedule for Academic Year 2021-22 at Schoolinfo.ap.gov.in. AP School Education – Academic Year 2021-22 – Updating Child Info Certain instructions and Schedule as per Rc.No. ESE02/https://teachernews.in/new-students-data-entry-adding-new/659/2021-PLG -CSE dated 07/09/2021. Sub: School Education – Academic Year 2021-22 – Updating Child Info Certain instructions – Issued. Ref: Govt. Memo No. ESE01SEDEN0CSE/784/2021-Prog.II dated 14.08.2021.
Updating Child Info instructions – Schedule for Academic Year 2021-22 at Schoolinfo.ap.gov.in
1. All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are aware that, in ref cited, the Government has issued orders for opening of all classes in all schools w.e.f 16.08.2021 for the academic year 2021-22 in the state strictly in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) communicated by the Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department and general instructions issued by the government from time to time.
2. As per the above instructions it is observed that the new admissions are not being updated in child-info by the concerned MEO/Head masters. Accordingly it is decided to take up the said activity as a special drive for updation of Child information system as per the schedule appended to this instructions.
3. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are requested to instruct the respective feld functionaries and Headmasters concerned to update the child-info as per the given schedule and ensure that zero error child details for better service delivery to the students and parents.
Child Info Updating Schedule 2021-22
S.No | Activity | Time lines | Action proposed | Person(s) responsible |
1 | Drop out to Active | 08-09-2021 to
13-09-2021 |
The Teachers / Headmasters shall identify the system drop out students and pull them to respective school in which they are admitted. | Headmasters |
2 | New child registrations | 14-09-2021 to
20-09-2021 |
The Teachers / Headmasters shall ensure that all children in their catchment area are enrolled in any of school and the data has been updated in their respective school. | Headmaster / Teachers |
3 | Update Child Data | 21-09-2021 to
25-09-2021 |
To update the child details with 100% accuracy and to ensure that the child details of respective school are error free ( Provision will be enabled at once) | DEO/MEO/HM |
4 | Identifying and reporting of child details with no aadhar /enrolment Id. | 27-09-2021 to 30-09-2021 | The Headmasters shall inform the parents that the details of their children / their aadhar details have to be updated in their respective Gram Sachivalayam and to reconfrm with HMs that their / their children details are updated in child info. | HMs/ Parents / Guardians |
5 | Syncing of Aadhar with Grama/Ward Sachivalayam Database | 22-09-2021 to 25-09-2021 | The state teams shall ensure that the data updated at Gram Sachivalyam is to be updated in the school education portal time to time and shall maintain regular uninterrupted web service. | IT Cell of DSE/ APCFSS |
Updating Child Info instructions – Schedule Download
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