Read the following :
1. From the Addl. Commissioner(NRM), Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Deptt. of Agriculture and Cooperation (Rainfed Farming System Division), New Delhi Letter No.19-4/2015-RFS-III, Dt. 13-7-2015.
2. From the Joint Secretary to Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture, Deptt. of Agriculture and Cooperation, New Delhi D.O. Letter No.19-5/2015-RFS-III, Dt. 30-10-2015.
3. From the Director of Agriculture, A.P. Hyderabad Letter No.NRM(1)89/2015, Dt. 28.1.2016.
O R D E R:
In the references 1st and 2nd read above, it was informed that for integrated development for water resources and with the objective of expending the access of water to each farm, a comprehensive programme namely “Pradhana Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)” has been formulated to provide end to end solution in irrigation supply chain viz., water sources, distribution network, efficient farm level application and extension services on new technologies and information. PMKSY will be implemented in area development mode adopting ‘decentralized state level planning and projectised execution’ allowing to draw up their own irrigation development plans. Basically, PMKSY has been developed as a convergence platform to ensure effective pulling of resources for creating rural assets / infrastructure related to water conservation and management like MGNREGA, RKVY, National Solar Mission and Rural Electrification programme, RIDF, MPLAD, other local body funds, State Government programmes etc. The overreaching vision of PMKSY is to ensure access to some means of protective irrigation to all agricultural farm in the country and to produce ‘more crop per drop’ thereby bringing the much awaited rural prosperity. The State Agriculture Department will be the Nodal Department of PMKSY. It was requested to constitute three(3) committees viz., State Level Sanction Committee(SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG), District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC).
2. The Director of Agriculture, A.P. Hyderabad vide reference 3rd read above has furnished the proposal for constitution of three(3) committees viz., State Level Sanction Committee(SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG), District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) and their functionalities for implementation of the scheme in the State and also requested to consider the proposal and accord approval orders by notifying the same.
3. Government after careful consideration, hereby constitute the State Level Sanction Committee (SLSC), Inter Departmental Working Group (IDWG) and District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC) and their functionalities as given below:
State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC)
- Chief Secretary : Chairman
- Agriculture Production Commissioner/ Special Chief Secretary / Principal Secretary (Agriculture) : Vice Chairman
- Spl.CS/Prl. Secy./Secretary, Finance : Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy./Secretary, Planning Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy /Secretary, Fisheries Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy/ Secretary, Animal Husbandry Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy/ Secretary, Environmental & Forests Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy/ Secretary, Panchayat Raj Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy/ Secretary, Rural Development Member
- Spl.C.S./Prl.Secy/ Secretary, Water Resources Member
- Commissioner/Director , Agriculture Member
- Commissioner/ Director, Horticulture Member
- Director , Animal Husbandry Member
- Director Fisheries Member
- Director, Department of Economics and Statistics Member
- Representative of Department of Agriculture & Cooperation,
- GOI Member
- Representative from Ministry of Water Resources, GOI Member
- Representative from Dept. of Land Resources & Ministry of
- Rural Development, GOI Member
- Representative from State Agriculture University Member
- Representative of Planning Commission Member
- Asst. Commissioner, SLNA, IWMP ,Rural Development Member
- Expert in water sector, public/private agencies working in irrigation sector, Member
- Representative from reputed NGOs working in the field of irrigation Member
- Representative from Research institutions Member
- Representative from leading farmers Member
Secretary, Agriculture of at least two representatives from the Government of India. SLSC will, inter alia, also be responsible for:
a) Approving the State Irrigation Plan(SIP) and District Irrigation Plan (DIP);
b) Sanctioning and prioritizing funding of projects under PMKSY;
c) Monitoring and reviewing implementation of PMKSY;
d) Ensuring convergence with other schemes and that no duplication of efforts or
e) Ensuring that there are no inter-district disparities with respect to the financial
f) To decide the implementing agency/dept. in the state for particular project Member : Secretary The quorum for SLSC meetings would not be complete without the presence
g) Ensuring that the programme implementation in accordance with guidelines resources takes place; patterns/subsidy assistance in the projects; depending on the nature of the project and expertise available with the agency/dept; laid down by the concerned programme component Ministry/Department
h) Initiating evaluation studies from time to time, as may be required;
i) Ensuring that all extant procedures and instructions of Govt. of India are followed so that the expenditure incurred on implementation of the projects is barest minimum with due concern for economy in expenditure and also in conformity with the cannons of financial propriety, transparency and probity;
j) To ensure that Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRI) are actively involved in implementation of PMKSY, especially in selection of beneficiaries, conducting social audit etc.
