Language improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools 2023 – 100 Days Program Complete Information

Language improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools 2023 - 100 Days Program Complete Information

Language improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools 2023 – 100 Days Program Complete Information & Guidelines download in Telugu. School Education-Quality Education- Implementation of an innovative programme called LANGUAGE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME (LIP) (100 Days programme) in all Government management schools except private unaided schools in Zone-II – Guidelines -Issued. Monitoring and supervision, Aim of the LIP (100 Days Programme), Implementation Plan, and Language improvement programme UP (100 Days Programme) will start from 10.11.2021 and continue up to 31.03.2022. Assessment every month test conducted on the first week and 16th.

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Language improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools – 100 Days Program Complete Information

ప్రభుత్వ పాఠశాలల్లోని విద్యార్ధులలో పద సంపదను పెంపొందించడం ద్వారా భాషా నైపుణ్యాలను సమగ్రంగా అలవర్చేందుకు విద్యాశాఖ అధికారులు ‘లిప్‌’ (లాంగ్వేజ్‌ ఇంప్రూవ్‌మెంటు ప్రోగ్రామ్‌)ను రూపొందించారు. ప్రస్తుతం గోదావరి, కృష్ణా జిల్లాల్లో ఈ కార్యక్రమం అమలు కానుంది. ఈ జిల్లాల్లో కార్యక్రమం పురోగతి, ఫలితాలు, ఇతర అంశాలను సమీక్షించిన అనంతరం ఇతర జిల్లాల్లో అమలు చేయించనున్నారు. కోవిడ్‌ కారణంగా పాఠశాలలు చాలా రోజులుగా మూతపడి ఉండడంతో బోధనాభ్యసన ప్రక్రియలు నిలిచిపోయి విద్యార్ధుల సామర్థ్యాలపై ప్రతికూల ప్రభావం పడింది.

ప్రాధమిక, ప్రాధమికోన్నత పాఠశాలల్లోని విద్యార్ధులు గతంలో నేర్చుకున్న అంశాలు కూడా దెబ్బతిన్నాయి. ముఖ్యంగా భాషా సామర్థ్యాలు లోపిస్తున్నాయి. విద్యార్దులలో భాషా సామర్ధ్యాలను పెంచేందుకు ప్రభుత్వం జగనన్న విద్యాకానుక కింద విద్యార్ధులకు అవసరమైన పాఠ్యపుస్తకాలు, వర్కుబుక్కులు, నోట్‌బుక్కులతో పాటు ఈ విద్యాసంవత్సరంలో ఆంగ్లం, తెలుగు డిక్షనరీలను కూడా అందిస్తున్న సంగతి తెలిసిందే. ప్రస్తుతం వీటి ద్వారా ప్రభుత్వం ఆశించిన లక్ష్యాలు చేరుకోవడానికి వీలుగా లిప్‌ కార్యక్రమం రూపొందించారు.

Introduction and Brief about the Language improvement Program (LIP):

All the District Educational Officers in Zone-II are informed that we are all aware that nowaday’s most of the students are not getting or getting trouble understanding most of the concepts even in their mother tongue due to a lack of knowledge and grip in languages. For a long time, we have been making children learn the three languages formula to establish them anywhere and the language should not be a barrier to their growth Language Improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools – 100 Days Program Complete Information.

Further, we are aware that schools were not functioning due to the global pandemic of CoVID-19. As a result, the learning standards, reading, and writing abilities of students abnormally decreased in all languages during the pandemic period irrespective of management.

In view of the above, it is decided to implement an innovative program called Language Improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools 2023 – (lOO Days programme) in all Government management schools except private un-aided schools in the Zone-II so as to support the ideology of three language formula as well as to fill up the learning gaps occurred during the pandemic in the last two years.

Really every human being use his lips to pronounce a word properly, in the same way, this programme LIP also makes the children have good pronunciation and utility in all three languages so that the learning outcome is that the students must have sufficient language in their daily life.

Aim of the LIP (100 days Programme) Language Improvement Program (LIP)

The ultimate aim of the LIP 100 days programme is that every student for classes I to II must learn 2 new words per day and for classes III to X must learn 5 new words per day. However students of classes I and II should learn 400 new words in languages Telugu and English and students of classes III to V should learn 1000 new words in languages (Telugu and English) and classes VI to X should learn 1500 new words in three languages (Telugu, English, and Hindi) at the end of programme. It means every student will be able to learn, read, write, understand, and pronounciate 400/1000/1500 words in their respective languages.

