SMC Meeting District level observers for monitoring as Per RC 4037

AP SMC Meeting Conduct District level observers for monitoring the conduct of SMCs meetings RC No. 4037 The attention of the all Project Officers in the State is invited to the references read above, and they are informed that the following officers of this office are deputed as State level observers to Districts for streamline the functioning of SMC meeting, increase the participation of parents / guardians, increasing the coordination & understanding between parents & teachers, SMC meetings shall be conducted regularly.

In this regard SMC meetings shall be conducted on first Thursday of every month afters chool hours
Further, the State level observers are requested to visit the allotted Districts, supervision the conduct of meeting and upload the SMC meetings Photos submit their report to State Project Director, Conduct SMC Meetings every month on 1st Thursday instructions,District wise observers.

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SMC Meeting Conduct Monitoring Observers list 

SMC Meeting District level observers for monitoring as Per  RC 4037
SMC Meeting District level observers list

1) As per SPD SSA orders.. it is mandatory to conduct SMC meetings on first Thursday of every month.

2) MEOs have to issue orders to all HMs to conduct SMC meetings without fail..

3) Documentation is must.. Photos & minutes have to be sent to DPO SSA..

4) Mandal wise consolidation report (school wise) have to be submitted by MEO to SSA DPO..(school wise SMC members attended & discussed items along with resolutions)

5)State observers, SSA PO, DEO and sectoral officers will conduct surprise visits on that day.(1st Thursday of every month).

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