TS GO 151 TS Employees GIS Revision of Groups consequent on implementation of Revised Pay Scales-2015

TS GIS Revised rates as per PRC 2015 , Telangana Government
Life Insurance enhanced slabs , TS Employees GIS , Revision of GIS rates , goir.telangana.gov.in , GIS A, B, C, D groups , GO 151 Dt. 16-10-2015 , Teachers GIS Revised rates , TS employees enhanced GIS rates 

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TS GO 151 Telangana Teachers GIS Revised rates as per PRC 2015 pay Scales and Slab table of Monthly Deduction 

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1. GO No 293  issued to
introducing Group Insurance Scheme to the Telangana State Government employees in place
of Family Benefit Scheme w.e.f.01.11.1984. In the referred Government orders,
the employees have been classified into (4) groups i.e. Group A,B, C, and D
depending upon the scale of pay drawn by them.
2. The Revised Pay Scales, 2015 have been implemented vide
reference GP 25 to the State Government Employees.
3. Lr.No.1/GIS-1/2015-2016  the Director of
Insurance, Telangana, Hyderabad has proposed to revise the groups with
reference to the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 and issue necessary orders as it has become
necessary to regroup the employees under the Telangana State Employees Group
Insurance Scheme with reference to pay drawn by them.
4. Government after careful examination of the proposal of
the Director of Insurance and the implementation of the Revised Pay Scales-2015
to the State Government Employees, hereby order that the Employees shall be
grouped into the following categories for the purpose of the Group Insurance
Scheme with reference to the Revised Pay Scales, 2015.

Telangana finance  (ADMN-I)  Department G.O.MS.No. 151 Dated: 16-10-2015

  1. Rs.18030 – 55660 Rs.35120 – 110850 A 8 Units  Rs.120/-
  2. Rs.11860 – 42590 Rs. 23100 – 84970 B 4 Units Rs.60/-
  3. Rs.8440-33200 Rs.16400 – 66330 C 2 Units Rs.30/-
  4. Rs.6700 – 23650 Rs.13000 – 47330 D 1 Unit Rs.15/-

The above revision of Groups was proposed to effective from February, 2015. The subscription as per the revised groups shall be
recoverable compulsorily each month.

6. There is however no change in the insurance cover i.e.
the amount of insurance cover shall be Rs.15,000/- for each Unit of
7. To ensure proper implementation of the Scheme, all the
Heads of Department are requested to follow the instructions given below
1. The date of assumption of the charge of a higher post and
the date of orders of the reversion to a lower post shall be taken as a criteria
for determining the change of Group.
2. In case of appointment to Automatic Advancement Scale,
the date of orders shall be taken as a criteria for change of higher group.
3. The Drawing and Disbursing Officer shall be held
responsible for recovery of correct subscription in respect of the group to
which the employee belongs and in case of failure, the difference due shall be recovered
from the Drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned.
4. Directorate of Insurance, Telangana, Hyderabad, through
his subordinate officers shall conduct a regular audit of all claims under Group
Insurance Scheme and send a report to the Head of Departments concerned for any
5. The Head of Department concerned shall take action
against the erring officials who are responsible for the excess/less recoveries
wherever they are detected.
6. If an employee’s subscription is not recovered during his
service period, the total subscription along with interest shall be recovered from
the payments admissible to him.
7. The Head of Departments shall take prompt action for
recording the necessary subscription entries in the Service Registers of the
Employee under proper attestation every year i.e. April to March.
8. Group Insurance Scheme payment sanction orders including calculation
slip should be sent to the Directorate of Insurance for verification as per
orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.910, Finance (Admn-II)
Department, dated.28.10.2002.
9. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Pay &
Accounts Officer and Director of Works and Accounts shall take necessary action
to arrange to send the details of Receipts and Payments Group – Wise in  Annexure B and ED to the Director of
Insurance, Hyderabad every month without fail.
10. In so far as the persons for whom the claims arose during
the period from June, 2014 to September, 2015, the settlement as per the old
slab rates and there shall be no recovery from such persons.
8. All the Head of Departments are requested to issue
suitable instructions to their subordinate Officers, that the revision of groups
under the Telangana State Employees Group Insurance Scheme shall be implemented
  1. G.O.Ms.No.293, Finance & Planning (FW.Accounts.II) Department, dated.08.10.1984.
  2.  G.O.Ms.No.25, Finance (HRM-IV) Department, dated:18.03.2015
  3.  Lr.No.1/GIS-1/2015-2016, Director of Insurance, Telangana, Hyderabad  dated.11.09.2015.    

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