TS RMSA 5 Days In Service Teachers Training – Telangana SCERT Instructions: Telangana RMSA In Service Teachers Training for 5 Days SCERT Instructions, RMSA In service Subject Teachers Training Schedule Download. District level in-service teacher training of RMSA 2017-18 in two spells at divisional level in non-residential mode. Training Programs to In-service TS Teachers, Training to Teachers for integrating ICT in teaching the subjects of Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, PS, Biology and Social studies.
The DEOs are requested to make all necessary arrangements ie identification of good venues with all amenities like fans, drinking water, Guest lecture, LCD projector, for smooth conduct of training.
State level observers are appointed and will stay at districts during the training.
Please ensure that 40 % women teachers must be trained.
Teachers who are going to retired in 2019 -2020 and suffering with severe health problems, teachers recruited prior to 2009 may be considered for exemption.
Please arrange bio metric machines in all venues and obtain attendance twice once at 9.30 am and once at 5.00 pm.
RJDs are requested to visit all the training and monitor the training for effective conduct of training.
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TS RMSA 5 Days In Service Teachers Training – Telangana SCERT Instructions
Telangana RMSA In Service Training Programme Schedule
Spell -1:- from 9.11.18 to 13.11.18 (5days) for Telugu, Hindi, English & HM’s.
Spell-2: from 15.11.18 to 19.11.18 for Maths, P. S, B. S, and Social studies.
Guidelines and unit cost are sent through email.
I hope that all DEOs will made all necessary measures to conduct all in smooth and befitting manner.
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Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) releases the TSPSC Hall Ticket 2018 at tspsc.gov.in. Download Hall Ticket of TSPSC recruitment 2018 to appear in the exam. All candidates who have submitted the application form on time can download the TSPSC 2018 Hall Ticket at tspsc.gov.in in the first place.