AP Lr No 447 Revision of Funding Pattern between Central and State/ UTs from 01-04-2015 for Mid Day Meal Scheme
Andhra Pradesh Lr No. 447 DM 2 1 D t :17-12-2015 The Secretary to Govt. School Education Dept A.P.,Hyderabad.
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Andra Pradesh School Education MDM— Revision of Funding Pattern between Central and State/ UTs from 01-04-2015 for Mid Day Meal Scheme-Reg. Ref: F.No: 9-5/2015 Desk (MDM), Director (MDM) GOI, MHRD, Department of School Education & Literacy.
I wish to inform that the Govt. of India in the reference stated that, the funding pattern of MDM scheme will be shared in ratio of 60:40 between centre and States; except that it w for North-Eastern states and 3 Himalayan States and funding for the UTs w.e.f. 01-04-2015 instead of 75:2
Further, I wish to state that, the GOI, Mini Department of Expenditure informed that as per th Group of Chief Ministers on Rationalization of Schemes constituted by the NITI Aayog is con ‘ decided that the funding of the Mid Day part of the National Development Agenda, the Centre and the States.
In view of the above, I submi commitment of State share for I to furnished here under.Sponsored cl it has been me, which form 60:40 between wise Additional asses for the year 2015-16.
Consequence of the enhancement of 15% of State share between the Central and State at 60:40, the Additional commitment of the State share will be nearly Rs: 6198.13 lakhs for the year 2015-16.
This is submitted for favor of information and to take further necessary action in the matter. This has the approval of Commissioner of School Education,
Smt. K.Sandhya Rani, I.Po.S., Commissioner of School,Edn A.P., Hyderabad.
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Yours faithfully
Copy to all the District Education officers in the State
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* Central and States MDM funding Pettern
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