Objectives of the Language Improvement Program (LIP):

  • 1. To learn correct pronunciation.
  • 2. To write without spelling mistakes.
  • 3. To improve vocabulary since schooling.
  • 4. To develop self-confidence while using vocabulary.
  • 5. To get national integrity by learning three languages.
  • 6. To develop communicative skills since elementary school.
  • 7. To make the children express their views at liberty.
  • 8. To improve good handwriting skills.
  • 9. To provide an opportunity to learn 2/5 new words in two/three languages at a day with their bilingual meanings in each language of Telugu, English, and Hindi and it gets to a deeper understanding of each vocabulary.
  • 10. To Mould children as global citizens with 21st-century skills.

Implementation Plan for Language Improvement Program (LIP)

1. Every day all language teachers select 5 new words in common from the dictionary supplied under Jagananna Vidhya  Kaanuka (JVK) i.e., Oxford Dictionary / illustrated dictionary developed by SCERT,A.P
2. They must know its meaning in three languages and introduce with good pronunciation.
3. The teachers, when they are in class before starting the lesson, they have to explain the 5 words every day in five minutes.
4. As all the teachers in three languages teach the same words on the same day it will give or it will go deep into the minds of students.
5. Here students need to practice every day. Students should write the correct five words in three languages during the respective periods of teaching.
6. The teacher should ask the students every day to write what they learned the previous day in 100 pages notebook.
7. The teachers should write the correct words every day on which they taught the previous day on the blackboard so that the students can correct their vocabulary on their own. Hence it is no burden on teachers.
8. If any lagging is identified the same words can be repeated in the three languages again and let it make the children have sound knowledge of the three languages with correct pronunciation and should be able to write without mistakes.
9. The language teachers can use a set of common words for classes I and II same for classes III to V are the same, and for classes VI to VIII are the same, and IX and X classes are the same, so as to reduce the word pressure on teachers.
10. AII students should maintain 100 pages notebook for the purpose of UP programme to write and learn the correct words in three languages. The Same book can be used for all languages.
11. Class-wise / language-wise words to be taught will be supplied to all schools in the zone prepared by language experts very soon.

Language Improvement Program (LIP) in AP Schools – 100 Days Program Complete Information

Classes Languages to be improved.
Classes I to V Classes VI to X
English and Telugu. Telugu, English and Hindi.

Program duration:

The Language improvement programme UP (100 Days Programme) will start from 10.11.2021 and continue up to 31.03.2022 in all Government management schools except private e un aided schools in Zone-II.


1. It is suggested to conduct simp Ie assessment test every fortnight on the words they have introduced/taught during the fortnight.  The assessment test shall be conducted for 15 words for 15 marks in 10 minutes.

2. The Headmaster of the concerned school maintains a separate UP assessment register and records the performance of every student during the 100 days programme for all fortnight tests.

3. The Headmaster should conduct the first-fortnight test on the 1st of every month and the 2nd-fortnight test on the 16th 0 f every month. However, the headmaster is at liberty to conduct fortnight tests one day before or after to the given· dates.

Student Assessment Grading (SAG) for Language Improvement Program (LIP)

Marks Range Grade
13 to 15 A Grade
10 to 12 B Grade
13 to 15 A Grade
10 to 12 B Grade
7 to 9 C Grade
4 to 6 D Grade
Below 4 E Grade

Monitoring and supervision:

1. The District Educational Officers/ Deputy  Educational Officers/ Mandai Educational Officers in Zone – II shall monitor the implementation of LIP (100 Days) programme in their jurisdiction.

2. The District Educational Officers Deputy Educational Officers/ Mandal Educational Officers in Zone -II shall conduct random tests during the programme during their surprise visits.

3. The District Educational Officers Deputy Educational Officers/ Mandal Educational Officers in Zone – II shall review the performance of students every month at their level.

4. The Headmaster of the concerned school should display the school grade in a prominent place on the notice board every fortnight.


The headmasters of concerned schools shall furnish the monthly consolidated reports to the District Educational Officer concerned for onward submission to the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kakinada before 5 of every month without fail.

Awards and Rewards:

1. The best-performance students in all schools will be honored with a certificate of appreciation at the end of the 100-day programme by the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kakinada.

2. The Students will be appreciated with gifts during the school day functions / National festivals / State festivals.

3. The Schools shall be graded with five-star rating for every month.

School Assessment Rating (SAR):

85 to 100 percent A grades Five star rating.
60 to 84 percent A grades Four star rating.
50 to 59 percent A grades Three Star rating.
35 to 49 percent A grades Two star rating.
Up to 35 percent A grades One star.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in Zone-II are hereby requested to implement the LIP 100 days programme in all Government managed schools except private unaided schools and monitor their jurisdiction scrupulously. Further they are requested to arrange an orientation for all the Headmasters/Teachers on the implementation of LIP 100 days programme and review the programme at least once a month and inform them the orientation schedules to the undersigned. They are further requested to furnish the monthly reports to the undersigned without fail.

Language Improvement Program (LIP) Complete Information Download

December 16th to 31 Day wise Words Download

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