TS SSC Exams 2020 Instructions for Preparation of OMR – ICR Forms Sheets to HM Guidelines

TS SSC Exams 2020 Instructions for Preparation of OMR – ICR Forms Sheets to HM Guidelines

TS SSC Exams 2020 Instructions for Preparation of OMR – ICR Forms Sheets to HM Guidelines : TS SSC Nominal Rolls Preparation and Insructions of Preparation of OMR – ICR sheets , HM Istructions of Preparation OMR -ICR forms , Guigelines of ddo fillup omr sheets, TS SSC public Exam march 2020 Telangana 10th Class OMR Sheets Preparation , TS SSC ICR Sheets fillup instructions , guidelines of fillup OMR cum ICR forms / Sheets.Instruction for Ppeparation of OMR cum ICR forms of TS SSC Public Exams.

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TS SSC Exams 2020 Instructions for Preparation of OMR – ICR Forms Sheets to HM Guidelines

Head Master / HMs Guidelines for Fillup OMR – ICR Sheets 10th Class Exams  2019-20

1. The OMR cum ICR forms shall be filled in by all the categories of students (i.e.) Regular and Private Once failed in addition, separate OMR cum ICR forms are prescribed for candidates opting for Vocational Course and appearing for Vocational subjects and for OSSC. Five different Coloured OMR cum ICR forms are designed which have to be used as follows. The details are given below.

  1. (i) Pink Colour (Titles on the top
    SSC Regular Candidates.
  2. (ii) Orange Colour (Titles on the top
    SSC Private Once failed candidates.
  3. (iii) Brown Colour (Titles on the top Portion) O.S.S.C (Regular
  4. (iv) Green Colour ( Titles on the
    ) O.S.S.C (Private Once failed Candidates)
  5. (v) Red Colour (Titles on the top
    SSC Vocational candidates for appearing vocational subjects only (Fresh and Private once
    failed candidates).

2. As far as possible OMR cum ICR forms will be supplied
along w
ith Manuscript Nominal Rolls, extracted N.Rs of June-2017 itself. In case if there is
any delay in sending OMR cum ICR 
forms to Heads of institutions, they should prepare and
keep ready the Manuscript Nominal 
Rolls of the Regular and Private Once failed candidates separately.
3. In the OMR cum ICR forms, a space
of 42 characters is provided for columns to furnish

the name of candidate, Father’s name,
and Mother’s name.

The candidates have
to follow the guidelines given below in filling the candidate’s 
name, father’s name
and Mother’s name in ICR forms:
  1. Candidate’s Name : 42 characters
  2. Father’s Name :
    42 characters
  3. Mother’s Name :
    42 characters

Note: Special care shall be
taken while writing Particulars of the following:

  1. First write
    Surname followed by the remaining name of the candidate. If needed it 
    should be abbreviated
    to fit within 42 characters only.
  2. Leave a space
    between surname and the remaining name of the candidate.
  3. Father’s Name and
    Mother’s Name by Abbreviating to fit in 42 characters in capital 
    letters in MNR and
    OMR cum ICR forms.
  4. Before entering
    the Mother’s name in the ICR cum OMR and MNR, the H.M has to 
    take a declaration
    from the parent concerned, duly entering the same in the school 
    Admission register.
             OMR cum ICR forms of any category supplied for March-2019 and prior to it shall not be used for SSC Public Examinations, March-2019. In case, any old ICR forms are used the MNRs will be rejected and the Headmasters concerned will be held responsible.

4. Go through instructions printed
separately along with OMR cum ICR forms then start to
fill the OMR cum ICR form.
Note: All the columns in OMR have to
be shaded with HB pencil only at appropriate 
5. Candidate’s identification marks
should be
filled in OMR cum ICR in Block letters with
black Ink ball pen for effective
6. Govt. have issued Memo vide No.
7679/PE-Ser-II/A2/2010., dt: 14-09-2010 to incorporate 
Mother’s name in the SSC Pass
certificates in addition to the father’s name from March 
2019 exams on wards.
7. All once failed private candidates shall be insisted to
mention the Roll number of the previous
appearance i.e., June, 2018 in their OMR cum ICR form and
in M.N.R. as well and their latest
original failed memorandum of marks shall be enclosed to
the M.N.R. However provision is
provided in the MNR to write old Roll Number Month &
Year for other than June 2018.
8. Provision for affixing the left hand thumb impression of
the candidates in the OMR cum ICR
forms is continued. It is the responsibility of the
Head / Headmaster of the institution to 
see that the correct candidate affixes
his left hand thumb impression on the OMR cum 
ICR form. In other words the photo,
signature and thumb impression should belong to 
the same candidate.
9. All the candidates appearing for March-2019 shall affix
the latest black and white pass port size (i.e) 35 x 35 mm photos with white background or
light colour for more clarity
. The photos should be pasted with Gum on the OMR cum ICR form as per
the instructions given in the OMR cum ICR form but not printed / stapled / or stitched.
No Colored photographs shall be used.
  1. The OMR cum ICR forms of all three categories of candidates (Regular and Private once failed) will be fed to computer for scanning the data and as such the Headmasters are specifically informed to fill in the OMR cum ICR forms correctly and perfectly as the same data will be reflected / printed in
    the S.S.Cs and in the failed memos.
  2.  The OMR cum ICR forms supplied should be handled very
    carefully without folding spoiling and mutilating it for proper scanning.
  3. Overwriting in the OMR cum ICR forms
    must be avoided as it leads to mistakes in scanning. If any wrong entry is made, use fresh OMR cum
    ICR form if available or otherwise apply Eraz-ex white fluid and then note correct
    particulars in the OMR cum ICR form. The white fluid sometimes gives problem for
    scanning leading to spelling mistakes.
  4. For SSC Public Examinations March, 2018 OMR cum ICR forms
    are supplied. The OMR cum ICR forms should be packed in a Polythin cover
    keeping them in between cardboard to avoid any kind of damage duly enclosing a content slip. They should not be pinned or tagged. It should not be mixed up with M.N.R
    or any other material.
  5.  SSC Application form consists of OMR cum ICR Parts and
    the two parts are printed on legal size paper with a perforation to separate them. The Headmaster himself has to separate the OMR cum ICR
    form at the perforation with the help of scale, without damaging the form. (The
    form shall not be mutilated or defaced). The OMR cum ICR forms of each category after separation
    (i.e., SSC Regular, SSC Private Once failed, OSSC Regular & OSSC Private Once
    failed and Vocational course) shall be packed in separate polythene cover tied up with rubber
    band, and kept in between two planks and packed with wrappers, so that the packet will
    be intact.
  6.  Challahs, failed memos, recognition orders, medical
    certificates issued in respect of PH candidates, figure statements etc., should be attached
    and packed with M.N.R only and they shall not be mixed up with OMR cum ICRs at all.
         The Headmaster of all the recognized schools should
obtain one photocopy / Xerox of the OMR cum ICR form of all the Students and preserve the
photocopies / Xerox copies duly 
attested by him as permanent record along with MNR in
respect of
both regular and private (Once failed) students. This will help the administration in
sorting out future complications if 

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* TS SSC Exams Preparation of OMR-ICR Sheets Instructions Copy Download
* Instructions for Preparation of Nominal Rolls Click here
* TS 10th Class Instruction of Preparation of Nominal Rolls Copy Download
* TS SSC Exams Submission of Online Applications Instructions Click here
* Telangana SSC Public Exam fee Particulars Click here
* SSC Subject wise Material Download

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