TS Schools Start Meena Prapancham Radio program from 27-10-2015

TS Meena Prapancham Radio Program , Vindaam Nerchukundam radio program 2015-16 , Meena prapancham from 27-10-2015 to 29-10-2015 , TS SSA Instructions to HMs , Meena Radio Programme Distance Education in Primary Schools , Inform to MEOs , High Schools HMs and KGBV special Officers 

Telangana SSA Procs. No. 937/SSA/DEC/T4/2014, Dated: 26.l0.2015

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Telangana SSA Distance Education – Meena Radio Programme Broadcasting proceedings details as follows.

All the Project Officers of SSA, TS and District Education Officers are here by informed that, it is proposed to initiate broadcasting of Meena Radio in Telangana State from 27.10.2015 to 29.02.2016.
The programme will be broadcasted on every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of the week from 11.45 am to 12.00 noon except on holidays and term holidays between 11.01.2016 to 17.01.2016.
Hence you are requested to instruct the MEOs and Headmasters of all high schools and upper primary schools to organize the Meena Radio class for the students of 6th, 7th & 8th classes. Broadcast schedule of the programme is enclosed for sharing with all the concerned.
Further it is informed to all KGBV Special Officers to arrange the “Meena Radio Programme and ensure regular listening of the programme and availability of Radios in the schools without fail.

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* TS Meena Prapancham Start Schools Copy Download 

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