SLSC’s may approve PMKSY projects upto twice the amount of State’s annual allocation under PMKSY to cater to multi-year duration projects and prioritizing funding based on physical progress.
II. Inter Departmental Working Group(IDWG):
- Agriculture Production Commissioner Chairman
- Secretary, Agriculture, Member
- Secretary, Horticulture, Member
- Secretary, Rural Development, Member
- Secretary, Water Resources, Command Area Development,Secretary, CADA Member
- Secretary, Asst Commissioner Watershed Development, (IWMP) Secretary, Environment & Forest, Department Member
- Director Ground Water Resources Member
- Director, Rural Water Supply, Member
- Director, Town Planning, Member
- Director , industrial policy, Member
- Director Science & Technology Member
- Director of Economics and Statistics Member
In departments, where separate Secretaries are not there, Directors will act as Members of IDWG. Director(Agriculture)/ Engineer in Chief (water resources/Irrigation) will work as co-convenors of IDWG.
The IDWG will be responsible for day to day coordination and management of the Scheme activities within the State. IDWG will be the coordinating agency among all the ministries/ departments/ agencies/ research/ financial institutions engaged in creation/ use/ recycling/ conservation of water to bring them together under a single platform to take a comprehensive and holistic view of the entire water cycle so as to ensure that each drop of water is put to the best possible use. It will scrutinize /prioritize the project proposals/DPRs in conformity with the guidelines and that they emanate from SIP/DIPs, besides being consistent with technical standards & financial norms. IDWG will further examine and ensure that:
a) Funds available under other schemes of the State Government and /or Member Member
Govt. of India for the proposed projects have been accessed and utilized/planned for utilization before they are brought under the PMKSY ambit;
b) PMKSY projects/activities should not create any duplication or
c) PMKSY funds are not being proposed as additional or ‘top-up’ subsidy overlapping of assistance /area coverage vis-à-vis other schemes/programmes of State/Central Government; to other ongoing schemes/programmes of State/Central Government excepting for topping up of material cost beyond the approved limit of the respective schemes like programmes (material component is restricted of the 40% of the exact cost under MGNREGS);
d) DPRs have included provision for monitoring and evaluation;
e) Convergence with other State/Central Schemes has been attempted.
III. District Level Implementation Committee (DLIC):
- Collector/District Magistrate Chairman
- CEO Zilla Parishad Member
- Joint Director of Agriculture Member
- Deputy Director/ Asst. Director of Horticulture Member
- Deputy Director of Agriculture Member,
- Project Director DRDA Member
- Project Director, DWMA Member
- Project Director, APMIP Member
- Project Director DRDA, Rural Development Member
- Deputy Director of Surface and Ground Water Member
- Deputy Director/ EE Irrigation Member
- District Forest Officer Member
- Chief Planning Officer Member
- Lead Bank Officer of the District. Member
- Project Director, ATMA Member Secretary
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One NGO representative will be nominated by the Collector/District Magistrate
The DLIC will oversee the implementation and inter-departmental coordination at district level and will have following role:
a) To act as the field level coordinator between the various implementation agencies/line departments in the District and to ensure that the agreed District Irrigation Plan/ Annual Irrigation Plan is successfully implemented.
b) To prepare the District Irrigation Plan (DIP), showing the contribution of various funding streams and programmes towards specific outputs and outcomes and seek approval of the SLSC for the same.
c) To prepare Annual Irrigation Plans (AIPs) arising out of the DIPs and to forward them to the SLSC for approval.
d) To monitor the progress of various components of the AIPs, to remove implementation hurdles and make periodic reports to SLSC.
e) To undertake public awareness and publicity efforts for engaging farmers, PRIs, media and other local stakeholders to build support for the implementation of the DIPs.
4. The Project Director, Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) will make use of the existing infrastructure and staff under ATMA in districts and blocks for discharging duties under PMKSY.
5. The Director of Agriculture, A.P. Hyderabad is requested to take further necessary action in the matter.
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