NPS Partial Withdrawals Comprehensive Guidelines Memo No F2/3058/2018

NATIONAL PENSION SYSTEM – Partial Withdrawals – Documents to be submitted for availing – Comprehensive guidelines to all Stake-holders -Instructions Issued.All the Treasury Officers / PAOs / Nodal Officer as per Clr. Memo No. F2/3058/2018. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh Amaravati @ Ibrahimpatnam. Dated 29. October 2018

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NPS Partial Withdrawals Comprehensive Guidelines Memo No F2/3058/2018

in the State are informed that, Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and Withdrawal under the National Pension System) Regulations, 2015, read with Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (faits and Withdrawal under the National Pension System) (First Amendment) Regulations, 2017; and Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and Withdrawal under the National Pension System) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2018, laid down clear guidelines with respect to Partial Withdrawal requests.

NPS Partial Withdrawals Comprehensive Guidelines Memo No F2/3058/2018

As per the provision of Regulation No.8 of the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (Exits and Withdrawal under the National Pension System) Regulations, 2015, the following provisions have been notified in respect of the Partial Withdrawals under National Pension System-

A partial withdrawal of accumulated pension wealth of the Subscriber, oat erreedina twenty-five percent of the rontributione made bu the Subscriber and excluding contributions made by employer, if any, at any time before exit from National Pension System subject to the terms and conditions, purpose, limits and frequency specified below:-

A subscriber on the date of submission of Me withdrawal ton. shall  be permitted to withdraw not evceedino hventipfive Foment of the contribubans made by such subscriber to his individual penson account, far any of die tolbveno purposes only

For Washer education delis or her children includina a ladle odoated

for tl,e_m.._eigeszsifhis or her children includine a tem& adopted child:

Pr the purchase or construction of a residential house_oe.gyan_hiLffla pan name or M a joint name with ten or her legally wedded mouse In cam, the sub.riber already mom either endivedually or in the Mint name a residential house or elm ether than ancesmal property, to withdrawal under drat

For treatment of meshed illnesses: if the subscribe, his legally wedded “pane, children, including a legally adopted child or dependent parents sufferfron any specified illness,

which shall cornpUse of hospitalization and treatment in respect al the following diseases:-

  • Cancer
  • Kidney Failure (End Stage Renal Failure)
  • Primary Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Major Organ Transplant
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
  • Aorta Graft Surgery
  • Heart Valve Surgery
  • Stroke
  • Myocardial Infarction
  • Coma
  • Total blindness
  • Paralysis
  • Accident of serious / Life threatening nature

Any other critical illness of a life threatening nature as stipulated in the circulars, guidelines or notifications issued by the authority from time to time

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