Teachers Transfers Online Model Application Step by Step Expalian 6 Stages

Teachers Transfers Online Model Application Step by Step Expalian 6 Stages and web counseling

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  1. Online Transfer Applications are invited through online at
  2. The Application is designed
    as per the guidelines issued by the Government.
  3. The said application is user friendly and will guide to
    submit the application form
  4. Download the application form with entitlement points given
    by the Government

Check the application form before submitting them to the
Concerned HM or Mandal Educational offices for scrutiny and conformity of Application

  1. Submit the application with necessary enclosures to the
    Concerned MEO to DEO will confirmation
  2. DEO/MEO will confirm The Application form basing on the
    relevant documents enclosed by the Applicant for generating the seniority list
    . list will be generated on each category the post basing on the ment Points of
    the Seniority list

  1. Seniority list will be generated on each category of the
    post basing placed in the web as per the schedule.
  2. Application  in this
    regard will be obtained from the applicants for allowing web options

  1. Conformation given in this regard will be final and no
    further correspondence will be allowed
  2. The Vacancies of the confirmation applicants will be
    displayed in the list of vacancies to be filled in the transfer counseling.

  1. Login to http://cse.ap.gov.in and click on the link
    submission of Preferences for Transfer.
  2. Then the applicants then will login with reference ID,
    Treasury Code and One Time Password received in his /her mobile
  3. The list of districts will be displayed on the screen
  4. Select the Mandal within the District into which you wish to
    seek Transfer. The list of Vacancies in those Mandals will be displayed
  5. Follow the “On Screen” instructions and messages
    that are given during the course of selections of your preferences
  6. Before processing the submit button please check throughly
    the preferences submitted
  7. The Teachers who completed 8 Years of service at one place
    & the teacher effected by rationalization has to choose all available
    vacancies in the available list
  8. The teacher who willing to transfers has to choose his
    present working place is one of the option After submission of preferences
    download the PDF of submitted preferences and read the Declaration and

  1. Each Candidate will be allowed edit the preferences
    submitted by the them for two times
  2. Transfers will be
    made exclusively in the order of seniority and the entitlement points awarded

No complaints shall be entertained once application is

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