SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020 & Steps To Apply For SBI PO Jobs

SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020 & Steps To Apply For SBI PO Jobs

SBI Probationary Officers 2020 exam will be conducted by State Bank of India (SBI) to select eligible candidates to the post of Probationary Officers (PO). PO SBI is one of the most coveted jobs in Banking industry and a dream job for millions of aspirants across India. SBI PO is considered as a premium job opportunity in Banking sector.
PO SBI exam consists of 3 phases – Prelims, Mains and GD/ Interview round. SBI PO 2020 Prelims Exam will be conducted from December 31, 2020 to January 5, 2021. Before beginning with your preparation, you should get an idea about the latest updates, selection procedure, eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, previous year cut off etc. Please go through this article to get all the important information for the SBI Probationary Officers 2020 Exam.

State Bank of India PO 2020 Notification: The State Bank of India (SBI) is going to recruit 2000 Probationary Officers (PO) this year 2020-2021 for which the official notification has been released on SBI’s official website The SBI PO recruitment 2020 notification released on 13th November and online application is invited from 14th November 2020. All the aspirants who are eligible and willing to apply for this PO posts can apply online as the Application Window will remain open till 4th December 2020. The Direct link of the Online Application form for SBI Probationary Officers 2020 is mentioned below in the article along with other important information like Eligibility Criteria, Vacancy, etc.

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SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020 & Steps To Apply For SBI PO
SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2020 & Steps To Apply For SBI PO

SBI  Probationary Officers Exam Schedule 2020

SBI Probationary Officers notification 2020-21 Activity Dates
SBI PO 2020 Notification Release Date 13th November 2020
SBI PO Apply Online Start Dates 14th November 2020
SBI PO Apply Online Last Date 04th December 2020
SBI PO Prelims Exam Date 31st December 2020, 2nd, 4th & 5th January 2021
Result of Online exam – Preliminary 3rd week of January 2021
SBI PO Mains Exam Date 29th January 2021
Result of Online Examination – Main 3rd/ 4th week of February 2021
Download Call Letter for Personal Interview 3rd/ 4th week of February 2021 onwards
Conduct of Group Exercises & Interview February/ March 2021
Declaration of Final Result Last week of March 2021


SBI PO 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Any candidate applying for SBI PO must fulfill the eligibility criteria which includes fulfillment of the following:

Essential Academic Qualifications:
Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.
Basic knowledge of computer is a must.
The date of passing eligibility examination will be the date appearing on the mark sheet or provisional certificate issued by the University/Institute.

SBI PO Recruitment Age Criteria:

Minimum Age Limit: 21 Years

Maximum Age Limit: 30 Years

How to fill SBI PO Application Form 2020?

Candidates can fill the application form of SBI PO in the following steps:
Pre-requisites for applying online
Candidates need to keep the following details ready before filling the application form of SBI PO.
Bank details
Valid email ID and mobile number
Scanned photograph in the prescribed format
Scanned signature in the specified dimension
Marksheet of graduation

Step 1: SBI PO Registration 2020

To start with, candidates need to visit the official website of SBI. Thereafter, candidates need to click on the link, ‘Click Here for New Registration’ available at the top of the registration page. On clicking the link, a new page will open on which candidates need to enter name, mobile number, email ID and security code. Upon successful registration, the registration ID and password will be generated.

Click here to fill SBI Probationary Officers 2020 application form online

Click here for Official Notification 

Step 2: Uploading the images

Applicants need to upload their scanned photograph and signature in the required format. The specifications for uploading photograph and signature are given below:


The dimension should be 200 x 230 pixels (preferred).
The size of the file should be between 20kb-50 kb.
Candidates need to ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb.

Signature: The dimension should be 140 x 60 pixels (preferred).
The size of the file should be between 10kb to 20kb.
Candidates must ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 20kb.
The signature in capital letters will not be accepted.
Procedure to upload the scanned photograph and signature

Candidates will find two separate links for uploading photograph and signature.
Click on the respective ‘Upload Photograph/ Signature’ link.
Browse and select the location where the scanned photograph/signature file has been saved.
Select the file by clicking on it.
Click the ‘Open/Upload’ button.

Step 3: Filling the detailed SBI Probationary Officers application form

In the application form of SBI PO, candidates need to fill the following details:

Basic details – In this part of SBI Probationary Officers application form 2020, candidates need to enter details like the circle, state, official language, category, nationality, centre for preliminary and mains exams, etc.

Personal details – Here, candidates need to enter their date of birth, gender, father’s name, and mother’s name, address etc.

Educational Qualification – Candidates need to enter the details of graduation, postgraduation, professional qualification, and other qualifications.

Work Experience – Candidates need to enter their total work experience.

Step 4: Preview

After entering the details, candidates will be able to preview the duly filled SBI Probationary Officers application form 2020. Candidates can edit the details entered in the application form before final submission. Candidates can edit the details in the application form for three times only within the application deadline. Once the application is filled completely, candidates should submit the same. No change or editing of details will be allowed.

Step 5: SBI PO Application Fee

After ensuring that the details entered in SBI Probationary Officers 2020 application form are correct, candidates should pay the fees through the payment gateway integrated with the application form.
The fee can be paid through debit card/credit card/internet banking by providing the information as asked.
On successful completion of the fee payment, an e-receipt and application form will be generated.


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