Sri Venkateswara University (SVU) Associate/Assistant Professor Jon Notification 2018@

Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati Recruitment 2018 Notification for 125 Assistant Professor Jobs Apply Online Application Form at, ADVERTISEMENT NO.E.II(2)/ADVT-Asst.Prof.(Phase I)2017-3, dated 03.01.2018 Online Applications are invited for the posts of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (125) in the Departments of SVU Colleges and Others. For the Registration, Submission of Online Application, eligibility criteria, Research Experience, Registration Fee and other details, please visit the Website, go through the linked with S V University website: Filled in Online Applications along with acknowledgement of Registration Fee, can be downloaded and submit the same with all necessary documents to the Registrar, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati- 517502 on or before 02.02.2018 by 5.00 P.M. Roster Points for the following 125 Teaching Posts (Assistant Professor) sanctioned by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in its G.O.Ms.No.30, Higher Education (UE) Department, dated 30.06.2017. For the Registration, Submission of Online application, instructions with eligibility criteria, roster wise vacancy position and for other details, please visit the website and go through the link with University website Last date for submission of online application is 02-02-2018.

Filled in online application along with acknowledgement of Registration fee can be downloaded and the same (hard copy) should be submitted with all necessary documents to The Registrar Venkateswara University, Tirupati- 517502 on or before 02.02.2018 by 5.00 P.M.

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Sri Venkateswara University Recruitment 2018 | SVU 125 Assistant Professor Posts @


1. On-line Screening Test

In addition to the minimum qualifications as per the UGC regulations, 2010 amended from time to time, the Candidates shall have to appear the screening test conducted through on-line. The screening test will be conducted either by the University or any other agency entrusted by the University.

2. Date & Centre of the Screening Test

The date and venue of the on-line screening test will be communicated through the registered e-mail mentioned in the application of the Candidate. Further, the date of screening test will be communicated through the University website. The Candidates are informed to browse the University website for latest updates.

3. Syllabus of the Screening Test

The syllabus of the screening test is hosted on the University website.

4. Scheme of the Screening Test

The test will consist of two papers. Paper I, common to all Candidates, will be Teaching and Research Aptitude, while Paper II will be concerned subject. Paper I and Paper II put together are for 300 marks. Paper I will contain 120 objective type questions for 120 marks (each question carries 1 mark). For Paper II, the Candidates have to answer 180 objective type questions for 180 marks (each question carries 1 mark). Duration for Paper I is 2 hours & Paper II duration is 3 hours.

5. Negative marks

There will be negative marks for each wrong answer. Each wrong answer will carry 1/3 negative mark for the question

6. Qualifying marks

The minimum qualifying marks in the on-line screening test for consideration of an eligible candidate to the oral interview in case of OC category is 40%, BC category is 35% and for SC, ST and PH categories is 30%.

7. Oral Interview

The Candidates, who qualify in the screening test, shall be called for oral interview according to the terms and conditions notified in the advertisement by the University.

8. Downloading of the hall tickets Hall tickets can be downloaded 7 days before commencement of the on-line screening test. The candidates should submit online application in the prescribed format available in the APSCHE website i.e or through the link in University website

After submitting the online application, a hard copy of the same should be submitted by post to the Registrar, Venkateswara University, Tirupati- 517502 on or before 02.02.2018 by 5.00 P.M.

SV University Application Process

Aspirants have to download the application form and submit the same with all the necessary documents to the below address.

How to Download Application Form

Visit official site
Click on to the notification link
Then application will view along with the notification
Download and fill the application with relevant details
Send to the below address along with the attested documents.

Important Dates of SVU Posts 2018 :

Date of advertisement: 3rd January 2018
Closing date to submit Application Form: 2nd February 2018 by 5.00 Pm.

SV University Address

The Registrar, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati- 517502

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