NISHTHA DIKSHA online training to AP Teachers – Instructions, Schedule, List of SRGs
NISHTHA Teacher Training online Schedule 3 Months – NISHTHA DIKSHA Teachers Training online Schedule from 06-10-2020 to 03-1-2020 for AP Teachers : NISHTHA- DIKSHA online training to AP Teachers – Instructions, Schedule, List of SRGs. Diksha App online course training link & Dates. AP Primary School Teachers (SGT) training to School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA). National Mission to improve learning outcomes at the elementary level through an Integrated Teacher Training Program. RC No : ESE02-22/46/2020-SCERT, Dated: 02-10-2020. Sub: School Education – Samagra Shiksha – SIEMAT – NISHTHA- DIKSHA – training to the teachers through online from 06th October-2020 to 03rd January-2021 – instructions – issued – reg.
NISHTHA DIKSHA Teachers Training online Schedule from 06-10-2020 to 03-1-2020 for AP Teachers
- 1. D.O No 19-4/2019-IS-15 Dt: 05-03-2020 from the joint secretary(SS.II), MHRD,GOI, New Delhi
- 2. F.No.3-23/2020-21/CIET/DICT&TD September 07, 2020.
The Attention of the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators,Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and Principals of DIET in the state are invited to the ref cited and informed that the Department Of School Education And Literacy MHRD GOI has launched National Initiative for School Heads and Teachers Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA) on 21st August, 2019, a National Mission to improve learning outcomes at the elementary level through an Integrated Teacher Training Program. State Resource persons from state of A.P.were trained by NCERT National Resource Group from 27-07-2020 to 15-09-2020. The details of district wise SRPs who have completed the course are shown in annexure-I.

NISHTHA- DIKSHA online training to the teachers – Instructions, Schedule, List of SRGs
Further as per the instruction of NCERT the state has decided to conduct the 3 months Online training for School Heads and teachers handling from class 1st to 8th is scheduled from 06th October,2020 to 03rd January,2021 through DIKSHA platform. The details of schedule is shown in annexure-II.
Further, the state has mapped the teachers to be trained with the SRPs who were trained by National resource group of NCERT.This exercise was carried out to guide the group of teachers in the process of training. The list of district wise teachers mapped with SRGs supplied to the districts concerned.
NISHTHA Teacher Training Modules Download
The roles and responsibilities at various levels and check lists for SRPs and teachers are given in annexure -III & IV for smooth and effective conduct of NISHTHA online training programme to teachers.
In this context, the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, Additional project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha and DIET Principals in the state are instructed to disseminate the information to teachers and see that all the teachers to undergo three(3) months online NISHTHA course through DIKSHA platform.
Day wise NISHTHA DIKSHA Teachers Training Online link
S.No | Trining Date | Training Concept | YouTube Online link | Module Download |
1 | 17-10-2020 | Curriculum and Inclusive Classrooms | Click here | Click here |
2 | 22-10-2020 | Curriculum and Inclusive Classrooms | Click here | Click here |
3 | 27-10-2020 | Curriculum and Inclusive Classrooms | Click here | Click here |
NISHTHA training Proceeding Download
Download List of SRGs
Download DIKSHA training schedule
Roles and responsibilities of Training
Roles and responsibilities
District Educational Officer:
- To monitor the overall NISHTHA trainings in the district to ensure 100% participation of teachers.
- To identify 4 coordinators (2 academic and 2 technical) to monitor the program.
- One academic coordinator (AMO), one technical coordinator (MIS coordinator) from Samagra Shiksha and remaining 2 coordinators may be appointed from DIET.
- To review the day wise attendance of the teachers and monitor the participation of teachers of the Online NISHTHA trainings.
- To conduct one day virtual meeting with the allotted SRG to discuss on the road map of the NISHTHA training on or before 03-10-2020.
- To appoint sectoral officers to tag with 4 SRGs to monitor the program in the district who attended NISHTHA training.
Principal DIET:
- To act as academic nodal officer for the NISHTHA training.
- To ensure all the DIET faculty to undergo the NISHTHA trainings.
- To collect the feedback from the teachers at the end of every module.
- To follow the instructions of state office from time to time for successful conduct of NISHTHA trainings.
- To encourage the teachers to submit the portfolio at the end of each online training module.
- To analyze the portfolios of the teachers at the end of each training module.
- To record the best practices and to furnish to the state samagra shiksha office.
Additional Project Coordinator :
- To facilitate the teachers for getting NISHTHA training without any hurdles.
- To coordinate with DEOs and Principal DIETs for the successful completion of the programme.
- To ensure the sectoral officers / assistant sectorial officers who are tagged to the KRPs / SRPls should regularly monitor the progress of the trainings and should rectify any backlogs.
Key Resource Person :
- To create whattsapp groups / telegram groups with the attached 150 teachers. ( annexure-3)
- To communicate the instructions of the state office to the teachers attached.
- To guide the teachers in making of activities, portfolios and assessments.
- To furnish attendance of the teachers to allotted sectoral officer daily in the prescribed proforma.
- To guide the teachers to create credentials in DIKSHA to enable them to participate in NISHTHA online training. To develop Chapter wise documentation and to furnish the sectoral officers concern.
- Academic Coordinator
- To clarify the subjects doubts of the teachers through KRPs.
- To share the additional information on the modules if any to the KRPs and teachers.
Technical Coordinator :
- To coordinate with the state technical team to furnish the required information on the course modules to state office.
- Sharing the messages on the course frequently in the instant messenger groups, email groups.
- Providing help to teachers in submitting activities and portfolios.
- Submitting the activities which were collected from the google link.
- To share the additional information on the modules if any to the KRPs and teachers.
DIKSHA Online Course Training For AP Teachers ( Primary/ UP/ High School)