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AP School Assistants Subject wise in Service Training Programme
AP Proc. Rc No. 9/B/C&T/SCERT/RMSA-2017 Date:21-04-2017.
SCERT Andhra Pradesh . RMSA -Quality In-Service Teacher Training – District Level Training to Secondary School Teachers in the State – May- June 2017 – Training Schedule Issued
AP Teachers RMSA Training 2017 Tentative Schedule :
School Assistants of Social studies and Languages
Government LP & Aided Schools
- Spell I 01.05.2017 to 08.05.2017
- Spell II 08.05.2017 to 15.05.2017
- Spell III 15.05.2017 to 22.05.2017
Model Schools, KGBVS, Municipal & Residential Schools
- Spell I 15.05.2017 to 22.05.2017
- Spell II 25.05.2017 to 01.06.2017
- Spell III 04.06.2017 to 11.06.2017
School Assistants of Mathematics, Physical Science and Biological Science
Government ZP & Aided Schools
- Spell I 15.05.2017 to 22.05.2017
- Spell II 22.05.2017 to 29.05.2017
- Spell Ill 29.05.2017 to 05.06.2017
- Spell IV 05.06.2017 to 12.06.2017
Model Schools, KGBVS, Municipal & Residential Schools Training
- Spell I 20.05.2017 to 27.05.2017
- Spell II 28.05.2017 to 04.06.2017
- Spell Ill 05.06.2017 to 12.06.2017
Physical Education Teachers Training
Government 7.P & Aided Schools
- Spell I 17.05.2017 to 24.05.2017
- Spell II 25.05.2017 to 01.06.2017
Model Schools, KGBVS, Municipal & Residential Schools
- Spell I 17.05.2017 to 24.05.2017
- Spell II 25.05.2017 to 01.06.2017
Note : Maths and Science teachers training availability of laboratory is mandatory.
RMSA Subject Teachers Training Centers : Navodaya, Residential, Model Schools, KGBVs Schools
- Ref: 1. Lr. RC. N0.36/AO/APMS/RMSA/2014, dated 11-12-2015 of the Commissioner and Director of School Education and Ex-officio PD of RMSA, Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad.
- 2. Lr. No, 22l/RMSA-AP/2014, dated 19-11-2015 of the CSE and Ex, officio PD of RMSA, Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad.
- 3. Representation of Rashtriya Upudhyaya Panditha Parishad. Andhra Pradesh, dated 15/12/2015.
All the District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio Project Co-ordinators of RMSA Principals of DEITs in the State are informed that it has been decided to conduct District Level ln-service Training for Secondary School Teachels in English. Hindi, Telugu. Mathematics. Physical Science. Biological Science, Social Studies and Physical Education for the teachers handling 9th and 10th classes in the State in non-residential mode i.e., from 01.04.2017 to 12-06-2017.
It is decided to provide training to language Pandits Grade-ll i.e.. Telugu and Hindi who are handling 9th and 10th classes. Teachers working in Government , Zilia Parishad, Municipal. Aided. Ashrama Schools. APTWREIS. APRIES. APSWRES Managements are to be included in the training programme.
The present training programme intended to provide training to the teachers who are not trained (on New Textbooks and CCE Procedure) during May and June 2017. Care should be taken while selecting the teachers that teachers handling IXth and Xth class are to be deputed to the training programme.
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RMSA Inservice Training Schedule Download for AP Teachers RMSA Summer Training
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